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PlutonianEmpire's Imperial Addon Archives
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:01 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
This will be the official collection of my Space Engine addons, all together in one thread. I will reserve a few posts as separate categories. This will also be host to my main world building projects, some I've worked on for over a decade, which I will elaborate on later. I will update this OP as needed. smile

Edit: The latest versions of these mods are on the new Space Engine forum, located here: http://forum.spaceengine.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=53

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Monday, 28.11.2016, 04:01
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:06 | Message # 2
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Reserved for my custom catalogs

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:10 | Message # 3
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United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
This post will be for shaders. smile


My Terrain Mod:

Mod Version Number: 1.0

File is attached to this post, at the bottom.

To install, just extract the shaders folder to your addons folder in SpaceEngine 0.980. Readme included!

Credits: This mod uses code from Rodrigo, Klud, and myself. smile

Original Post.


Attachments: tmp_32133-0.980.zip (3.6 Kb)

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 02:26
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:10 | Message # 4
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Reserved for Spaceships.

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:13 | Message # 5
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
This post will feature my config mods, that should go in main-user.cfg in SpaceEngine 0.980


Life Probability Mod:

Before SpaceEngine 0.980: Make a backup copy of *universe.cfg* please.
In SpaceEngine 0.980 and Later: Make a backup copy of *main-user.cfg* please.

// life probability settings
ProbLifeTerra           15.0  // probability of origin of life on terra
ProbLifeOceania         3.0  // probability of origin of life on oceania
ProbLifeDesert          2.0    // probability of origin of life on desert
ProbLifeIceWorld        5.0    // probability of origin of life on ice world (under ice)
ProbLifeTitan           1.0  // probability of origin of life on titan (exotic)
ProbLifeGiantOrg        0.001    // probability of origin of life on gas giant (floaters)
ProbLifeGiantExo        0.0002    // probability of origin of life on gas giant (floaters)
ProbPanspEjectTerra     15.0  // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on terras (surface & ocean)
ProbPanspEjectOceania   0.1    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on oceanias (ocean)
ProbPanspEjectDesert    15.0  // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on deserts (surface)
ProbPanspEjectIceWorld  0.5    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on ice worlds (subglacial)
ProbPanspEjectTitanOrg  0.2    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on titans (subglacial)
ProbPanspEjectTitanExo  15.0  // Probability of exotic  life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on titans (surface)
ProbPanspEjecGiantOrg   0.0001    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
ProbPanspEjectGiantExo  0.0001    // Probability of exotic  life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
ProbPanspInsertTerra    1.0  // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on terras (surface & ocean)
ProbPanspInserOceania   2.0  // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on oceanias (ocean)
ProbPanspInsertDesert   0.4    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on deserts (surface)
ProbPanspInsertIceWorld 0.01    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on ice worlds (subglacial)
ProbPanspInsertTitanOrg 0.003    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on titans (subglacial)
ProbPanspInsertTitanExo 0.8    // Probability of exotic  life spores insertion on asteroid impact on titans (surface)
ProbPanspInsertGiantOrg 0.5    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
ProbPanspInsertGiantExo 0.5    // Probability of exotic  life spores insertion on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
LifeOrgAgeUni           0.02    // (0.02 or 0.40) mean value of system age to develop unicellular    organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeUniDisp       0.01    // (0.01 or 0.39) dispersion of system age to develop unicellular    organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeMulti         0.05    // (0.05 or 1.50) mean value of system age to develop multicellular  organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeMultiDisp     0.01    // (0.01 or 0.60) dispersion of system age to develop multicellular  organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeComplex       0.08    // (0.08 or 2.00) mean value of system age to develop complex ground organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeComplexDisp   0.01    // (0.01 or 0.40) dispersion of system age to develop complex ground organic life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeUni           0.04    // (0.04 or 0.60) mean value of system age to develop unicellular    exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeUniDisp       0.01    // (0.01 or 0.25) dispersion of system age to develop unicellular    exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeMulti         0.08    // (0.07 or 3.50) mean value of system age to develop multicellular  exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeMultiDisp     0.01    // (0.01 or 0.70) dispersion of system age to develop multicellular  exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeComplex       0.12    // (0.10 or 4.00) mean value of system age to develop complex ground exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeComplexDisp   0.01    // (0.01 or 0.50) dispersion of system age to develop complex ground exotic  life (in billion years)

To install, just copypasta the text provided here, over the existing life probability settings (deleting the old settings) in universe.cfg and save.

