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[Community Addon] Custom Universe
JackDoleDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 12:57 | Message # 76
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote Kexitt ()
For custom universe we should install SE in another folder and remove all catalogs IMO

I agree.

Quote Kexitt ()
We need star system that will be our main(like solar system)

Nevertheless, we need a galaxy in which we can place our main system.

Unless we put it on possition {RA 0 Dec 0 Dist 0}, like our solar system, and then replace the Milky Way through a custom galaxy.

Nebula and star clusters need by the way, as far as I know, a galaxy as a reference point. There are in the scripts the parameter 'Galaxy'.

Don't forget to look here.

KexittDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 13:03 | Message # 77
Group: Users
Russian Federation
Messages: 398
Status: Offline
First - Star system, then galaxy and then nebulas and anothers stars and galaxies

JackDoleDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 14:06 | Message # 78
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
I can not create a solar system in the empty space.

I have to see where I position it. Whether, for example, in a star cluster.
I also need to see what I have for a background.

Almost all of my systems are in a globular cluster, which is hidden from view by a nebula from Earth.
(So ​​anyway that was planned. But I have not managed to create a real absorption nebula that could hide the star clusters. So at least I have a colorful nebula.)

I could import some of this systems into a custom universe. But I need to know where.

Or rather, I can create a system without a specific position. But when it's done, it must be transferred to an existing Galaxy to a suitable position.

So why not start with a galaxy?

Attachments: 2736905.jpg (192.8 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Monday, 16.05.2016, 15:37
BambusmanDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 15:32 | Message # 79
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
how about starting like this? :D

JackDoleDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 15:33 | Message # 80
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote Ostarisk ()
I think I'm going to set up a new challenge here, since I'm having trouble with my own system....

A planet is not deformed in SE by a moon, it is deformed by its rotational speed. Your planet has a rotation period of 2.3148 hours. I have made it 2.3148 days.

If you actually want to rotate your planet so quickly, you should use the parameter 'Oblateness' in your script, and set it to 0 or a very low value.
I have also done this.

I have created a 'StarBarycenter'.
// Ostarisk
// ExampleStarBC.sc

StarBarycenter "ExampleBC"
    RA      19.748161
    Dec     6.394513
    Dist    513.534959
    Class   "G2 V"

I also added a sun of the same size and mass as our sun.
For the planet and its moon I created a Barycenter.

The ssript.

Attachments: 3461528.jpg (305.4 Kb) · ExampleSys.sc (12.7 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Monday, 16.05.2016, 15:34
KexittDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 16:44 | Message # 81
Group: Users
Russian Federation
Messages: 398
Status: Offline
Ok I will start from the galaxies but I need NAMESSSSS!!

HornblowerDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 16:56 | Message # 82
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Quote Kexitt ()

Name for my galaxy: Donald Trump
Name for neighboring galaxy: Hillary Clinton
(They should on a collision course like the Milky Way and Andromeda or maybe already interacting/colliding)

Edited by Hornblower - Monday, 16.05.2016, 16:59
KexittDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 16:58 | Message # 83
Group: Users
Russian Federation
Messages: 398
Status: Offline

HornblowerDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 17:03 | Message # 84
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Place the two galaxies next to this universe's equivalent of the Sloan Great Wall
KexittDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 17:04 | Message # 85
Group: Users
Russian Federation
Messages: 398
Status: Offline
Can you give a NORMAL names?

HornblowerDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 17:16 | Message # 86
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Quote Kexitt ()

Ok, all jokes aside, here's a quick list
-Wamilly (Wah-Mill-Ee)
-Hyroia (Here-Oi-A)
-Reliso (Rel-Ee-So)
Star Systems:
-Indipido (In-Dip-Ee-Doe)
-Farnough (Far-No)
-Belecon (Bell-Ih-Cone)
Tell me if you need any more
KexittDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 17:17 | Message # 87
Group: Users
Russian Federation
Messages: 398
Status: Offline

BambusmanDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 18:27 | Message # 88
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
i created 5 Nebulas already but i need more ideas or pictures.

Edited by Bambusman - Monday, 16.05.2016, 18:27
HornblowerDate: Monday, 16.05.2016, 19:42 | Message # 89
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 714
Status: Offline
Quote Bambusman ()
i created 5 Nebulas

Can we see some screen shots? We need to know what you have already made
steeljaw354Date: Monday, 16.05.2016, 19:45 | Message # 90
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Can anyone create planets 10 and 11 for the solar system?

Like planet 10 effecting planet nine with a mass of 2 earth
And planet 11 be the 8th object in the gravitational resonance with planet nine and have it be mars mass

Edited by steeljaw354 - Monday, 16.05.2016, 19:45