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JackDoleDate: Monday, 18.07.2016, 17:17 | Message # 541
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
If the sun were an O-star,

it would be even on Planet 9 too hot

- which is, after all, almost 690 AU away, in my version.


// Sun - O2V

Remove "Sun/Sol" {ParentBody "Solar System"}

Star    "Sun/Sol"
    ParentBody "Solar System"

    Class      "O2V"
    PoleRA          12.075
    PoleDec        -63.87
    ZeroMeridian    0.0
    RotationPeriod  609.12

(And when the sun would be an O-star, it would be a long time now a white dwarf or a black hole!)

Attachments: 3983788.jpg (261.6 Kb) · 8103919.jpg (286.2 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Monday, 18.07.2016, 17:39 | Message # 542
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Damn! Maybe a smaller star that is hotter than our sun with the earth moved into a habitable spot with other planets moved into proportional orbits so they are they same temperature?

Edited by steeljaw354 - Monday, 18.07.2016, 17:40
butterarmyxjrblxDate: Monday, 18.07.2016, 19:27 | Message # 543
Group: Users
Messages: 71
Status: Offline
Quote JackDole ()
If the sun were an O-star,

You just gave me a idea for my next system, Nice.
(Insert that Michael Rosen meme here)

"You can't spell Challenge without change. You need to change to overcome challenges." -Bo Dallas
JackDoleDate: Monday, 18.07.2016, 20:44 | Message # 544
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
And here the Sun as a white dwarf:

If the earth still exist, when it happens, it would be pretty cold here.

We would have to build us a new planet, much closer to the sun.

Far inside the orbit of Mercury.

However, I do not know which type of white dwarf the sun will be.


// Sun - DA2

Remove "Sun/Sol" {ParentBody "Solar System"}

Star    "Sun/Sol"
    ParentBody "Solar System"

    Class      "DA2"
    RadSol          0.08
    MassSol         0.55
    Age             12.5
    PoleRA          12.075
    PoleDec        -63.87
    ZeroMeridian    0.0
    RotationPeriod  609.12

Attachments: 3789211.jpg (276.1 Kb) · 6976018.jpg (248.5 Kb) · 4392531.jpg (254.4 Kb) · 8253236.jpg (320.0 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

steeljaw354Date: Monday, 18.07.2016, 21:57 | Message # 545
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Well mercury, venus wouldn't exist, Earth would be a desert or be destroyed, Moon would probably be a planet or orbit very far from earth, Neptune would have larger rings, no triton, Mars would have rings, no phobos, Saturn and Jupiter wouldn't have rings, they would melt away.

Edited by steeljaw354 - Monday, 18.07.2016, 22:01
RoswellDate: Tuesday, 19.07.2016, 20:40 | Message # 546
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
Hey all, sorry to disturb you, lol, I just found MANY error from other Stars do not have companions O_o

Attachments: 8089617.jpg (321.4 Kb) · 7601102.jpg (335.9 Kb)
RoswellDate: Wednesday, 20.07.2016, 20:42 | Message # 547
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
I created my new solar system, if you want to download my new solar system called "Splendora System", You will put "Splendora_System" file in addons/catalogs/Stars and for "Splendor_planets" file in addons/catalogs/planets. I put in 1 cfg instead to make many cfg. (I prefer 1 cfg because It's will be easy to following and searching)

I forgot to tell you, it's beta. ^^

Attachments: Splendora_Syste.sc (1.7 Kb) · Splendor_Planet.sc (10.3 Kb) · 2905987.jpg (350.7 Kb) · 3266068.jpg (247.5 Kb) · 0481276.jpg (236.8 Kb) · 2609438.jpg (299.9 Kb)

Edited by Roswell - Wednesday, 20.07.2016, 20:45
simonecinque1992Date: Wednesday, 20.07.2016, 21:41 | Message # 548
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
Roswell, Can you give me the palette file? Because at me the Gas Giants are in different colors:

Anyway, nice "Gas Giants only" system smile

Attachments: 0429985.jpg (146.3 Kb) · 6430014.jpg (159.8 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System

Edited by simonecinque1992 - Wednesday, 20.07.2016, 21:42
RoswellDate: Thursday, 21.07.2016, 02:42 | Message # 549
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
What you graphic Card ?
simonecinque1992Date: Thursday, 21.07.2016, 13:16 | Message # 550
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
Roswell, It isn't a graphic card problem, it's a RC3 feature of changing gas/ice giants color for their temperature so i need the "palette.cfg" you have so I can see your actual Gas Giants colors

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System

Edited by simonecinque1992 - Thursday, 21.07.2016, 13:20
simonecinque1992Date: Thursday, 21.07.2016, 14:53 | Message # 551
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
Roswell, nvm found it, it was the PlutonianEmpire's "palette.cfg"

Attachments: 3392879.jpg (228.1 Kb) · 0594878.jpg (211.6 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System
RoswellDate: Thursday, 21.07.2016, 17:25 | Message # 552
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
yes lol I think you forgot to install the Plutonian's palette.cfg lol XD. but Good job simon you install the plutonian's palette. happy

Edited by Roswell - Thursday, 21.07.2016, 17:26
RoswellDate: Saturday, 23.07.2016, 04:31 | Message # 553
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
Hi ppl, I update my Splendora system, a new planet called "Yelowna". I ever you see a "space" between of two planets, it's for terrestrial planet but I don't have idea for moment, so be patient. ^^

Attachments: 2150056.jpg (243.4 Kb) · 2420222.jpg (278.9 Kb) · 0824927.jpg (254.1 Kb) · 8403276.sc (12.5 Kb)

Edited by Roswell - Saturday, 23.07.2016, 04:41
simonecinque1992Date: Saturday, 23.07.2016, 13:09 | Message # 554
Group: Users
Messages: 470
Status: Offline
Roswell, Yelowna looks like a "bee" planet biggrin

I actually never seen a yellow gas/ice giant smile

Attachments: 5735411.jpg (201.0 Kb)

My Mods and Addons

Packard Bell
Windows 10 Pro
Intel® Celeron® CPU 1000M @ 1.80GHz 1.80 GHz
4 GB
64 bit Operative System
RoswellDate: Saturday, 23.07.2016, 17:32 | Message # 555
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
LOL yeah it's like a bee XD