Text file download. Click to load or right click to download and "Save As."

Original post.


Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 02:13
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:15 | Message # 6
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Reserved for custom textures.

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:16 | Message # 7
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
The Plutonian Empire Universe
Version: 1.1

Update 1.1: Fixed file path structure.

My primary world building project that I've slowly workerd on for the last 17 years, which got it's start in a good old fashioned game of Civilization II. biggrin

This is a space opera fantasy universe, so if you're not fond of witches, wizards, and demons flying around in FTL spaceships, this probably isn't the kind of storytelling for you. lol

Set 51,200 years into the future, the Plutonian Empire is led by its founding King through 50 milleniums of evolution, from a puny upstart rebel state on a brand new magical island in the South Atlantic, to complete conquest of an entire universe. Thousands of years of history, countless trillions of planets, and its fair share of successes and setbacks.

It's also terribly author-insert, so please forgive me for declaring myself the King of the Universe. biggrin

The bulk of my storytelling is on another game, NationStates, but I am adding it bit by bit to the SE wiki info boxes.

The pak file for it includes 10 star systems, some unfinished with missing moons, but I'm getting there. There will definitely be more systems and storylines added in the future. It's a nonstop project! It also includes my terrain mod as well, and some custom atmospheres (.atm models). The addon uses my life probability mod, but it is not required but highly recommended to use with this Plutonian Empire Universe mod. It will help give that "space opera" feel, such as native multicell life around hot, short lived B class stars, which happens anyway in the TPE universe. wink

I also included one new spacecraft model, that I made with the SE ship editor last year.


To install, copy the .pak file to the addons folder in your space engine folder. To use the probability mod, go into your config folder and open main-user.cfg with a text editor such as notepad. Next open the tpe_main-user.cfg, copy the text in that file and paste it into your main-user.cfg, by either commenting out the old life probability generator settings or overwriting it. Be sure to make a back up of your config files before doing this as a precaution in case something goes wrong!

Happy exploring!

The comet that started it all...

Shadows of a Lifeterra.

A shockwave. From this angle, looks like fried chicken. Yum! lol

A world barreling to an early demise...

An ecemunopolis moon...

Circumbinary binary planet.

Edit: The nebulae model in image 3 isn't mine. It was part of another mod; I forgot whose though. If anyone remembers I'll add a link to that thread. smile

Attachments: 2695925.jpg (179.7 Kb) · 2494028.jpg (198.9 Kb) · 3148594.jpg (102.1 Kb) · 2538532.jpg (224.5 Kb) · 3222871.jpg (249.6 Kb) · 0099703.jpg (173.5 Kb)

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Thursday, 27.10.2016, 19:53
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:21 | Message # 8
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
The Lavender Skies Universe

This World building universe centers around a story I wrote and posted in my website, http://www.plutonianempire.net . I wrote it to cope with my anxiety about that whole 2012 thing. Now I just do it for fun alternate history. smile


Hadeus/Delta Trianguli:

Download Link

Original Post


Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Thursday, 27.10.2016, 02:14
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:22 | Message # 9
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Reserved for Miscellaneous. smile

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:22 | Message # 10
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Updated 8/14/2016

I have included cubemapped textures for Belle Hades. A wiki info cfg is at the bottom of this post. :)

Download Link

Designed for 0.98

Known Issues:

Issue 1: Belle Hades' oceans on the cubemap are only 10 meters deep. It is beyond my ability to draw the ocean floor without 10 km drop offs at the edges of the continents.

Issue 2: With the cubemap texture on, Belle Hades looks weird when seen from a distance. It is beyond my ability to fix. As a result, the procedural surface is used by default, but it can be switched over to the cubemap surface by commenting out the procedural surface and uncommenting the cubemap parameters in the Surface tag for Belle Hades. I have included the original cylindricals if anyone can fix it.


Hi all. My system has been 12 years in the making. I made it for Celestia originally, but when development died and I found SE, I figured I'd port and convert it to Space Engine, for better explorability.

