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Benchmark request!
SalvoDate: Thursday, 09.10.2014, 19:53 | Message # 1
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
Status: Offline
I am working on a tiny videogame to start making my little "company" known, it's called Aria and it's a graphic adventure, it talks about humans, and how we're destroying the nature happy

I'd like the game for being very light, and for this, I need you to test it! How? Open the game, press "esc" and toggle on the "FPS" and "FPS graph" options on "Options/Stats" panel.

Then... post here your approximate benchmark, that will be set like this:

GPU: "Your graphic card"
CPU: "Your CPU"
FPS: "Average FPS"
Stable: Yes/No/Occasionally

If you find any glitch/bug, just write it on the post!

Where to download? Here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/xm751u8r9mt8z3t/Aria.zip?dl=0

CONTROLS: w-a-s-d (moving), shift (accelerating), e (attacking)

  • I'm not trying to promote my game, it will be absolutely free.
  • If your antivirus tells you that is a virus, don't worry. It's a file that no-one ever opened, and for this reason antiviruses tends to alert you smile

    Thanks for participating!

    The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

    CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

    (still don't know why everyone is doing this...)

    Edited by Salvo - Thursday, 09.10.2014, 19:56
    Billy_MayesDate: Thursday, 09.10.2014, 20:02 | Message # 2
    Group: Users
    Messages: 485
    Status: Offline
    Just downloaded, posting the results soon!

    EDIT: Wow, it's 11 GB. Not enough space. sad

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core - AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM - 4GB RAM - 1680x1050 75 Hz Samsung screen

    Edited by Billy_Mayes - Thursday, 09.10.2014, 20:09
    RockoRocksDate: Thursday, 09.10.2014, 20:14 | Message # 3
    World Builder
    Group: Users
    Messages: 674
    Status: Offline
    Salvo, care to post some screenshots of your game :)?

    I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

    AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM
    SalvoDate: Friday, 10.10.2014, 08:29 | Message # 4
    Star Engineer
    Group: Local Moderators
    Messages: 1400
    Status: Offline
    Quote Billy_Mayes ()
    Wow, it's 11 GB

    What? biggrin It's only 54 MBs actually...

    Quote RockoRocks ()
    Salvo, care to post some screenshots of your game :)?


    Attachments: 2916966.jpg (136.6 Kb) · 4182557.jpg (47.2 Kb) · 4141797.jpg (66.0 Kb) · 5574060.jpg (77.4 Kb) · 8819077.jpg (31.3 Kb)

    The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

    CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

    (still don't know why everyone is doing this...)
    Billy_MayesDate: Friday, 10.10.2014, 12:52 | Message # 5
    Group: Users
    Messages: 485
    Status: Offline
    Quote Salvo ()
    What? It's only 54 MBs actually...

    Oh, sorry. Not sure why I thought that. biggrin

    Okay, just tried it. I have some criticism.

    First off, the accelerating is very unresponsive, sometimes it goes normally, sometimes it doesn't do anything, sometimes I have to tap it.

    And I'm confused to how the attack works, and what my objective is. The narration starts to get annoying after playing a while, since it starts again every time you die.
    Also, every time you die the FPS and FPS graph resets too.

    The enemies are also confusing, I'm not sure how to attack them. The game is pretty easy, so long as you don't move. The attacks have very short range and are easy to avoid.

    No crashes so far, but sometimes it freezes for a few seconds. Also no major glitches.

    GPU: AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM
    CPU: AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core
    FPS: 60
    Stable: Occasionally

    This seems pretty fun for a WIP. How long did you take to make this?

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core - AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM - 4GB RAM - 1680x1050 75 Hz Samsung screen
    SalvoDate: Friday, 10.10.2014, 13:11 | Message # 6
    Star Engineer
    Group: Local Moderators
    Messages: 1400
    Status: Offline
    Quote Billy_Mayes ()
    This seems pretty fun for a WIP. How long did you take to make this?

    One week happy
    Quote Billy_Mayes ()
    accelerating is very unresponsive

    It's actually to prevent you from keep accelerating, I will probably put a "stamina" bar to make it clear
    Quote Billy_Mayes ()
    I'm confused to how the attack works

    The player should use attack when he really needs to (if you have an enemy very near to you or something like that), otherwise it will just stop your motion and make you more vulnerable to attacks
    Quote Billy_Mayes ()
    and what my objective is

    You don't actually have a true objective, the only thing you can do is collecting diamonds, but (like Super Mario or games like that) they are not fundamental for progressing. You have to survive from attacks and keep exploring, observing the world changing around you and listening the story (it's a graphic adventure after all!)
    Quote Billy_Mayes ()
    The narration starts to get annoying after playing a while, since it starts again every time you die.

    Totally agree, gotta find a way to fix that...

    The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

    CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

    (still don't know why everyone is doing this...)

    Edited by Salvo - Friday, 10.10.2014, 13:15
    Billy_MayesDate: Friday, 10.10.2014, 13:29 | Message # 7
    Group: Users
    Messages: 485
    Status: Offline
    Quote Salvo ()
    Totally agree, gotta find a way to fix that...

    You could maybe make it a skippable cutscene at the beginning of the game.

    AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core - AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM - 4GB RAM - 1680x1050 75 Hz Samsung screen
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