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Unusual weather
spacerDate: Monday, 23.05.2016, 12:04 | Message # 91
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1258
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Salvo, yep saw the storms in videos. you got lot of rain and hail.
may seems to be balanced some way. around average temp but the average got from anomalies of +10c and now -6c
so its not average temp but it get to average when you have - and +

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
spacerDate: Thursday, 18.08.2016, 05:03 | Message # 92
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all year there was like 3c above average months
but august is 0.5c below average.
this is crazy

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
midtskogenDate: Sunday, 28.08.2016, 15:25 | Message # 93
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322 raindeers killed by a lightning strike two days ago. Wow.

spacerDate: Sunday, 28.08.2016, 16:46 | Message # 94
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midtskogen, huge strom in finland too yesterday. my friend said 200k ppl was without electricity

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
n0b0dyDate: Friday, 09.09.2016, 06:16 | Message # 95
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Has anybody heard of this: The anomalous change in the QBO in 2015–2016. Should we be concerned? I am a bit fie ..
WatsisnameDate: Friday, 09.09.2016, 08:32 | Message # 96
Galaxy Architect
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United States
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I'm not sure of any reason to be concerned. It is not understood yet what the implications of this are, or what is causing it. QBO does play an important role in sudden stratospheric warmings (no relation to global warming), which has a massive effect in the dynamics of the stratosphere, and some effects that filter down to surface weather. But, among many things that affect surface weather, I wouldn't say it's among the most important.

I would find any connection to climate change surprising since effects of climate change are usually slow and the anomaly observed here is fast.

WatsisnameDate: Wednesday, 05.10.2016, 22:40 | Message # 97
Galaxy Architect
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spacerDate: Wednesday, 05.10.2016, 22:55 | Message # 98
Star Engineer
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Watsisname, are all of that are future estimated paths? surprised

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
HornblowerDate: Wednesday, 05.10.2016, 22:58 | Message # 99
World Builder
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Now that's what I call entropy!
WatsisnameDate: Wednesday, 05.10.2016, 23:02 | Message # 100
Galaxy Architect
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United States
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Yes. Each is a GFS model run with slight perturbations to the initial conditions. So they agree it will graze the east coast of Florida, probably as a category 4, then go out to sea, then recurve back south. What it does beyond that is uncertain and potentially interesting. It could go practically anywhere, even across Florida again and into the Gulf. Crazy trajectory.

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Thursday, 06.10.2016, 02:46 | Message # 101
Galaxy Architect
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The year I move out of Florida a hurricane finally hits and it is hitting right where I lived

Nature must really love me

Seen from L1

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
BananaDate: Friday, 07.10.2016, 22:08 | Message # 102
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Talk about a farewell party.

In other news, I recently found a website that displays present, past, and predicted future weather patterns, from wind speed to air pressure.


Edited by Banana - Sunday, 09.10.2016, 19:50
spacerDate: Wednesday, 12.10.2016, 22:04 | Message # 103
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1258
Status: Offline
septemeber of 2015 here was +3c anomaly from average.
september of 2016 here was -1c anomaly from average.
and meanwhile october 2016 is +2c anomaly from average.
its like a waves so far. one month is colder, one is hotter.
but it seems that the high temperature anomaly winning in the race.
this october the temperature always been around 28c, its like hell, i cant remember october like that

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer

Edited by spacer - Wednesday, 12.10.2016, 22:05
WatsisnameDate: Thursday, 13.10.2016, 03:54 | Message # 104
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
Status: Offline
Apparently now it is my turn to possibly experience a severe cyclone...

Quote Special Statement
Issued: 9:46 AM PDT Oct. 12, 2016 – National Weather Service

Friday will be rainy and windy... but it will serve as a relative
lull before a more potentially damaging storm on Saturday.

We still have much to learn about the Saturday storm. What we know
is that an incredibly deep low pressure center... with its origins
traced back to Typhoon Songda in the western Pacific... will move
into the northeast Pacific and peak in strength on Saturday.

What remains to be seen is exactly what track the low center will
take. This will make a huge difference in how badly this storm
impacts western Washington. There is a 1 in 3 chance of the low
center directly crossing some part of western Washington. This
would be a worst case scenario leading to a historical windstorm
for nearly all of western Washington that would be long

The models on this vary a little bit in terms of strength and track, but all agree there will be an impressive low bombing out somewhere off the Oregon/Washington coast. Here's some model output:


midtskogenDate: Thursday, 13.10.2016, 04:51 | Message # 105
Star Engineer
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Messages: 1674
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Here's some nice footage (from Normandie, I believe, though) to get you in the right mood:

Meanwhile, over here the average pressure so far in October has been 1032 hPa, and somebody's got to get the low pressure, I guess. smile
