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Demostrator I
AlphaDate: Friday, 09.12.2011, 11:03 | Message # 1
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline

First, thanks to everybody for your attention and time.

Second, i will expose my work on space simulation with the purpose of share with spaceengineer and everybody methods that maybe could be useful for a future developement. I'm not a professional programmer, not even near to a real programmer, i ignore how to program a vertex or pixel shader, but this does not prevent me to develope some interesting pictures of planets and space bodies in real time.

With a single method i could generate planets, moons, asteroids, comets, stars... all is the same object. I could generate any kind of atmosphere, from dense athmospheres to thin fog layers in moons. Collisions are solved for any complex body in real time, no matter how complex it is. Does not care how many mountains or craters a planet have, or how complex it is, you will have all collision in real time. another interesting property is that i could change forms in real time generating morphing objects, i want to use it to generate explosions, terrain changes in planets when a collision takes place, etc.

Graphics are far more primitive than space engine. I want all graphics to be real forms without textures, i hate textures. Some times it poses serious problems, specially for clouds. But some times results are as fine as any texture (just take a look on mars,moon or saturn).

This first version is just an experimental one, so it have serious defficiencies that could be solved. I began to work in a new version, 100% optimized that i hope will produce better graphics in real time without delays on conventional computers, this means a smooth approach from outer space to detailed mountains independently of viewers speed. This implies a far more efficient mesh, light and athmospheric calculations. Moreover i'm programming adjustable graphics level, infinite space with nanometric precision and other diifcult points that SHOULD be solved.

Minor problems like different kinds of collisions (elastic, unelastic), explosions, shots and other aspects that i already know how to solve are not a priority. Another point is the intorduction of gravity laws, but using newton this is an easy task.

Sadly, i have NO TIME to develope it, days only have 24 hours , so i don't know if i will be able even to make my second version to work.

Here is the game, it only needs 300 kb.

It needs Direct X 9



"+" increase speed
"-" decrease speed

"5" Full Stop

"*" increase ressolution
"/" decrease ressolution

F1 move to Saturn (enceladus)
F2 Move to jupiter
F3 move to a comet
F4 Move to pluto (charon) (if you turn off all lights)
F5 MercuryF6 Neptune (Triton) (Turn off all lights...)
F7 Venus
F8 Moon
F9 Mars
F10 Uranus
F11 Neptune

Unistall previous versions

Attachments: Installer.rar (282.5 Kb)

Edited by Alpha - Saturday, 31.12.2011, 19:16
AlphaDate: Friday, 09.12.2011, 11:10 | Message # 2
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Now some pics of the game:
Attachments: 9783996.jpg (28.7 Kb) · 6086854.jpg (26.7 Kb)
AlphaDate: Friday, 09.12.2011, 11:13 | Message # 3
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Two more shots
Attachments: 9026448.jpg (26.2 Kb) · 8037967.jpg (21.3 Kb)
SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 09.12.2011, 17:37 | Message # 4
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Can we download and run your engine?

AlphaDate: Friday, 09.12.2011, 19:15 | Message # 5
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Look my last post. I just post it here, it only needs 300 kb.

Edited by Alpha - Saturday, 10.12.2011, 14:33
AlphaDate: Friday, 09.12.2011, 21:57 | Message # 6
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Something important i missed to coment, in void of space i can simulate up to 200 ships.
AlphaDate: Saturday, 10.12.2011, 14:26 | Message # 7
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Ok, visual studio allow me to produce an installer, it needs only 300 kb biggrin

I post it above

It needs Direct X 9

You will began near mars, turn your ship down just pressing "8" in the numerical pad and there is Mars.

pressing "6" in the numerical pad you will see some big ships

to turn use numerical pad pressing 8(down) 2 (up), and 4, 6.

