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Dreams you've had
WatsisnameDate: Sunday, 21.09.2014, 22:33 | Message # 76
Galaxy Architect
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Quote Joey_Penguin ()
And we've all had those dreams where we show up in our underwear, right?
This time it was a uranium refinery plant. There were no lids.

At least you protected the important stuff. Hope you had lead-lined underwear though. Do they sell those?

spacerDate: Thursday, 22.01.2015, 16:06 | Message # 77
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I dreamed this night that bacteria life was discovered few inches underground on mars
The strange part of it is that my uncle read the news and said: the date 29 of march is the historical date when humans discovered alien life. I can't remember if this was 29 march but sometime in march. Do you belive dreams can see the future? smile

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer

Edited by spacer - Thursday, 22.01.2015, 16:06
TemperateTerraIsBestDate: Saturday, 14.02.2015, 18:07 | Message # 78
Space Tourist
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When I was 2 I was sleepwalking downstairs while dreaming about 2 guys standing in front of my bed watching me (Still sure it was not a dream) when I arrived downstairs I woke up.

Sample Text
Destructor1701Date: Thursday, 19.02.2015, 12:03 | Message # 79
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Last night, I dreamt that my mother and I won a competition, and the prize was a flight on a refit NASA Space Shuttle.

It was seemingly now an SSTO HOTOL, and the payload bay had been sealed as a pressurised compartment. This is where we spent most of our time. Upon waking, the alterations immediately put me in mind of a particularly bad (but aesthetically pretty) recent episode of Doctor Who - the offensively stupid "kill the moon ".

We made orbit, and spent some time in zero g. There were a handful of other competition winners with us in the bay. It was delightful, but the dream was reluctant to focus on that.

We commenced reentry, and watched the increasingly bright, salmon-coloured plasma washing over the ship through the monitors on the forward wall of the bay, showing various camera-images mounted around the exterior hull. There was also a feed from the cockpit.

Through the windows near the roof, used in the pre-refit shuttle to observe the bay, we could see the plasma through the ceiling windows inside the cockpit, as well as the occasional lightning flash of some sparking ablation of the heat shield or thermal blanket. The crew and misson control chatter could be heard over the speakers.

Suddenly, the voices became urgent. Time seemed to slow.

Weirdly, I had been out of my seat, standing on the floor of the bay in the gathering g, so when the shuttle jolted under me, and the room yawed about 10 degrees to starboard, I twisted around left to keep my feet, just in time to see a section of the sealed bay doors at the back of the long cavern tear away with an initial crunk of an impact, (possibly a section of wing) and then eat away in fluttering sections, revealing the tailplane through a shower of incandescent sparks, itself aglow with plasma searing its port side.

This image seemed to suspend in time, as the tail shimmered with wandering fronts of combustion in the layers of TPS materials, like a smouldering book.

Then a section broke away, time resumed its flow with a deep roar and a succession of nearly unconnected images of destruction, and I died into the waking world.

Edited by Destructor1701 - Thursday, 19.02.2015, 12:05
DodecahedronDate: Thursday, 19.02.2015, 16:55 | Message # 80
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I once had a dream like this:
I was in a floating city, i could levitate so I showed it to some people. We hung out and one of them left. We were walking and suddenly a car tried to ram into us. Soon we walked through two large doors and faced the leader of the city. He was defeated, but before that, I was teleported to some ruins at a beach. There were many animatronics in the ruins, lifeless with glossy eyes around tables and doing work. I walked towards a table and one of the animatronics drank poison and fell out of its seat. I was forced to sit down and take my place. An arbitrary amount of time passed before the ruins were cleaned by the queen (the person who i was with). She threw my lifeless body at the ground and started crying.
I woke up.
This dream happened when i was 8. So pardon the lack of detail.

" What compromises in precision should scientists make in the name of tradition, sentiment, and good public relations?"
steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 12:29 | Message # 81
World Builder
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Sorry for bumping this but I was above Earth in my dream and there was some Early 2000's Era peace music playing. It slowly appeared infront of my eyes as I drifted back to sleep. I was running down a bushy hill into a lake and then I flew away, I kept flying until I knew I was self aware. I tried to imagine Pluto and then I woke up.

Attachments: 8700419.jpg (151.3 Kb)

Edited by steeljaw354 - Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 12:34
SalvoDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 13:49 | Message # 82
Star Engineer
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steeljaw354, nice dream.

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)
steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 14:12 | Message # 83
World Builder
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I also had a dream about laying in bed, when my bed was on the other side of the room about 2 years ago, all my windows were open and there was pure sunlight coming through all of my windows. I also tend to have dreams about alternate realties.
WatsisnameDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 20:46 | Message # 84
Galaxy Architect
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United States
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Quote steeljaw354 ()
I tried to imagine Pluto and then I woke up

Try a technique called 'dreamspin'. The moment you recognize the dream is beginning to fade, literally spin your body around (your dream body of course; your real body is motionless in bed). Go all out with it, too. It's important to feel as vividly as you can the sensation of spinning and the visual of everything rotating about you. This sensory experience helps anchor you in the dream.

