Welcome to my mods page. You can discover my site for my mods : Quarior14's mod for Space Engine (it is French). Put mod on addons folder.
All planets are procedural but before Mizar, there is some criteria like planets with no rings. The shield of Prosperous, I did it myself, although in the game, the hexagons are smaller and more numerous. If anyone knows Pirate Galaxy and systems, it can put just the planet from space and the course name to see if they have rings or not and at least the class. I have not used texture Pirate Galaxy so in principle I published is that if I use textures of the game can not. For information, the star Antares, Sirius and Mizar are left by default in the game, I said because in Pirate Galaxy, the stars do not correspond to 100% as Mizar is actually a quadruple system, Sirius a binary system and a red supergiant Antares.
Les mondes d'Aldébaran (fiction and book) Download Les mondes d'Aldébaran For the system Antares which is actually GJ 1211, I put the real position of this star (thanks for JackDole), so it is not next to Antares, same view from Earth. The period of revolution of the system Aldebaran and Betelgeuse are not taken into account because otherwise, the planets will be very hot see calcined. The other planets that are not specified in the book are clarified, I just put the SemiMajorAxis. GJ 1211-5 (commonly called in the series Antarès-5) :
Update Song_of_a_Distant_Earth.pak with a new link, the pak have the Small Magellan, in the book, it does not exist, there is the real Magellan which is 4 km long and 1 km wide but since I used the editor to the vessels, it only 100 m length, hence the name Small Magellan. If anyone can make a wide release, thank you in advance.
I made the pak for because I think everyone was waiting and especially to revive the addons because I think that the author has a lot of work. The Great Battle of The Universe.pak Put on addons folder.
Procedural Solar System (fiction)
Quotequarior14 ()
I made procedural Solar System (it's not 100% procedural). In the pak, you a two different versions in a another location.
Search D P Solar System for the same solar system, but the textures (DiffMap, Clouds) are procedurals
Search P Solar System for the same solar system, but the textures and bump maps are procedurals
@JackDole Oh interested but my black hole should not be too visible because the inhabitants that lies at Sunyes system are not the decency see. Also, given the jet-risk of destroying a moment Blackeshel 1 and life is adapted above so it seems strange. But we see how other "explorers" adapt my system. I wish you good discovery of my system.
New system that he is out of my Galaxy but a that is famous, still even link. This system is artificial. These are the ex-inhabitants who fled their planet to design this system and they have remade their planet and their moon but in terra forming. Wormhole between them made, missing Space Engine supports the trip.
I add Saverous ship, it is the ship who created the wormhole connecting Canesya 5.W1 to Saverous W1 and create Saverous system ago about 76341 Earth year.
Of course, you'll wonder why create a wormhole instead of using his hyperdrive ? The answer is simple, imagine you at that time on a planet at the end of life who want rassember its entire population in one place in an "artificial" system. It would already create :
Several vessels of this type (it must be material, and cost)
Make several return without being sure of being in the right place (because the speed hyperdrive, it must be precisely control). At the time, there was not even on their GPS position Saverous and even if there was, it was a big risk because you could get lost in the intergalactic void.
Short enough question, I presume you be press. I warn, in Space Engine, you can not create a star from space ship, but perhaps a day will come ...
So we can not make corridors in Space Engine ship editor so to imagine that some default structure are the corridors. In the pack Spacyas.pak. For those who want pak or be independent to do the update manually instead of reinstalling the pack, here is the zip of the vessel, dezip on models/spacecraft/Quarior/Blackeshelsystem/Canesyasystem/Canesya/Canesya 4-Canesya 5/Canesya 5/Humain : Saverous ship.zip