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Make a wish... and have it horribly corrupted!
ElliottB1Date: Tuesday, 13.05.2014, 23:48 | Message # 106
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 14
Status: Offline
Granted, but the dream will slowly start turning into a nightmare with every night.
I wish for 1000000$

Edited by ElliottB1 - Tuesday, 13.05.2014, 23:49
UnnamedDate: Wednesday, 14.05.2014, 03:44 | Message # 107
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 116
Status: Offline
Granted, but it's on fire.
I wish for a better laptop

Intel® Core™ i5-3210M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50 GHz 750 GB hard drive 4 GB RAM intel ®HD Graphics 4000 1GB video; oh and i use a lot of commas
ElliottB1Date: Friday, 16.05.2014, 16:37 | Message # 108
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 14
Status: Offline
Granted, but someone takes it and uses it for experiments, horribly destroying it in the process.
I wish I could enter any game

Edited by ElliottB1 - Friday, 16.05.2014, 16:39
DisasterpieceDate: Saturday, 17.05.2014, 03:39 | Message # 109
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 640
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Quote ElliottB1 ()
I wish I could enter any game

You get stuck in outlast and are controlled by an inept player who kills you repeatedly and then finally rage quits, leaving stranded forever.

I wish for a wish.

I play teh spase engien
SalvoDate: Saturday, 17.05.2014, 15:23 | Message # 110
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
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Quote Disasterpiece ()
I wish for a wish.

You get the wish, you go back in the prehistory and you accidentally kill your ancestors. You disappear from the universe, together with every person of this world.

I wish this game can have a winner.

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)

Edited by Salvo - Saturday, 17.05.2014, 15:25
DisasterpieceDate: Saturday, 17.05.2014, 19:20 | Message # 111
World Builder
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United States
Messages: 640
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Quote Salvo ()
I wish this game can have a winner.

Granted, you end up winning, but the reward is 35 years of jail time.

I wish the sun was green.

I play teh spase engien
BlackArkDate: Saturday, 17.05.2014, 22:02 | Message # 112
Space Pilot
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United States
Messages: 137
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I wish for a gold house :P
2000gmod2Date: Sunday, 25.05.2014, 21:20 | Message # 113
Space Tourist
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Messages: 21
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Granted, But the house is structuraly unstable, it falls on you and kills you.

I wish we discover warp speed soon. (First contact with the vulcans!)
Master_RamboDate: Monday, 26.05.2014, 01:58 | Message # 114
Space Tourist
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 23
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For the both wishes above; The sun becomes a green dwarf and all life is extinguished because of lack of photosynthesis;
for 2000gmod2; Wish granted but you warp to a scorched desert orbiting barely above the surface of a dying red giant (about to go supernova) with surface temps of over 3000K, with no clothes or suit at all smile
...And no way to return.

I wish Space Engine version 1.0 came out today biggrin

Edited by Master_Rambo - Monday, 26.05.2014, 01:59
SalvoDate: Monday, 26.05.2014, 13:51 | Message # 115
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1400
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Quote Master_Rambo ()
I wish Space Engine version 1.0 came out today

It happens, but it's not free anymore and it costs 79$.

I wish I could have Unity Pro cry

The universe is not required to be in perfect harmony with human ambition.

CPU: Intel Core i7 4770 GPU: ASUS Radeon R9 270 RAM: 8 GBs

(still don't know why everyone is doing this...)

Edited by Salvo - Monday, 26.05.2014, 13:52
ElliottB1Date: Thursday, 05.06.2014, 21:16 | Message # 116
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 14
Status: Offline
You get it, but you need an evaluation key.
I wish for a drink so healthy, even the slightest sip would make me feel better. It should also be tasty.
Billy_MayesDate: Thursday, 05.06.2014, 21:44 | Message # 117
Group: Users
Messages: 485
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Quote ElliottB1 ()
I wish for a drink so healthy, even the slightest sip would make me feel better. It should also be tasty.

You only have a single drop of the drink.

I wish that this genie couldn't grant wishes anymore.

AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core - AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM - 4GB RAM - 1680x1050 75 Hz Samsung screen
WatsisnameDate: Friday, 06.06.2014, 02:00 | Message # 118
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
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Granted. The genie, whose name is Kevin, finally retires to a leisurely life on Gliese 667Cc.

A new and even less reliable genie appears to take his place:

Genie, I wish for an all-expense paid round trip to Gliese 667Cc to hang out with Kevin.

werdnaforeverDate: Friday, 06.06.2014, 03:21 | Message # 119
World Builder
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Messages: 897
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Quote Watsisname ()
Genie, I wish for an all-expense paid round trip to Gliese 667Cc to hang out with Kevin.

Technology isn't advanced enough to create a spaceship that can carry a human to another solar system within one human lifetime

I wish that this wish (i.e. the one that this sentence is comprised of) will not be horribly corrupted.
Billy_MayesDate: Friday, 06.06.2014, 08:19 | Message # 120
Group: Users
Messages: 485
Status: Offline
Granted. You have wasted your one and only wish.

I wish I had infinite incorruptible wishes.

AMD Phenom II X4 955 3.2 GHz Quad-Core - AMD Radeon HD 6950 2GB VRAM - 4GB RAM - 1680x1050 75 Hz Samsung screen