It's also very effective at transporting you into a new scene. People often end up with a false awakening, finding themselves in their bed but it's still a dream. But if, as you spin, you focus your intention on being in a particular place when you stop, it can work. It's a very powerful technique. Feels really weird, too. Reminds me of the teleportation spell in Harry Potter. biggrin

steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 20.09.2016, 09:42 | Message # 85
World Builder
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I had a dream that Earth's core failed and we had to leave Earth. I remember giving a speach in my school lunch room about going to Teegarden's star B. Me and my crush were the only ones that went. It was the 3rd planet and last planet. It had tall weeds 40 feet high and lower gravity. There was a whole house built.

But there was a moon around a gas giant named Vram 4 that had hostile Alien life. And I saw the moon in my dream, creamish clouds, brown land and light blue oceans. All swirling together, beautifully. The plants had pointy leaves and were tall and thin, like trees, there was no animal life at all. There was space engine music playing also.

Edited by steeljaw354 - Tuesday, 20.09.2016, 09:47
BananaDate: Saturday, 24.09.2016, 00:25 | Message # 86
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A few months ago I dreamed that I was stranded on a planet with a breathable atmosphere and mysteriously Earth-like attributes. A decade or so after my initial arrival I somehow managed to teleport back to Earth. The world seemed to be exactly like I had left it-except my house had been emptied and reduced to half its size. I thought teleportation would have some odd effects, but I certainly did not expect it to make my house tiny.

I also had a dream that took place in the late 2060's. I had somehow been transformed into a cyborg who likes to stargaze with a small, old-fashioned telescope. Apparently by then telepathy was a reality, and the first mental message to be sent was a nonsensical series of beeps and letters.

Player1Date: Sunday, 02.10.2016, 23:29 | Message # 87
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I rarely have dreams and I remember enought parts of it to be relevant. But there are a kind of dreams that intrigue me and sometimes scares me, because sometimes I can see or predict the future through them.

For example, I remember that I dreamt about a summer school and I saw my classmates around a table playing and laughing, but I had that dream when I was 7 years old. Then I grew up and reached high school and my mom suggested me to take a summer school in "x" school, so i did it because I was bored and I didn't had anything better to do. So, I went to the summer school and all that stuff, and when the summer was about to finish the teachers left us to do what we wanted in the classroom. Then the scene that I dreamt about was happening, and the people I dreamt that will be here, were indeed with me. When I realized about that was one of the most awesome experience I ever had.

And happened again, but this time I dreamt about a beauriful girl: tiny, short stature, with glasses (Oh god, I'm traumatized with girls with glasses, I inmediatly fall in love lol), beautiful eyes and beautiful hair too. I didn't care about that when I woke up, I know that I sometimes have weird dreams. And later, I signed up to another summer school (that was necessary to improve my knowledge and pass the exam to the university, that I finally did); and the first day,as soon as I entered to the classroom I saw her, and I didn't know what to do in that moment, I simply fell in love with her; so I sat down behind her and tried to not doing something silly (I know myself XD). We became very good friends, and now, a few months later, she is the best girlfriend I've ever had, she's perfect in every sense and makes me very happy.

Once I dreamed about the end of the world, and a meteorite that destroyed my house and killed me before I could wake up and avoid that creepy scene. Hope that never happens...

There are more examples but this is about to become boring so here's where I draw the line...

"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt"
-Joseph Cooper, "Interstellar"
spacerDate: Sunday, 02.10.2016, 23:39 | Message # 88
Star Engineer
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Quote Player1 ()
Once I dreamed about the end of the world

seriously now, its very cool stories to hear, and its not the first time i hear of something like that.
some will say its just coincidence but maybe there is something we do not understand.
if going trought time is possible, maybe our dreams and brain are capable of doing it too...

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer
JackDoleDate: Monday, 03.10.2016, 07:42 | Message # 89
Star Engineer
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I think dreams are nothing but this:

Garbage collection (computer science)

The memory is cleansed and data fragments are sorted. Dreams are only the echo of the attempt of our subconsciousness to bring a meaning into these data fragments.

Don't forget to look here.

BananaDate: Monday, 03.10.2016, 20:14 | Message # 90
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United States
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Our subconscious seems to do an awfully good job at arranging these data fragments into a comprehensible dream. Yes, dreams can be wildly out of the ordinary, but they are still coherent to some degree. After all, we are able to describe most dreams easily with everyday language, and they often have some resemblance to everyday occurrences.