Naturally, this was included in some of my trouble-shooting requests in the help threads. So finally, I'm releasing it! :D

12 planets, 1 lifeterra, and two suns in a 10 day orbit. I originally centered it around Delta Tri (Hip 10644), but I wanted to split it into it's own system for the time being, for various reasons. :)

I made it using various incarnations of Space Engine and the terrain mods from Rodrigo, but it should look fine with base shaders. :)

To install, enter the 7z file and copy the pak file to your addons folder. Copy the contents of the provided .cfg file to config>user-<your language>-db.cfg. Thats it! The cylindricals folder is not required, it is for advanced users to experiment with the cylindrical textures in Photoshotp/Gimp and/or in SpaceEngineer's cubemap program.

Enjoy! B)


Attachments: 1149542.jpg (76.5 Kb) · 8957454.jpg (230.7 Kb) · 5591325.jpg (129.7 Kb) · 0928046.jpg (64.2 Kb) · 2056270.jpg (84.6 Kb) · tmp_7349-bh1373.cfg (5.9 Kb) · 0353188.jpg (432.2 Kb)

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Monday, 15.08.2016, 05:55
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:22 | Message # 11
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Before SpaceEngine 0.980: Make a backup copy of *universe.cfg* please.
In SpaceEngine 0.980 and Later: Make a backup copy of *main-user.cfg* please.

Update: With the advent of SpaceEngine 0.98, the Life Probability Generator has been moved to a user-based main-user.cfg, rendering universe.cfg obsolete. As such, the code pasted below needs to go into main-user.cfg, towards the bottom. Good luck! smile

High mass star systems were getting lonely, so I tweaked the "Life Probability" parameters in universe.cfg to both increase the overall chances of life occurring in the universe, as well as to use minimal system age requirements to allow A and B stars to give rise to lifeterras with complex multicellular life. This basically gives the Space Engine universe a more "space opera" or "space fantasy" feel with proliferating life on a lot more worlds and higher mass star systems, as opposed to the rather lonely "Rare Earth" universe that SE generates normally.

I will post the code and a text file, because I like redundancy. tongue

// life probability settings
ProbLifeTerra           15.0  // probability of origin of life on terra
ProbLifeOceania         3.0  // probability of origin of life on oceania
ProbLifeDesert          2.0    // probability of origin of life on desert
ProbLifeIceWorld        5.0    // probability of origin of life on ice world (under ice)
ProbLifeTitan           1.0  // probability of origin of life on titan (exotic)
ProbLifeGiantOrg        0.001    // probability of origin of life on gas giant (floaters)
ProbLifeGiantExo        0.0002    // probability of origin of life on gas giant (floaters)
ProbPanspEjectTerra     15.0  // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on terras (surface & ocean)
ProbPanspEjectOceania   0.1    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on oceanias (ocean)
ProbPanspEjectDesert    15.0  // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on deserts (surface)
ProbPanspEjectIceWorld  0.5    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on ice worlds (subglacial)
ProbPanspEjectTitanOrg  0.2    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on titans (subglacial)
ProbPanspEjectTitanExo  15.0  // Probability of exotic  life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on titans (surface)
ProbPanspEjecGiantOrg   0.0001    // Probability of organic life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
ProbPanspEjectGiantExo  0.0001    // Probability of exotic  life spores ejection  on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
ProbPanspInsertTerra    1.0  // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on terras (surface & ocean)
ProbPanspInserOceania   2.0  // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on oceanias (ocean)
ProbPanspInsertDesert   0.4    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on deserts (surface)
ProbPanspInsertIceWorld 0.01    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on ice worlds (subglacial)
ProbPanspInsertTitanOrg 0.003    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on titans (subglacial)
ProbPanspInsertTitanExo 0.8    // Probability of exotic  life spores insertion on asteroid impact on titans (surface)
ProbPanspInsertGiantOrg 0.5    // Probability of organic life spores insertion on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
ProbPanspInsertGiantExo 0.5    // Probability of exotic  life spores insertion on asteroid impact on gas giants (atmosphere)
LifeOrgAgeUni           0.02    // (0.02 or 0.40) mean value of system age to develop unicellular    organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeUniDisp       0.01    // (0.01 or 0.39) dispersion of system age to develop unicellular    organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeMulti         0.05    // (0.05 or 1.50) mean value of system age to develop multicellular  organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeMultiDisp     0.01    // (0.01 or 0.60) dispersion of system age to develop multicellular  organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeComplex       0.08    // (0.08 or 2.00) mean value of system age to develop complex ground organic life (in billion years)
LifeOrgAgeComplexDisp   0.01    // (0.01 or 0.40) dispersion of system age to develop complex ground organic life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeUni           0.04    // (0.04 or 0.60) mean value of system age to develop unicellular    exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeUniDisp       0.01    // (0.01 or 0.25) dispersion of system age to develop unicellular    exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeMulti         0.08    // (0.07 or 3.50) mean value of system age to develop multicellular  exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeMultiDisp     0.01    // (0.01 or 0.70) dispersion of system age to develop multicellular  exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeComplex       0.12    // (0.10 or 4.00) mean value of system age to develop complex ground exotic  life (in billion years)
LifeExoAgeComplexDisp   0.01    // (0.01 or 0.50) dispersion of system age to develop complex ground exotic  life (in billion years)

