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Planet 9 Thread
steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 13:45 | Message # 1
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It seems everyone has been talking about Planet 9 recently, I decided to make a thread dedicated to the discussion of the object and the objects that it appears to be influencing. Most recently 2 new objects have been found orbiting along with the other objects.

They also discovered two 125-mile-wide (200 km) objects, known as 2014 SR349 and 2013 FT28, that "cluster" in one of the key orbital parameters (known as argument of perihelion), furthering strengthening the case for Planet Nine's existence. (The objects' names reflect the years that they were first spotted in the survey; their discovery is being announced in the new study.)

Source: http://www.space.com/33890-planet-nine-existence-evidence-grows.html

Edited by steeljaw354 - Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 13:46
WatsisnameDate: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 17:10 | Message # 2
Galaxy Architect
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United States
Messages: 2613
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Neat. I hope we find this thing. smile

spacerDate: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 17:17 | Message # 3
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i expecting that Michael E. Brown allready searching.
he discovered sedna, eris and much more kuiper belts objects
his team is the most promising right now

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer

Edited by spacer - Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 17:19
steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 17:36 | Message # 4
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Once we find it, it's worth sending a probe to it, by doing a solar maneuver which brings the probe closer to the sun and propels it towards the planet. The objects were discovered like 2 years ago. Whos to say the images of Planet 9 haven't been identified or found in the data yet?

Edited by steeljaw354 - Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 17:38
spacerDate: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 17:58 | Message # 5
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steeljaw354, if you will find it in a way that pluto been discovered it will takes lot of time.
imagine 100000000 images of the sky and all you need to detect is small movment of object in the image.
that extreme hard. thankfully we have computers today to help us.

probe to the 9 planet? not in near future if true. the distance is 700AU distance average...
its like 20 times the distance from here to pluto...
i would like to explore uranus and neptune first...
also planet 9 is so distance, he will be probably barly visible and you wont get pretty images as you think.
only maybe radar images or some other stuff from the probe

"we began as wanderers, and we are wanderers still"
-carl sagan

-space engine photographer

Edited by spacer - Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 18:10
steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 18:22 | Message # 6
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I think the probes to Uranus and Neptune should be sent on one rocket. Then 2 different probes would part ways and go to Uranus and Neptune. Planet 9 will be one of the most amazing discoveries of our solar system, if not the most amazing one, to know that there is a planet out there that takes so long to orbit and is so different is mesmerizing.

If it does exist it probably has many moons, since it's far, it must have a large hill sphere for objects to orbit in.
simonecinque1992Date: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 19:50 | Message # 7
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steeljaw354, Some astronomers theorize that Planet 9 was an exoplanet taken from another star surprised

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Edited by simonecinque1992 - Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 19:51
WatsisnameDate: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 19:57 | Message # 8
Galaxy Architect
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United States
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We cannot obtain close images of Planet 9 from a probe in our lifetimes by using conventional propulsion methods or even gravitational assists. It is too far. We would have to use something like ion drive or other system which allows constant acceleration and deceleration over each leg of the trip.

Flyby of the Sun would not work as a gravitational assist. Gravitational assists do nothing if it's the same object you're orbiting around. A flyby of the Sun could help if you use the Oberth effect, making a large burn at closest approach when you're moving the fastest. This is more fuel economical. However, getting to the Sun is harder than escaping the solar system to begin with! This seems counter-intuitive since the Sun is closer and very massive. Surely it would be easy to get there. But it's not. The Earth orbits at ~30km/s. To get to the Sun, a probe would have to lose almost all of that velocity. This is much greater change in velocity than needed to escape the solar system directly.

steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 20:00 | Message # 9
World Builder
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Solar sail? Like it sails on it's way to the planet, when the sunlight gets to low, it decouples from the sail and then waits for an encounter. Will that work instead of just a probe? Will it be a shorter travel?

Edited by steeljaw354 - Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 20:05
WatsisnameDate: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 20:10 | Message # 10
Galaxy Architect
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United States
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I don't think a solar sail could get enough velocity to make the trip in a lifetime. And if it could, the encounter would be so fast that you'd be really limited in what kind of data and images you could capture.

If we go to all the effort of exploring planet 9 (and I'm sure we will), we should really use a method that lets us get there fast and stick around for a while. smile And I think the second part is implied with the first, because getting there fast requires a huge delta-v budget, which implies non-conventional propulsion.

steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 20:12 | Message # 11
World Builder
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Maybe something like an Orion pulse drive that is designed to slow itself down and get into a nice orbit and inspect moons (possibly rings) of the planet, like it has all sorts of sensors and can deploy smaller probes to check out moons of the planet. It may take long but if we outfit it with probes, sensors and stuff like that it's probably worth it. Maybe even an atmosphere probe that has a balloon of some sort so it can check out what the atmosphere is like?

Edited by steeljaw354 - Tuesday, 30.08.2016, 20:39
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 31.08.2016, 10:32 | Message # 12
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I have here posted a script with some asteroids that are mentioned in connection with Planet Nine, and which are not yet in SpaceEngine.

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 14:46 | Message # 13
World Builder
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Messages: 862
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If Planet 9 Exists (Theres more proof for it than against it) it might spell disaster for other planets in our solar system. There is also a new object discovered


Edited by steeljaw354 - Friday, 02.09.2016, 15:37
WatsisnameDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 17:27 | Message # 14
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
United States
Messages: 2613
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Quote steeljaw354 ()
If Planet 9 Exists (Theres more proof for it than against it) it might spell disaster for other planets in our solar system.

Err... in several billion years when the Sun is dying and generally ruining the solar system anyway. What a dumb attention-grabbing headline.

steeljaw354Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 17:28 | Message # 15
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Well when the sun expands we are dead anyways (Unless we are extinct, moved on, altered earth, or something else) It might mess with Uranus and Neptune
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