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BambusmanDate: Monday, 25.07.2016, 14:27 | Message # 571
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
Kexitt, that's a good site i can use that. biggrin thank you.
KexittDate: Monday, 25.07.2016, 14:45 | Message # 572
Group: Users
Russian Federation
Messages: 398
Status: Offline
Bambusman, http://fantasynamegenerators.com/galaxy-names.php#.V5YlvfmLTGg this is specially for space things

steeljaw354Date: Monday, 25.07.2016, 15:07 | Message # 573
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
How would you manage to create a galaxy using a nebula texture/template/whatever ?
BambusmanDate: Monday, 25.07.2016, 15:19 | Message # 574
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
steeljaw354, editing the model file. for example CentaurusA already uses a nebula model.
steeljaw354Date: Monday, 25.07.2016, 15:42 | Message # 575
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Ah, I see, how do you make your own galaxy? How do you export galaxies?

I'm thinking of putting my custom systems into my own galaxy, how do you do that?

Edited by steeljaw354 - Monday, 25.07.2016, 15:43
BambusmanDate: Monday, 25.07.2016, 17:05 | Message # 576
Group: SE team
Messages: 408
Status: Offline
change of plan i release my nebulas today:

Download: Click Here

you need the abmera galaxie else they wont work! if you want to use them with the milky way
change this line in the catalog
Galaxy  "Abmera"

to this:
Galaxy  "MilkyWay"

these nebulas have low sprites so you can put your planets in it.
report problems and bugs please.

Download: Click here

Edited by Bambusman - Monday, 25.07.2016, 17:06
butterarmyxjrblxDate: Thursday, 28.07.2016, 17:38 | Message # 577
Group: Users
Messages: 71
Status: Offline
I may momentarily stop working on the Syxx System to work on a unitale mod. This is what I have so far:
added a new planet: Rim
fixed Pidgeto being in Syxx.
Have fun exploring!

Attachments: 6159510.zip (17.8 Kb)

"You can't spell Challenge without change. You need to change to overcome challenges." -Bo Dallas
RoswellDate: Tuesday, 02.08.2016, 01:26 | Message # 578
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
Hey surprise First time I eign the barycenter, here are the most beautiful image that I made.

UPDATE : For Pandoran System there are two news stars, 1 for a little blue star et 1 for a big red stars. because that is the true nature of the system Pandoran

Download the last version.

Attachments: 1113420.jpg (59.7 Kb) · 3381399.jpg (75.9 Kb) · Pandoran_system.sc (0.1 Kb) · 0141285.sc (31.8 Kb)

Edited by Roswell - Tuesday, 02.08.2016, 02:23
steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 02.08.2016, 01:29 | Message # 579
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Is it possible to make some sort of Planemo that has a "satellite sun"? Like an object only like 10km in diameter that orbits around an Earth mass Planemo that shines like a star and has the same brightness as the sun as viewed from Earth.
AlekDate: Tuesday, 02.08.2016, 16:56 | Message # 580
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 326
Status: Offline
Quote steeljaw354 ()
Is it possible to make some sort of Planemo that has a "satellite sun"? Like an object only like 10km in diameter that orbits around an Earth mass Planemo that shines like a star and has the same brightness as the sun as viewed from Earth.

Maybe in the planet script you could set a small moon (maybe not a dwarf moon) to be extremely hot...I'm really thinking about startig to make star systems for SE and if I do, if you want I could probably do this.

Living among the stars, I find my way. I grow in strength through knowledge of the space I occupy, until I become the ruler of my own interstellar empire of sorts. Though The world was made for the day, I was made for the night, and thus, the universe itself is within my destiny.
steeljaw354Date: Tuesday, 02.08.2016, 17:04 | Message # 581
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Jackdole already made one, I would like to see your take on this please.
JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 02.08.2016, 18:15 | Message # 582
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
I have already made several mini suns.

For example, here:
Quote JackDole ()

It need not always be mega.(Pluto mini sun)

and here:
A sun for Jupiter.

The Pluto sun should work.

If you remove the two files with the name 'TheSun.sc' from the 'JupiterSun.pak' file, should also work the Jupiter sun.

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 03.08.2016, 02:08 | Message # 583
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Purple galaxies DO exist! (Well at least a part of it)

NGC 4314

Edited by steeljaw354 - Wednesday, 03.08.2016, 02:08
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 03.08.2016, 08:40 | Message # 584
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
Status: Offline
Roswell, I download the latest version, but like the previous version, there are only 2 suns, you are mistaken files ?

