import random
from datetime import datetime
print("AsteroidsRingMaker by JackDole in 2016.03.15 16:36:56 converted to Python and enhanced by FaceDeer, edit by quarior14")
print("daysYear = 365.24218985 days \n1 AU = 149597870.691 km\n1 Mass Earth = 5.9736e24 kg")
#uncomment this line if you want repeatable results
# Amount of asteroids
NumberOfAster=input("Number of aster : ")
NumberOfAster = int(NumberOfAster)
TypeOfAster=input("Type of aster : ")
ClassOfAster=input("Class of aster : ")
RingCenter=input("Ring center : ")
print("Name of the asteroids - a serial number is appended")
AsterName=input("Aster name (no space between name and number) : ")
# Orbital radii in AU
InnerRadius=input("Inner Radius in AU : ")
InnerRadius = float(InnerRadius)
OuterRadius=input("Outer radius in AU : ")
OuterRadius = float(OuterRadius)
# Radius of asteroids in KM
MaxRadiusOfAster = input("Max radius in km : ")
MaxRadiusOfAster = float(MaxRadiusOfAster)
MinRadiusOfAster = input("Min radius in km : ")
MinRadiusOfAster = float(MinRadiusOfAster)
#orbital eccentricity
MaxEccentricity = input("Max eccentricity : ")
MaxEccentricity = float(MaxEccentricity)
MinEccentricity = input("Min eccentricity : ")
MinEccentricity = float(MinEccentricity)
# Orbital inclination +- in degrees
MaxInclination = input("Max inclination in degrees : ")
MaxInclination = float(MaxInclination)
#Probability that the asteroid won't be given a rotation rate, leaving it tide-locked
ChanceOfTideLock = input ("Chance of tidal lock (between 0 and 1) : ")
ChanceOfTideLock = float(ChanceOfTideLock)
#rotation periods in hours. See MaxRotationPeriod = input("Max rotation period in hours : ")
MaxRotationPeriod = float(MaxRotationPeriod)
MinRotationPeriod = input("Min rotation period in hours : ")
MinRotationPeriod = float(MinRotationPeriod)
RefPlane=input("RefPlane (Ecliptic, Equator, Extrasolar) : ")
epoch=input("Epoch : ")
FileName= '{0}_{1}.sc'.format(AsterName, NumberOfAster)
template ="""
{TypeOfAster} "{AsterName}{count}"
\tRadius\t\t{radius}\t//in km
\t\tSemiMajorAxis\t{semi}\t//in AU
\t\tInclination\t\t{incl}\t//in degrees
#three different random number generators that give a floating point number between
#the two parameters but with different distributions
def uniform(a, b):
return random.uniform(a, b)
def triangular(a, b):
return random.triangular(a, b, (a+b)/2.0)
# A normal distribution placing a and b at three standard deviations out from the mean
# clamping the result so that there are no outliers beyond the desired range
def gaussian(a, b):
result = random.gauss((a+b)/2.0, (b-a)/6.0)
return max(min(result, b), a)
randomGenerator = gaussian
parameters = {'TypeOfAster' : TypeOfAster, 'AsterName' : AsterName, 'RingCenter' : RingCenter, 'ClassOfAster' : ClassOfAster, 'RefPlane' : RefPlane, 'epoch' : epoch}
with open(FileName, 'w') as outputfile:
outputfile.write('// Asteroids made with AsteroidsRingMaker\n// {0}\n\n'.format(
for count in range(NumberOfAster):
parameters['count'] = count+1
parameters['semi'] = randomGenerator(InnerRadius, OuterRadius)
parameters['radius'] = randomGenerator(MinRadiusOfAster, MaxRadiusOfAster)
parameters['incl'] = randomGenerator(-MaxInclination, MaxInclination)
parameters['eccen'] = randomGenerator(MinEccentricity, MaxEccentricity)
parameters['argof'] = random.uniform(0,360)
parameters['ascen'] = random.uniform(0,360)
if random.random() > ChanceOfTideLock:
rotation = randomGenerator(MinRotationPeriod,MaxRotationPeriod)
obliquity = random.uniform(0,360)
parameters['rotation'] = '\tRotationPeriod\t{0}\t//in hours\n\tObliquity\t\t{1}\n'.format(rotation, obliquity)
parameters['rotation'] = '\t//RotationPeriod\tTidal locked'
print("The script is save in the file "+FileName+".")
os.system ("pause")