So I've been trying to make this system for a couple of months now and originally wanted to have a supermassive black hole as the main star, but then decided to utilize the Milky Way's supermassive black hole that's located in the center. Here's the problem, though. I look for the location of the Milky Way (RA, Dec, Distance, all that good stuff), and relocate the barycenter there. I even went into the debug menu, noclipped into the very center of the Milky Way's black hole and confirmed:
StarBarycenter "Anemoi"
RA 17.760278
Dec -28.936111
Dist 8584.74
Class "X" // Spectral class
Lum 1000 // Luminosity, or
//AbsMagn 5.31 // absolute magnitude, or
//AppMagn 10.31 // visual magnitude
NoPlanets true // disable generation of procedural planetary system
Even after all of that, though, there's this:
The barycenter's 270 AU away from the center of the Milky Way. What did I do wrong? If you guys want a snippet of the actual system's code, I can supply that as well. I sincerely have no idea what could be causing this or how I could fix it, as I can't find the actual black hole anywhere in the catalog and certainly can't make my system orbit it because of that.