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Old-System migrated: Now messed up
neuhavenDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 19:09 | Message # 1
Group: Newbies
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
(Sorry, my english is very far from perfect)

So, a long time ago I created my own triple star system. It was not very scientific accurate, but wasn't planned to do so from the very start. A Fantasy World, where nothing makes sense (I apologize). Well thats not actually very true, i tried to make the planets with life at least in a reasonable habitable form - in Version 0.971.
After migrating the SC-Files to SE 0.972, everything is screwed up. I dont know why.
The Objects around the die Brown dwarfs are very hot (much hotter than in the previous version, which seems ludicrous. I tried to find the errors at my own, but failed). The same Problem applies to the life bearing Planets around the the Orange Star. What did I do wrong?

http://ardana.net/jeannifer/ardana.txt (Barycenter)
http://ardana.net/jeannifer/ardana-system.txt (Stars, Objects, Barycenters)
(These are originally 0.971-*.sc's, i just copied them into the new Engine)

Everything ist really appreciated. I hope i will find the solutions by myself, but after hours of editing...

Has this something to do with the new parameters added in Ver 0.972?
Thomas988Date: Friday, 13.03.2015, 19:22 | Message # 2
Space Pilot
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United States
Messages: 125
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It could be the update that added tidal heating. As you've stated before, your solar system isn't meant to be realistic (while SE is), so gravity between the planets and their parent suns could be the culprit.

But I'm no expert, mind you. just an educated guess. Maybe setting down the stars' temperatures could do the trick?

All you need in life are space games and typhlosions.
DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 19:45 | Message # 3
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
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Quote neuhaven ()
What did I do wrong?

Nothing, this is simply due to an error in tidal heating which will be fixed in the next version of the program.

You could try adjusting distances and eccentricity.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 20:03 | Message # 4
Author of Space Engine
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Russian Federation
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Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
Nothing, this is simply due to an error in tidal heating which will be fixed in the next version of the program.

This error does not affects catalog systems.

Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
You could try adjusting distances and eccentricity.

To reduce tidal effects, make eccentricity closer to 0.

Quote neuhaven ()
The Objects around the die Brown dwarfs are very hot

There is a bug with too high cold brown dwarf bolometric correction (the coefficient to convert visual luminosity of the star to bolometric, ie all-spectrum). Try to change the T8 brown dwarf to more hot, like L8.

Albedo of the planet is also affects on its temperature, and of course atmospheric greenhouse effect.

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 20:23 | Message # 5
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Quote SpaceEngineer ()
This error does not affects catalog systems.

Quote SpaceEngineer ()
To reduce tidal effects, make eccentricity closer to 0.

If it doesn't affect catalog systems then why would adjusting eccentricity in a catalog system affect it? Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you mean here, the error seemed to be an issue in my own systems as well.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
neuhavenDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 21:19 | Message # 6
Group: Newbies
Messages: 5
Status: Offline
Thanks smile
It could be the update that added tidal heating.
I hadn't thought of that. smile Well, if thats the case, it still seems awkward. Given the results:
For Example: T8 V [526~°C/84~G] (never set, its generated). Its nearest circulating object is about 1.7m Km away (Selena) and at 2304~°C! It's surface is completely molten und glowing noticably brighter)
Example 2 is the binary planet system around the orange dwarf. Both objects use similiar values as for parameters go (only light differences), but one of them is around 200~°C hotter. Other one still temperate as before. Shouldn't both of them be affected?

Well, I'm not very good at this. So sorry if I'm completely wrong.
I'm very thankful for the replies I received so far, will try solutions asap smile
SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 21:27 | Message # 7
Author of Space Engine
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Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
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Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
If it doesn't affect catalog systems then why would adjusting eccentricity in a catalog system affect it? Perhaps I am misunderstanding what you mean here, the error seemed to be an issue in my own systems as well.

Because eccentricity is what making tidal heating so strong (e in the formula is squared). If moon have e=0, then it don't change its distance to the parent planet, so tidal forces are constant and don't change the moon's shape, resulting in no heating.

The bug with procedural systems is another thing. Every time the moon gets generated, it passes the Roche limit test, and if it fails, it gets skipped. But the next moon in the cycle got the tidal heating parameters, calculated for the previous moon (I forgot to reset them). If the previous moon was large (so it failed the Roche limit test), its heating value is huge, so small moon what are generated instead of it got ridiculously large heating value and become 8000 K piece of plasma.

SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 21:29 | Message # 8
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote neuhaven ()
For Example: T8 V [526~°C/84~G] (never set, its generated). Its nearest circulating object is about 1.7m Km away (Selena) and at 2304~°C! It's surface is completely molten und glowing noticably brighter)

This is due to the bug with brown dwarf luminosity.

Quote neuhaven ()
Example 2 is the binary planet system around the orange dwarf. Both objects use similiar values as for parameters go (only light differences), but one of them is around 200~°C hotter. Other one still temperate as before. Shouldn't both of them be affected?

And this is a tidal effects. Try to change the moon's and planet's eccentricity to zero (their orbits around common barycenter).

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