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Official Catalog Updates
ciraxDate: Friday, 15.04.2016, 13:03 | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 43
Status: Offline

Hi, for current release, there is no updates for 0.974 RC3. The old ones for RC2 are already in RC3.

Right now this thread is reserved for future updates.


You can download the last update here:

[DELETED LINK] This old update is already included in 0.974 RC3

To install it just copy Catalogs0974_RC2_update1.pak to data/catalogs, along with Catalogs0974.pak


I will now focus checking some constellations stars that at the beginning of this work have poor data or just errors by me (I learned a lot during the making of the catalogs) so if you find big errors in constellations like Cancer, Canis Minor, Canis Maior, Capricornus, Centaurus, Crux, Scorpius and Orion, don't worry too much; I'm already on it (this update also fixes Mintaka, Alnitak and Rigel star systems)

If you find any errors in the catalogs you can post them here or in the catalog fixes thread. But don't get obsessed in things like distance. For example somebody mention to change the distance in Alnitak, if you look at the wiki the distance is 387 pc but with and error of +- 54 pc! Something normal because Alnitak is so far away that the error parallax data of hipparcos at those distances is really big. Resuming, with distances too big don't get obsessed with the precision, also you have to know that changing and distance data most probably will also change all semi major axis data and period involving the star system because most of them are based in apparent separations. But of course if you find any absurd distances data report it.

Any other things that improve the data in the catalogs like more precision in the coordinates or coordinates with the true barycenter of the system (yes, a lot of them are just the coordinates of the brighter component I have already too much things to consult or calculate, a question of priorities) by consulting SIMBAD Astronomical Database are welcome. Problems with names, magnitudes or adding more data like temperature, luminosity, age will be a great adition too. If you find in wiki some isolated white dwarfs, report them and they will be added too.

I'm also awared about the error reading negative declinations with a zero starting. I didn't changed the coordinates system by the decimal number system because is an error of the engine not of the catalogs, wait for the next patch (don't worry SpaceEngineer already fixed it)

I want also notice you that the brown dwarf binary catalog is currently incomplete due the hard work of interpretation and consulting data. I will continue with it after the fixes in the binary stars catalog.

Always opened to your questions and critizism in a constructive way.


My work for SE: Click here
Textures for Venus surface in color and the moons of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Catalogs of binary stars, brown dwarfs, black holes and neutron stars.
Proxima b (3 versions).

Edited by cirax - Friday, 08.07.2016, 13:55
MosfetDate: Friday, 15.04.2016, 15:28 | Message # 2
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
I've only checked Cor Caroli because I visited the system recently and seen it was a single star instead of double, so I did a patch myself. It seems the spectral class of the two components is switched.

Huge work you did, all the sources too, please keep up!

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
JackDoleDate: Friday, 15.04.2016, 15:34 | Message # 3
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote Mosfet ()
Huge work you did, all the sources too, please keep up!

I can only confirm! biggrin

In line 2145 of file 'planets\BrownDwarfs-bin.sc' is a closing parenthesis too much.

I have found that such parenthesis errors can sometimes cause problems with later loaded system.

Attachments: 3401987.jpg (62.4 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

ciraxDate: Friday, 15.04.2016, 15:58 | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 43
Status: Offline
Thanks guys, I will check both things for the next update. Unless you find a critical error, in that case I will do a quick patch.

My work for SE: Click here
Textures for Venus surface in color and the moons of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Catalogs of binary stars, brown dwarfs, black holes and neutron stars.
Proxima b (3 versions).
RoswellDate: Wednesday, 06.07.2016, 21:45 | Message # 5
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
what O_O. I install and I got many big stars lol

Attachments: 3535809.jpg (235.9 Kb)
steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 06.07.2016, 21:59 | Message # 6
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
Thats the same issue I have with 91 aqr, even a fresh install doesn't fix the issue.
RoswellDate: Thursday, 07.07.2016, 01:55 | Message # 7
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
Yeah I know lol that why they will fixe it, I hope one days it's will be work. ^^

And... I thinks our solar system has been disappeared O_o.

Edited by Roswell - Thursday, 07.07.2016, 01:57
JackDoleDate: Thursday, 07.07.2016, 05:58 | Message # 8
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
The catalog on this page is not for RC3 !
It is only for RC2 !

