I have a problem but I do not know where it comes from, yet I made handling and conclusion, it gives me that water planets, it does not display my continents. I put it joins the base file of my planet, if you have ideas or that you did it work e, called me how you did. Thank you !
The code in Cubemap :
# The file with default settings for CubeMap, Optimizer # Version 1.05
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: the input file and output folder InputFile C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\Sanctworld.png OutFolder C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\Out\cubemap\Sanctworld # Parameters for CubeMap: input file InputWidth 512 # width of the input image InputHeight 256 # height of the input image InputChannels 4 # number of channels (Grayscale - 1, RGB - 3, RGBA - 4, etc.) Input16bit false # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel InputByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian InputUnsigned true # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values InputLatOffset 0 # shift in longitude, degrees
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: output files OutFormat png # output format (raw, tga, png, jpg, tif, dds) SeparateRGBA false # for RGBA: output RGB and Alpha channels as separate tiles SeparateHiLo false # for 16-bit: output high byte and low byte as separate tiles TileWidth 128 # resolution of tile (width and height) TileBorder 1 # add the pixels from the neighboring tiles around the perimeter of each tile Out16bit false # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel (only raw and png) OutByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian OutUnsigned false # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values OutInvertAlpha true # invert alpha channel for RGBA-image OutJPEGquality 85 # JPEG quality DoublePrecision 1 # use double resolution of the input file for calculation
# Parameters for CubeMap: normalization of the elevation map Normalize true # for the 1-channel: normalize the output image (elevation map) EnterNormData true # enter information for normalization or calculate it from the input file NormMinValue -10577 # data for the normalization: the minimum value (height) NormMaxValue 8430 # data for the normalization: the maximum value (height)
# Parameters for CubeMap: a basic cylindrical texture BaseTexDownSize 4 # how many times to reduce the original texture BaseTexFormat tga # basic texture format
# Parameters for CubeMap: cache MaxMem 512 # cache size in megabytes MethodSide Line # mode of caching data for the side cubemap faces (NEG_X, POS_X, NEG_Z, POS_Z): Line, Quad MethodPolar Line # mode of caching data for the polar cubemap faces (NEG_Y, POS_Y): Line, Quad
# Parameters to Optimizer MinVar 20.0 # minimum variation of pixel's colors in the tile Remove false # true - completely remove blank tiles, false - move to the temporary folder
# Parameters for CubeMap: choice faces to create Create_NEG_X 1 Create_POS_X 1 Create_NEG_Y 0 Create_POS_Y 0 Create_NEG_Z 1 Create_POS_Z 1
# Parameters for CubeMap: stages CreateBaseTex 1 # create a basic texture DoConvert 1 # convert the selected faces (i.e. compute the faces of cubemap, stored in the temporary raw files) DoDownSize 1 # compute the LODs of selected faces DoUpdateEdges 1 # for AddExtraData = true: update of the pixels at the edges of the faces of these adjacent faces (the temporary raw files of all the faces must be calculated!) DoTile 1 # split temporary raw-files of selected faces into the tiles of format OutFormat DeleteTempRAW 1 # remove temporary raw-files
Uh I still have a little problem, texture ok but put my continent underwater, how do you define the altitude?
Planet Sanctworld but my continent is under water (water and atmosphere disabled) :
Sanctworld bump :
Test of Earth, negative, everything is under water, yet it is the test of cubemap file (Eart-surf and Earth-bump):
Earth bump (from Cubemap) :
I'm almost there but you can go in and go into the water and he assumed it was under water, how do we fix it?