5 is full stop

+ increase speed by 5 km/sec

- decrease speed by 5 km/sec

near planets do not exceed 35 km/sec (35000 m/sec in game) it nee to rectalutate mesh and it decrease frame rate

BE PATIENT, DO NOT INCREASE YOUR SPEED if it is not necessary or you will crash your ship, and it will not stop turning

If game begans to slow down press 5 this is FULL STOP.

I hope it will not crash.

If it does not work just put a comment here. I'm working in a 64 bit computer, i dont know if installer will work in 32 bit systems.

Edited by Alpha - Monday, 12.12.2011, 14:28
SpaceEngineerDate: Saturday, 10.12.2011, 21:14 | Message # 8
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
It works. FPS are very unstable, it drops to zero when planetary textures are generated, like in SE smile

How do I find other planets and fly to them?


AlphaDate: Saturday, 10.12.2011, 21:45 | Message # 9
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Wow, it works!!!!

"FPS are very unstable" <- Yes, it depends on the speed because system only regenerates meshes when a big change in angular position or distance is detected, it mens that if you go slowly (5000-10000 m/s) near surface it will work fine.

Well, go another planet.... This is a complex task:

In spite of the fact that the entire solar system is in the game you can only travel to Jupìter, autopilot only search this planet, (not really jupiter but Io).

First press "P" (it is case sensitive, not "p" but "P")

wait for the autopilot to stop turning

Look left side, there is an X speed label, really it is giving the distance to Jupiter system...

Ok now press H, many times, everytime you press H your speed will increase 10 or 100 times light speed

look at X speed to control the distance, when you are near enough pres "5" for Full stop, if you still don't see jupiter pres H again...

When you arrive jupiter press "5" and press "P" (DISABLE auto pilot) and then just move in the system.

To produce a dramatic increase o descrease in speed use "/" and "*"
Yes, i know it s very complicated but this is just a test program.

Edited by Alpha - Monday, 12.12.2011, 12:12
AlphaDate: Monday, 12.12.2011, 12:23 | Message # 10
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline

I find a solution for this problem. I will publish it today or tomorrow. Solution is very easy.

Now movement is smoother, not so many unstability in fps.

If you want i could tell you the solution, is very simple but effective (at least in my simulator), maybe it could be useful for you.
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 13.12.2011, 01:24 | Message # 11
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Alpha)
If you want i could tell you the solution, is very simple but effective (at least in my simulator), maybe it could be useful for you.

I listen smile

AlphaDate: Tuesday, 13.12.2011, 01:35 | Message # 12
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
I just lower the ressolution of mesh while moving depending on the speed. If you move faster, then mesh is lowerd many levels.

To make it easy i just add speed to distance calculation, definition depends on distance, adding speed to distance lowers ressolution while moving at high speeds

Don't kill me, i know it's not a big solution. but it works

I will post a new version, pressing f1, f2, f3... you will move around solar system instantly.
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 13.12.2011, 04:30 | Message # 13
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Alpha)
I just lower the ressolution of mesh while moving depending on the speed. If you move faster, then mesh is lowerd many levels.

I use the same approach for procedural stars. I tried it for planets, but it looked ugly. Maybe I'll bring it back for low configuration settings.


AlphaDate: Tuesday, 13.12.2011, 09:40 | Message # 14
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
Well, maybe with a complete developement this system could work, the major problem i see is that when you are outside atmosphere you still need your planet in full detail and you have to regenerate meshes very often, moreover you have time to see the planet in detail so tricks are easily detected. You have to choose between detail or speed.

Moreover if you produce an irregular mesh it is immeditely detected by human eye, so you need an uiniform mesh... i think this is a very complex problem, but it should have a simple solution.

just my opinion
AlphaDate: Wednesday, 14.12.2011, 00:07 | Message # 15
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 31
Status: Offline
I think there is another way to accelerate mesh regeneration. What if you make a predefined mesh, and use it to store all redundant calculations, then everytime you regenerate the mesh you can fill it it without recalculate redundant values, moreover i think it could accelerate light, terrain an other calculations.
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