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Thursday, 07.07.2016, 06:02
RoswellDate: Thursday, 07.07.2016, 22:11 | Message # 9
Group: Users
Messages: 500
Status: Offline
Oups I hope they work for RC3.
ciraxDate: Friday, 08.07.2016, 14:06 | Message # 10
Group: Users
Messages: 43
Status: Offline
If you want to fix 91 Aqr just go to


Open it with notepad, look up for 91 Aqr (use the search funtion of notepad) and replace all the code of the system for this one:

Barycenter "91 Aqr (BC)"
    ParentBody "91 Aqr"
  Period          61411.77
  SemiMajorAxis   1017.5452
  ArgOfPericenter 0
  MeanAnomaly     0

Star "91 Aqr A/PSI1 Aqr A/HIP 114855 A/HD 219449 A"
    ParentBody "91 Aqr"
    Class      "K0 III"
    Radius     7071360
    AppMagn    4.22
    MassSol    1.74
    Teff       4665
    FeH       -0.03
    Age        3.56
  Period          61411.77
  SemiMajorAxis   1264.6634
  ArgOfPericenter 180
  MeanAnomaly     0

Star "91 Aqr B/PSI1 Aqr B"
    ParentBody "91 Aqr (BC)"
    Class      "K3 V"
    AppMagn    9.62
    MassSol    0.7
  Period          84
  SemiMajorAxis   10.75
  ArgOfPericenter 0
  MeanAnomaly     0

Star "91 Aqr C/PSI1 Aqr C"
    ParentBody "91 Aqr (BC)"
    Class      "K3 V"
    AppMagn    10.1
    MassSol    0.7
  Period          84
  SemiMajorAxis   10.75
  ArgOfPericenter 180
  MeanAnomaly     0

Now go to

catalogs/stars/ExoplanetsSuns-bin.sc (notice that the name is the same than the last one but this one is in the STARS folder)

Do the same thing for the barycenter (don't forget to replace the removestar parameter, could be also that the starbarycenter data its the same, anyway replace just in case I'm wrong)

Replace it for this:


RemoveStar "91 Aqr"

StarBarycenter "91 Aqr/PSI1 Aqr/HR 8841/GL 893.2/ADS 16633"
    RA      23 15 53.49482
    Dec     -9 5 15.8546
    Dist    46.0123

Save both archives

My work for SE: Click here
Textures for Venus surface in color and the moons of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Catalogs of binary stars, brown dwarfs, black holes and neutron stars.
Proxima b (3 versions).
steeljaw354Date: Wednesday, 13.07.2016, 14:25 | Message # 11
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 862
Status: Offline
2015 rr245 needs to be added, was just discovered.
JackDoleDate: Wednesday, 13.07.2016, 16:20 | Message # 12
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Quote steeljaw354 ()
2015 rr245 needs to be added, was just discovered.


Don't forget to look here.

wdpDate: Tuesday, 06.09.2016, 13:49 | Message # 13
Group: Newbies
United Kingdom
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
Hi all, I'd like to report an issue with the double pulsar PSR J0737-3039. It is a double pulsar system (PSR J0737-3039A and PSR J0737-3039B) and it appears in SE as 4 pulsars (in a fairly weird configuration). How can it be fixed? Thanks
SpaceEngineerDate: Wednesday, 14.09.2016, 11:19 | Message # 14
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Fix for the binary pulsar PSR J0737-3039. The whole system is duplicated in 0.980 catalog with a names "PSR J0737-3039A" and "PSR J0737-3039B". The fix removes these wrong who systems and replaces with the new one: "PSR J0737-3039" with components A and B. Some extra data is added to them, including precession of the orbit periapsis (17° per year, according to Wiki).

Installation is simple, as usual, - save the pak file into addons folder.

Attachments: PSRJ0737-3039-f.pak (1.2 Kb)

morganxDate: Wednesday, 14.09.2016, 16:28 | Message # 15
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 7
Status: Offline
News today ! A much bigger and more accurate star catalog being announced by ESA

"With Hipparcos, we could only analyse the 3-D structure and dynamics of stars in the Hyades, the nearest open cluster to the Sun, and measure distances for about 80 clusters up to 1600 light-years from us," says Antonella Vallenari from the Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF) and the Astronomical Observatory of Padua, Italy.
"But with Gaia's first data, it is now possible to measure the distances and motions of stars in about 400 clusters up to 4800 light-years away. surprised

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