Pandoran_system.sc :
StarBarycenter "Pandoran"
RA 41.63
Dec 23.47
Dist 743

Pandoran.sc (section stars) :
Star    "Pandoran A"
    ParentBody     "Pandoran"
    Class        "G0 V"
    Luminosity      1.12609
    MassSol         1.09
    RadSol          0.984141
    Teff            6030

    Age             8.5

    InertiaMoment   0.0523266

    Obliquity       56.714
    EqAscendNode    122.736
    TidalLocked     true

    AlbedoBond      0.3
    AlbedoGeom      0.36
    Brightness      2
    Color          (1.000 0.893 0.877)

  Randomize      (-0.707, 0.615, 0.355)
  colorDistMagn   0.62154
  colorDistFreq   7.79261
  detailScale     1.76176e+006
  colorConversion true
  tropicLatitude  0.5
  icecapLatitude  1
  mareFreq        69.6926
  mareDensity     0.00888691
  erosion         1
  montesFreq      537
  dunesMagn       0.5
  hillsMagn       0.03
  hillsFreq       4826.51
  craterOctaves   0
  BumpHeight      564.69
  BumpOffset      564.69
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           1
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      1

    NoClouds        true

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Sun"
  Height          6849.62
  Density         0
  Pressure        1
  Bright          10
  Opacity         0
  SkyLight        0
  Hue             0
  Saturation      1

    NoAurora        true

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

  Radius      4.0025e+006
  Period      0.0344368
  Brightness  0.5
  RayDensity  3.80588
  RayCurv     12.7587

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Extrasolar"
  SemiMajorAxis   0.00863988
  Period          0.0274335
  Eccentricity    0.0107427
  Inclination     56.714
  AscendingNode   122.736
  ArgOfPericenter 28.474
  MeanAnomaly     7.27

Star    "Pandoran B"
    ParentBody     "Pandoran"
    Class        "B6 V"
    Luminosity      1.19801
    MassSol         2.91077e-006
    RadSol          0.334788
    Teff            14000

    Age             0.310245

    InertiaMoment   0.0395451

    RotationPeriod  22.381
    Obliquity       324.906
    EqAscendNode    61.8299

    Oblateness      0.0285714
    AlbedoBond      0.3
    AlbedoGeom      0.36
    Brightness      2
    Color          (0.468 0.593 1.000)

  SurfStyle       -0.1
  OceanStyle      0
  Randomize      (0.433, -0.047, -0.584)
  colorDistMagn   0.518176
  colorDistFreq   11.0526
  detailScale     599322
  colorConversion true
  drivenDarkening -1
  seaLevel        -1
  snowLevel       0
  tropicLatitude  0.5
  icecapLatitude  1
  icecapHeight    0
  climatePole     0
  climateTropic   0
  climateEquator  0
  heightTempGrad  0
  tropicWidth     0
  mainFreq        0
  venusFreq       0
  venusMagn       0
  mareFreq        85.8898
  mareDensity     0.00381488
  terraceProb     0
  erosion         1
  montesMagn      0
  montesFreq      500
  montesSpiky     0
  montesFraction  0
  dunesMagn       0.5
  dunesFreq       0
  dunesFraction   0
  hillsMagn       0.03
  hillsFreq       1000
  hillsFraction   0
  hills2Fraction  0
  riversMagn      0
  riversFreq      0
  riversSin       0
  riversOctaves   0
  canyonsMagn     0
  canyonsFreq     0
  canyonFraction  0
  cracksMagn      0
  cracksFreq      0
  cracksOctaves   0
  craterMagn      0
  craterFreq      0
  craterDensity   0
  craterOctaves   0
  craterRayedFactor 0
  volcanoMagn     0
  volcanoFreq     0
  volcanoDensity  0
  volcanoOctaves  0
  volcanoActivity 0
  volcanoFlows    0
  volcanoRadius   0
  volcanoTemp     0
  lavaCoverTidal  0
  lavaCoverSun    0
  lavaCoverYoung  0
  stripeZones     0
  stripeFluct     0
  stripeTwist     0
  cycloneMagn     0
  cycloneFreq     0
  cycloneDensity  0
  cycloneOctaves  0
  colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000)
  colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000)
  colorBeach     (0.690, 0.470, 0.320, 0.000)
  colorDesert    (0.610, 0.380, 0.270, 0.000)
  colorLowland   (0.102, 0.159, 0.071, 0.000)
  colorUpland    (0.091, 0.110, 0.041, 0.000)
  colorRock      (0.730, 0.550, 0.390, 0.000)
  colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016)
  colorLowPlants (0.102, 0.159, 0.071, 0.000)
  colorUpPlants  (0.091, 0.110, 0.041, 0.000)
  BumpHeight      170.58
  BumpOffset      170.58
  SpecBrightWater 0
  SpecBrightIce   0
  SpecularPower   55
  Hapke           1
  SpotBright      4
  SpotWidth       0.05
  DayAmbient      1

    NoClouds        true

    NoOcean         true

    NoLava          true

  Model          "Sun"
  Height          2330.13
  Density         1e-009
  Pressure        1
  Bright          10
  Opacity         0
  SkyLight        0
  Hue             0
  Saturation      1

    NoAurora        true

    NoRings         true

    NoAccretionDisk true

  Radius      1.29074e+006
  Period      0.0211059
  Brightness  0.5
  RayDensity  3.98612
  RayCurv     4.41279

    NoCometTail     true

  RefPlane        "Extrasolar"
  SemiMajorAxis   0.0454326
  Period          0.0274335
  Eccentricity    0.0107427
  Inclination     56.714
  AscendingNode   122.736
  ArgOfPericenter 28.474
  MeanAnomaly     -174.143
//Planets sections

Attachments: 7219065.jpg (49.2 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Wednesday, 03.08.2016, 08:41
simonecinque1992Date: Wednesday, 03.08.2016, 12:42 | Message # 585
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
quarior14, I think Roswell replaced the 2 suns with the new update suns (I'm not sure about that)

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