Code in Cubemap :
# The file with default settings for CubeMap, Optimizer and Glue
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: the input file and output folder InputFile C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\In\Sanctworld_bump.raw OutFolder C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\Out\Sanctworld\Bump
# Parameters for Glue: input tile image TilePrefix 2 # char string, a prefix before the filename of tile (level number) StartU 0 # initial index U StartV 0 # initial index V SwapUV true # swap U and V indices
# Parameters for CubeMap: input file InputWidth 1010 # width of the input image (for Glue - width of the output image) InputHeight 719 # height of the input image (for Glue - height of the output image) InputChannels 3 # number of channels (Grayscale - 1, RGB - 3, RGBA - 4, etc.) Input16bit false # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel InputByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian InputUnsigned true # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values InputLatOffset 0 # shift in longitude, degrees
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: output files OutFormat jpg # output format (raw, tga, png, jpg, tif, dds) TileWidth 128 # resolution of tile (width and height) Out16bit 16 # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel (only raw and png) OutByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian OutUnsigned false # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values OutInvertAlpha true # invert alpha channel for RGBA-image OutJPEGquality 85 # JPEG quality AddExtraData false # add the pixels from the neighboring tiles around the perimeter of each tile DoublePrecision false # use double resolution of the input file for calculation
# Parameters for CubeMap: normalization of the elevation map Normalize true # for the 1-channel: normalize the output image (elevation map) EnterNormData false # enter information for normalization or calculate it from the input file NormMinValue -5577 # data for the normalization: the minimum value (height) NormMaxValue 10730 # data for the normalization: the maximum value (height)
# Parameters for CubeMap: a basic cylindrical texture CreateBaseTex true # create a basic texture BaseTexDownSize 4 # how many times to reduce the original texture BaseTexFormat jpg # basic texture format
# Parameters for CubeMap: cache MaxMem 512 # cache size in megabytes MethodSide Line # mode of caching data for the side cubemap faces (NEG_X, POS_X, NEG_Z, POS_Z): Line, Quad MethodPolar Line # mode of caching data for the polar cubemap faces (NEG_Y, POS_Y): Line, Quad
# Parameters to Optimizer MinVar 20.0 # minimum variation of pixel's colors in the tile
# Parameters for CubeMap: choice faces to create Create_NEG_X 1 Create_POS_X 1 Create_NEG_Y 1 Create_POS_Y 1 Create_NEG_Z 1 Create_POS_Z 1
# Parameters for CubeMap: stages DoConvert 1 # convert the selected faces (i.e. compute the faces of cubemap, stored in the temporary raw files) DoDownSize 1 # compute the LODs of selected faces DoUpdateEdges 1 # for AddExtraData = true: update of the pixels at the edges of the faces of these adjacent faces (the temporary raw files of all the faces must be calculated!) DoTile 1 # cut temporary raw-files selected faces on the tiles format OutFormat DeleteTempRAW 0 # remove temporary raw-files
Note : I just noticed that you can use a picture without using cubemap, and it works for all (surface, rings, ...). Just put in the file code to use to put the name and the place of the format (.jpg, ...) a. * .
I found the problem, I had forgotten to properly resize the tiles, I put the whole width of the map. By against the southern area is a little flooded while the bump is the same as above.
So the weird thing is now that the PNG conversion to raw longer works very well since I downloaded IrfanView, a picture against it in png and raw, can you help me to solve this problem ?
