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When is the next release?
j0KeRDate: Wednesday, 04.05.2011, 18:03 | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 178
Status: Offline
Do we have any news about next release of SE, or what will it probably include ?

"Novus Ordo Seclorum"

Intel Core(E6850) 2 Duo 3.00 GHz \ Geforce GTX560 1024MB \ 4GB 667(MHz) 2 Channel RAM \ Windows 7 (32bit) \ Samsung SA700D 120hz (3D)
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 05.05.2011, 17:08 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
I am currently working on triple and multiple stars systems, improving of solar system generator code and changing the planets browser, and working on localization to Russian. Next I will do research on the cause of crashes and how to fix them. Then next - procedural galaxies.

Next release should be in June, because currently I'm on official travel and can't use much traffic here to upload an archive stuff.


NeonDate: Wednesday, 25.05.2011, 15:30 | Message # 3
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
When you release a new version, could you please let us know, if the Universe has been regengerted,
because it'd be nice to know, since systems that might have been interesting would've changed
and I'd be interested to see how they've changed.
SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 27.05.2011, 19:34 | Message # 4
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Yes, I made many changes in the generation algorithms, so all places you find now will change later.


BlackArkDate: Monday, 24.10.2011, 11:42 | Message # 5
Space Pilot
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 137
Status: Offline
SE you can give us a countdown on when 0.95 is coming out? like a bar on the top of the webstie exp:- 01w :06d :21hr
SpaceEngineerDate: Monday, 24.10.2011, 12:02 | Message # 6
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
1 week maybe... I am not a prophet. I can't predict my work within one hour accuracy smile


EldridgeDate: Wednesday, 26.10.2011, 06:06 | Message # 7
Group: Newbies
Messages: 9
Status: Offline
woa .95 is gonna be out soon? cool!
naximarDate: Wednesday, 30.11.2011, 20:35 | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 11
Status: Offline
Release 0.95 is very good. I hope that 0.96 will be released soon with many "new things". Space Engineer, is there a way that we can help you developing new versions of SE, so you don't have to do everything on your own?
SpaceEngineerDate: Wednesday, 30.11.2011, 22:29 | Message # 9
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
No, you can't. When I implement spaceships, cities, vegetation etc, you can help me make models. For now, you can make some models for galaxies or planets from various sci-fi films or books (I prepare a galaxy tutorial). But you should modify your addons every time a new beta version gets released, because each time I have to improve the engine and add new parameters to scripts etc.


naximarDate: Wednesday, 30.11.2011, 22:39 | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 11
Status: Offline
Quote (naximar)
No, you can't. When I implement spaceships, cities, vegetation etc, you can help me make models. For now, you can make some models for galaxies or planets from various sci-fi films or books (I prepare a galaxy tutorial). But you should modify your addons every time a new beta version gets released, because each time I have to improve the engine and add new parameters to scripts etc.

Ok, thanks for reply.
ScottieDDate: Tuesday, 01.05.2012, 18:55 | Message # 11
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 4
Status: Offline
Space Engine is pretty cool. I would just like to fly ships around in the universe. biggrin
werdnaforeverDate: Saturday, 26.05.2012, 21:58 | Message # 12
World Builder
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SpaceEngineer does not have set release dates. Besides, 0.96 isn't even out yet! I know how you feel though...

If it's ships you want, then while you're waiting you can always check out Orbiter. It's a free, awesome Space Flight sim. It's very realistic, and there are tons of addons. S.E. will have ships in due time. smile

EDIT: Not trying to advertise Orbiter or anything.......

Edited by werdnaforever - Saturday, 26.05.2012, 22:06
TalismanDate: Sunday, 27.05.2012, 00:35 | Message # 13
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 409
Status: Offline
Quote (ScottieD)
I would just like to fly ships around in the universe.

Ships will be added before 1.0, so it might be soon. cool

Like werdna said SpaceEngineer doesn't have any set dates, but I imagine it might be a year or two at the least.

Hasforjs97Date: Sunday, 27.05.2012, 22:16 | Message # 14
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 107
Status: Offline
I think it will be a playable multiplayer game approximately in like 2 years, but by the moment SE is yet an awesome simulator (too awesome for my computer...)

My desktop:
Pentium G3260 @ 3.30GHz
8.0 GB DDR3
AMD Radeon HD 5570 1GB
Donatelo200Date: Monday, 28.05.2012, 03:56 | Message # 15
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 261
Status: Offline
Spaceway is also a procedural universe generator with space ships already implemented. The planets aren't as pretty but it does have some basic weather and the ability to exit you vessel.

CPU: Intel Core i7-4790K
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1080
SSD: Samsung 850 Evo 250GB
HDD: Toshiba DT01ACA200 2TB
HDD: WD Blue 1TB (2012)
RAM: Unknown 16G-D3-1600-MR 2x8GB
MBD: MSI Z97S SLI Krait Edition (MS-7922)