My submission is a strange, ugly, temeprare terra moon. It's seas are made of blood or something and there are only a few landmasses. Since I don't know how to provide coords, I'll give the name instead: RS 0-9-35561326-2888-4-7-1038920-0 4.1
The Sea of Blood is clearly visible.
It's atmohsphere is an ugly, thick, hazy white.
Amateur astronomer. Owner of a Celestron C8 telescope and, of course, Space Engine. Translator for Dutch.
Edited by Frostbreath - Saturday, 06.04.2013, 09:09
This dark and forbidding terra orbits a pair of brown dwarfs in the heart of a dark nebula. The rings that surround the planet serve only to block light, making its surface even bleaker.
From its surface, the twin brown dwarfs loom large over the horizon, and spin around each other in a matter of hours. Their dim light does little to brighten the sky, and their dark forms are barely distinguishable from the night beyond.
RS 0-6-69455-197-1517-9-130005234-512 B1
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
On the bright side, any life that evolves on that planet wouldn't have much use for eyesight, so they wouldn't have to see that their planet is terrible.
This dark and forbidding terra orbits a pair of brown dwarfs in the heart of a dark nebula. The rings that surround the planet serve only to block light, making its surface even bleaker.
Okay, I guess I'll start us off. Good discoveries, everyone.
1: midtskogen Honestly it was the humorous presentation that sold me on this one. Also this is the only green planet in the thread, and earns my rubber stamp of GROSSOSSITY.
2: Tallest Skil This is an interesting one. I actually really like the variety and distribution of landmass on this world, and the richness of the surface. But jeez, those colors! Genuinely ugly planet, would not vacation there!
3: HarbingerDawn This is a vote not for the quality of ugliness, but scariness. Everything about this location is dark and ominous!
edit: Ack, I'm sorry, I forgot that we're only voting for one person in this challenge. It was a really tough decision, but I've made my selection and crossed out the others.
Edited by Watsisname - Thursday, 11.04.2013, 03:34