Uh here this is the first time I faced this problem, can someone explain to me what happens. I checked in the textures folder and everything seems OK but the planet something weird, I send you screenshoots and code import cubemap. To me, I think this resolution is not the same but I had to because otherwise the converter does took him in charge. Draenor_surface :
# The file with default settings for CubeMap, Optimizer and Glue
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: the input file and output folder InputFile C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\In\Draenor_surface.raw OutFolder C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\Out\Draenor\Surface
# Parameters for Glue: input tile image TilePrefix 2 # char string, a prefix before the filename of tile (level number) StartU 0 # initial index U StartV 0 # initial index V SwapUV true # swap U and V indices
# Parameters for CubeMap: input file InputWidth 481 # width of the input image (for Glue - width of the output image) InputHeight 443 # height of the input image (for Glue - height of the output image) InputChannels 3 # number of channels (Grayscale - 1, RGB - 3, RGBA - 4, etc.) Input16bit false # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel InputByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian InputUnsigned true # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values InputLatOffset 0 # shift in longitude, degrees
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: output files OutFormat png # output format (raw, tga, png, jpg, tif, dds) TileWidth 128 # resolution of tile (width and height) Out16bit false # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel (only raw and png) OutByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian OutUnsigned false # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values OutInvertAlpha true # invert alpha channel for RGBA-image OutJPEGquality 85 # JPEG quality AddExtraData false # add the pixels from the neighboring tiles around the perimeter of each tile DoublePrecision false # use double resolution of the input file for calculation
# Parameters for CubeMap: normalization of the elevation map Normalize true # for the 1-channel: normalize the output image (elevation map) EnterNormData false # enter information for normalization or calculate it from the input file NormMinValue -9058 # data for the normalization: the minimum value (height) NormMaxValue 9581 # data for the normalization: the maximum value (height)
# Parameters for CubeMap: a basic cylindrical texture CreateBaseTex true # create a basic texture BaseTexDownSize 4 # how many times to reduce the original texture BaseTexFormat jpg # basic texture format
# Parameters for CubeMap: cache MaxMem 512 # cache size in megabytes MethodSide Line # mode of caching data for the side cubemap faces (NEG_X, POS_X, NEG_Z, POS_Z): Line, Quad MethodPolar Line # mode of caching data for the polar cubemap faces (NEG_Y, POS_Y): Line, Quad
# Parameters to Optimizer MinVar 20.0 # minimum variation of pixel's colors in the tile
# Parameters for CubeMap: choice faces to create Create_NEG_X 1 Create_POS_X 1 Create_NEG_Y 1 Create_POS_Y 1 Create_NEG_Z 1 Create_POS_Z 1
# Parameters for CubeMap: stages DoConvert 1 # convert the selected faces (i.e. compute the faces of cubemap, stored in the temporary raw files) DoDownSize 1 # compute the LODs of selected faces DoUpdateEdges 1 # for AddExtraData = true: update of the pixels at the edges of the faces of these adjacent faces (the temporary raw files of all the faces must be calculated!) DoTile 1 # cut temporary raw-files selected faces on the tiles format OutFormat DeleteTempRAW 0 # remove temporary raw-files
Draenor_bump :
# The file with default settings for CubeMap, Optimizer and Glue
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: the input file and output folder InputFile C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\In\Draenor_bump.raw OutFolder C:\Users\Prezao\Pictures\Jeux\SpaceEngine\Textures\planets\Out\Draenor\Bump
# Parameters for Glue: input tile image TilePrefix 2 # char string, a prefix before the filename of tile (level number) StartU 0 # initial index U StartV 0 # initial index V SwapUV true # swap U and V indices
# Parameters for CubeMap: input file InputWidth 481 # width of the input image (for Glue - width of the output image) InputHeight 443 # height of the input image (for Glue - height of the output image) InputChannels 3 # number of channels (Grayscale - 1, RGB - 3, RGBA - 4, etc.) Input16bit false # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel InputByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian InputUnsigned true # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values InputLatOffset 0 # shift in longitude, degrees
# Parameters for CubeMap and Optimizer: output files OutFormat png # output format (raw, tga, png, jpg, tif, dds) TileWidth 128 # resolution of tile (width and height) Out16bit false # capacity: 16 or 8 bits per channel (only raw and png) OutByteSwap true # for 16-bit: little endian OutUnsigned false # for 16-bit: unsigned or signed values OutInvertAlpha true # invert alpha channel for RGBA-image OutJPEGquality 85 # JPEG quality AddExtraData false # add the pixels from the neighboring tiles around the perimeter of each tile DoublePrecision false # use double resolution of the