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Mars thread
kairunotabiDate: Friday, 26.04.2013, 06:20 | Message # 121
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Crashman1390 is correct about the colors, Curiosity uses Earth Rust palette.

HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 26.04.2013, 14:04 | Message # 122
Cosmic Curator
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Quote (kairunotabi)
Curiosity uses Earth Rust palette.

What does that mean?

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Crashman1390Date: Friday, 26.04.2013, 21:49 | Message # 123
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Attachments: 0565697.gif (109.1 Kb)

[b]I was wrong, this forum still has a horrible community.[/b]

Edited by Crashman1390 - Friday, 26.04.2013, 21:49
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 26.04.2013, 22:02 | Message # 124
Cosmic Curator
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Quote (Crashman1390)

1) That's not Curiosity.
2) Go read about how the MER images are made into approximate true color images before stating that they're false color.

Also, Curiosity's sundial/calibration target, which is clearly the correct color.

And Spirit's (the one you mentioned above)

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Edited by HarbingerDawn - Friday, 26.04.2013, 22:11
Crashman1390Date: Friday, 26.04.2013, 22:27 | Message # 125
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Anyways... I don't want to get into an argument that I cannot actually win.

So... Uh... Mars is Great! Don't ya' think! wink

[b]I was wrong, this forum still has a horrible community.[/b]

Edited by Crashman1390 - Friday, 26.04.2013, 22:28
WatsisnameDate: Friday, 26.04.2013, 23:25 | Message # 126
Galaxy Architect
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Quote (Crashman1390)
Anyways... I don't want to get into an argument that I cannot actually win.

Why think of it as an argument? There's nothing wrong about being wrong -- everyone makes mistakes or believes things that are not actually true; even scientists. smile By reasoning things out with others, we can learn.

kairunotabiDate: Saturday, 27.04.2013, 00:39 | Message # 127
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Quote (Watsisname)
By reasoning things out with others, we can learn...
that we're always wrong

WatsisnameDate: Saturday, 27.04.2013, 00:51 | Message # 128
Galaxy Architect
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Well, no, if we're always wrong then we'd have no science, no rovers on Mars, and the successful transmission of this post is a complete accident. But I'm guessing you're just being facetious. tongue

Edited by Watsisname - Saturday, 27.04.2013, 00:54
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 12.05.2013, 08:33 | Message # 129
Cosmic Curator
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I think that Solaris may have posted something like this in gif form a while ago, but here's an animation of Martian dust clouds moving. The animation covers about two minutes of real time.

Here's Phobos' shadow moving over a dust storm near the Viking 1 landing site

Higher speed version

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HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 26.05.2013, 10:28 | Message # 130
Cosmic Curator
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The Tharsis Montes poking above the early-morning clouds.

Frost on the ground

A dusty, rocky, alien desert

The first engineering works on another major planet

On approach to Mars

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WatsisnameDate: Monday, 17.06.2013, 17:52 | Message # 131
Galaxy Architect
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Linear channels on Mars, believed to be carved out by chunks of CO2 ice sliding downhill during the spring-time thaw.

HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 28.06.2013, 22:49 | Message # 132
Cosmic Curator
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Orbiting Mars

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HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 30.06.2013, 16:32 | Message # 133
Cosmic Curator
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There had been some discussion earlier about Mars photograph colors, both in this thread and others. Here's a nifty little image which does some comparisons of Curiosity images, showing raw, natural-color calibrated, and white-balanced versions of the same image:

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Blu3smanDate: Sunday, 30.06.2013, 17:23 | Message # 134
Space Tourist
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I wonder how it would look like for human eye? I think something closer to "white balanced", due to eye adaptation to monotone red palette.
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 30.06.2013, 19:32 | Message # 135
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote (Blu3sman)
I wonder how it would look like for human eye?

Probably close to the center image. When you are outside for a long time, the sky does not get less blue. Your sense of color does not change too much. It will adjust by some amount, but not enough to make a large change in the appearance of the landscape.

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