To install, just copypasta the text provided here, over the existing life probability settings (deleting the old settings) in universe.cfg and save.

Enjoy. smile

Edit: Some screenshots.

Attachments: tmp_840-flouris.txt (4.0 Kb) · 7646140.jpg (384.5 Kb) · 0367103.jpg (289.1 Kb)

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Sunday, 31.07.2016, 00:57
PlutonianEmpireDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:22 | Message # 12
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 475
Status: Offline
Updated 9/21/2016 for: Bugfixes! Please re-download! smile

Mod Version Number: 1.0

While I extensively enjoy the mountains provided by Klud and Rodrigo, I figured, "Why not have both?" biggrin

So in addition to disabling the height suppression effect of the terraces to make the "smooth" Montes be as glorious as ever....

I also replaced the "Hills" code with the montes code provided by Klud's Terrain Mod. I did need to keep the height suppression effect of the terraces to keep them from getting too steep.

For the "Hills2", I simply replaced the "jordan turbulence" code that created those conical hills with the "Hills1" code from Rodrigo's Terrain mod, since the default "hills1" code makes hills 1 look too artificial, IMO. smile

And finally.

Enhanced canyons! biggrin

To install, just extract the shaders folder to your addons folder in SpaceEngine 0.980. Readme included!

I did make a few miscellaneous changes as well, with the mares, to allow mountains in them, because flat is boring. Mares are suppressed for Terras as well. smile

Credits: This mod uses code from Rodrigo, Klud, and myself. smile

Attachments: 6072293.jpg (288.1 Kb) · 4414687.jpg (309.5 Kb) · 6418252.jpg (102.5 Kb) · 1628050.jpg (219.8 Kb) · 9158789.jpg (256.1 Kb) · tmp_10296-v1.0-.zip (4.1 Kb)

Specs: Dell Inspiron 5547 (Laptop); 8 gigabytes of RAM; Processor: Intel® Core™ i5-4210U CPU @ 1.70GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.4GHz; Operating System: Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit; Graphics: Intel® HD Graphics 4400 (That's all there is :( )

Edited by PlutonianEmpire - Wednesday, 21.09.2016, 21:25
sent808Date: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:22 | Message # 13
Group: Users
Messages: 55
Status: Offline
Um it took you 10 years to build this? Sry but i am missing something really hard.
parameciumkidDate: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:22 | Message # 14
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 277
Status: Offline
I appreciate the idea behind this, but I've had scarcely any trouble finding planets with life, even multicellular life. What's been hard is finding planets with atmospheres that aren't toxic to humans (Am I the only one who's thinking SO2 is a bit too common?).
Perhaps a version of this mod could be made that simply increases the probability of breathable atmospheres; surely the abundance of Earth-like planets would increase accordingly.

Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P
simonecinque1992Date: Tuesday, 25.10.2016, 01:22 | Message # 15
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
PlutonianEmpire, Wow dude your shaders are so good! ok



Can't wait for shaders of other planets! :3

Attachments: 9363200.jpg (228.3 Kb) · 0649287.jpg (244.2 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System