input file for calculation
# Parameters for CubeMap: normalization of the elevation map Normalize true # for the 1-channel: normalize the output image (elevation map) EnterNormData false # enter information for normalization or calculate it from the input file NormMinValue -9058 # data for the normalization: the minimum value (height) NormMaxValue 9581 # data for the normalization: the maximum value (height)
# Parameters for CubeMap: a basic cylindrical texture CreateBaseTex true # create a basic texture BaseTexDownSize 4 # how many times to reduce the original texture BaseTexFormat jpg # basic texture format
# Parameters for CubeMap: cache MaxMem 512 # cache size in megabytes MethodSide Line # mode of caching data for the side cubemap faces (NEG_X, POS_X, NEG_Z, POS_Z): Line, Quad MethodPolar Line # mode of caching data for the polar cubemap faces (NEG_Y, POS_Y): Line, Quad
# Parameters to Optimizer MinVar 20.0 # minimum variation of pixel's colors in the tile
# Parameters for CubeMap: choice faces to create Create_NEG_X 1 Create_POS_X 1 Create_NEG_Y 1 Create_POS_Y 1 Create_NEG_Z 1 Create_POS_Z 1
# Parameters for CubeMap: stages DoConvert 1 # convert the selected faces (i.e. compute the faces of cubemap, stored in the temporary raw files) DoDownSize 1 # compute the LODs of selected faces DoUpdateEdges 1 # for AddExtraData = true: update of the pixels at the edges of the faces of these adjacent faces (the temporary raw files of all the faces must be calculated!) DoTile 1 # cut temporary raw-files selected faces on the tiles format OutFormat DeleteTempRAW 0 # remove temporary raw-files
And original texture : Surface :
Bump :
Oh, I take this opportunity to the maximum height is compared to the minimum depth or at sea (0) that must enter the code planète.sc? Basically here cubemap:
NormMinValue -9058 # data for the normalization: the minimum value (height) (m) NormMaxValue 9581 # data for the normalization: the maximum value (height) (m)
On the code of the planet, you have to back it
BumpHeight 18.639 //9.058+9.581 for the elevation above sea level (km) BumpOffset 9.058 //km
quarior14, you can't use a normal map as your bump map, you must use a grayscale height map.
Also, you should have AddExtraData set to true, or change TileBorder to 0 in the planet catalog.
Quotequarior14 ()
NormMinValue -9058 # data for the normalization: the minimum value (height) (m) NormMaxValue 9581 # data for the normalization: the maximum value (height) (m)
You can ignore this, this is for normalizing grayscale height maps, which is usually not necessary.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
What's weird is that with my other planets, it worked well and I put TileBorder 0 but it did not change anything, still the same problem (I did with Diff 1 Bump 0,Diff 0 Bump 1 and Diff 0 Bump 0 (add TileBorder after)). PS: the bump is a Bump/base.jpg in fact, I used cubemap (and also the surface Surface/base.jpg).
I have a problem with night lights. Earth night lights show, but in my custom planet, not. I used Cubemap to create the nightlight texture. The only thing that appear are blue dotted volcanoe lights. Weird!
Post your planet's Surface script. You can only use a night light texture on a planet that also uses other textures for its surface. It won't work if you procedurally generate the surface.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
When preparing .png images for cubemap conversions, and I export to raw (.data in gimp), which options do I choose on the save dialog?
Afterwards, when the image has been saved, do I need to change the extension from .data to .raw? I already tried making gimp export to .raw directly, but it gave me an error.
Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
Diakonov : Do you add this code in your world? I too had this problem but it is set. And unlit areas, you have to put the black because otherwise, you will be surprised by the area that is being transparete decency.
Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Tuesday, 13.10.2015, 01:41
Hmmm. My base cylindrical is having issues with colors, while the remainder of the cubemap texture load fine for my world. The base images for the default textures on the default Sol system planets load fine when I visit them, however. Does my base .png need to be saved in a specific format or with specific saving options?
When I view my planet from a distance so that SE renders the base cylindrical on it, the colors are strange or will have black marks.
Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
This guide is WAY too over-complicated - can we have some simple steps please? There's no need to confuse us with the whole technical manual. Most of the parameters mentioned are Cubemap's defaults, and we don't need a complex description of the file format and how SpaceEngine uses it.
Seems to me that most people will want to create a spherical planet texture based on an ordinary graphic file in jpg or png etc format, but there are important steps missing - eg converting your planet texture to RAW format, and details on the parameters needed.
I'm stuck at the RAW stage, when I run Cubemap the resulting images are just a streaky grey mess.
And shouldn't planet textures be PAK files? I don't see any mention of that. Sorry, I consider myself a reasonably intelligent person but I'm finding this how-to quite baffling.