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2017 solar eclipse
midtskogenDate: Sunday, 21.08.2016, 19:07 | Message # 1
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In exactly one year a total solar eclipse will pass over much of the US. Let's devote a thread to the event.

Has anyone made plans yet?

AlekDate: Sunday, 21.08.2016, 19:24 | Message # 2
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A couple years back I told my dad about it and he made plans n where we're gonna go for it but I doubt he still has all that considering, like I said, it was a couple years ago...

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WatsisnameDate: Sunday, 21.08.2016, 21:19 | Message # 3
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Sig is relevant. smile I plan to make a road trip and observe in Oregon -- good weather prospects and interesting scenery.

The 2017 solar eclipse should be a great one for eclipse viewers. Very long stretch over land, crossing over or near a lot of large cities. Good road systems exist all along the track, and there are a lot of areas with low probability of cloud, especially in the west. Millions of people should witness the event.


DoctorOfSpaceDate: Sunday, 21.08.2016, 21:22 | Message # 4
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Planning a family trip to Tennessee next year, should be good.

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SpaceEngineerDate: Sunday, 21.08.2016, 21:41 | Message # 5
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I also planning to visit USA next year. I hope I'll have enough money for that.

HornblowerDate: Sunday, 21.08.2016, 21:47 | Message # 6
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I will probably skip the first week of school to visit my family in Lincoln, NE it will be a perfect place
midtskogenDate: Monday, 22.08.2016, 06:17 | Message # 7
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I'm not sure. The kids should see this, but they start school on the 21th, so it would mean skipping at 2 or 3 days. I guess it would have to be in the west on the right side of the mountains (most places look very dry when I fly over going to SF), and near good roads near the eclipse path, so it's possible to chase good weather.

It will be hard to match the 2015 eclipse (which was my second), though smile

simonecinque1992Date: Monday, 22.08.2016, 09:23 | Message # 8
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WatsisnameDate: Thursday, 24.11.2016, 09:20 | Message # 9
Galaxy Architect
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I've finalized my plans and have a vacation house booked in Hood River, Oregon. That's about 2 hours drive from Madras where, assuming good weather that day, I plan to view the eclipse (otherwise, highway 26 should provide good mobility). Madras has arguably the best weather prospects along the eclipse track, and is expected to see thousands of eclipse viewers in the area. Literally every hotel I can find within the region of totality in central Oregon is already booked, and rooms in major cities near the eclipse track are now going for rates of between $300 and $1200 a night. Crazy!

If anyone else plans to be in that area, it'd be awesome to try to meet up. It's a beautiful area with lots to explore. smile

spacerDate: Thursday, 24.11.2016, 10:00 | Message # 10
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sound so fun.
i still didnt see any solar eclipse in my life.
almost no eclipse here. and i think there wont be full one in the next decades.
so my only chance is to travel to other countries to see one when i will be adult and be able to travel

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MosfetDate: Thursday, 24.11.2016, 13:14 | Message # 11
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I've been in Hungary for the 1999 eclipse, at the Balaton Lake, since after a bit of research it was a good place in terms of weather (statistically speaking) and in totality duration (2m 23s).
2m 40s is great, you have all the time to look around, it's worth it!

In 1999, it rained during the night. In the morning the sky was cloudy, but it cleared just in time. cool

If it wasn't for a small tent I stuffed in the car, four people would have seated all night long in a comfortable Peugeot 206.
Hotels were booked a year or two in advance, at least they told me so.

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Edited by Mosfet - Thursday, 24.11.2016, 18:09
midtskogenDate: Thursday, 24.11.2016, 14:25 | Message # 12
Star Engineer
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Accommodation might be a problem. I would bring wife and three kids, and hotels, if at all available, aren't always well suited anyway. Are there rental cabins available in this part of the US? I'm used to cheap rental cabins at camping/RV sites available everywhere in Scandinavia, but how is that situation in Oregon? One possibility is to rent an RV, but I bet the availability is not good.

EDIT: A quick search for vacation houses gives options in the $2-3000 range for a week. Manageable I guess, but they seem to be pretty big, shiny houses, which is a bit overkill.


Edited by midtskogen - Thursday, 24.11.2016, 14:39
WatsisnameDate: Thursday, 24.11.2016, 23:47 | Message # 13
Galaxy Architect
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Accommodation is very tough. In my case I have 3 nights in a rental house north of the totality path, and also just reserved a tent-camping spot in "Solar City" on the center line. I imagine there are lots of rental RVs available in the surrounding states, but sites to take them to are probably already gone. A vacation home plus rental car would probably be the way to go.

I expect that traffic on the morning of the eclipse will be insane, especially with people coming over from I-5, so it might be wise to plan to get to the totality path at least the night before.

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 25.11.2016, 00:24 | Message # 14
Galaxy Architect
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Watsisname, what area are you gonna be at? Maybe we'll see each other and not even know it smile

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WatsisnameDate: Friday, 25.11.2016, 02:12 | Message # 15
Galaxy Architect
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Hopefully somewhere in here:

If you'll be there too let's get in touch when the event gets closer! smile

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