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COMMUNITY ADDON - Catalog Fixes for SE
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 08.06.2014, 11:38 | Message # 1
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
As many of you may know, SE's star catalog has some errors in it, such as errors in spectral class, magnitude, and missing data. The goals here are to 1) identify stars which have errors, and 2) make new catalog scripts to fix these errors.

For this you will have to overwrite the existing HIP star and remake the entire system for your script. You can use the RemoveStar parameter in the script to do this. Keep in mind that you can also update the physical parameters of the stars in the system while you make it, including things like age.

For a tutorial on how to add stars, look here. Pay close attention to the need to use two catalogs per star system.

To expedite the process of building this catalog and adding it into SE, you should try to resolve all errors with your systems before posting them. When you finish your script for a star system (or many of them) you may post it in this thread.

Feel free to just post the name of a star that has an error even if you don't want to make a catalog fix. A list of stars that need fixing will make things a lot easier on the scripters.

Good luck!

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HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 08.06.2014, 11:41 | Message # 2
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
To start off, here is a fix for HIP 115218:

Star catalog script
RemoveStar "HIP 115218"

StarBarycenter "HIP 115218 system"
   RA       23 20 14.37962
   Dec      61 58 12.4578
   Dist     290.2
   Class   "M2 III"

Planet catalog script
Star "HD 220074/HIP 115218/HR 8881"
   ParentBody    "HIP 115218 system"
   Class  "M2 III"
   AppMagn      6.39
   Radius       3.460114e7
   Mass         1.2
   FeH         -0.25
   Age          4.5

   Orbit {
    Type    "Static"

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Edited by HarbingerDawn - Sunday, 08.06.2014, 11:45
pzampellaDate: Monday, 14.07.2014, 20:25 | Message # 3
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 115
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HIP 98298 is a binary system in SE, but it really is the famous system knowed as Cygnus X-1. I have tried to delete one of the stars to replace it with a black hole named "Cyg X-1" but I haven't been able to do it. If somebody manages to succed, please post the code. Thanks!
HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 14.07.2014, 22:10 | Message # 4
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
I already did that here: http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/17-1351-37970-16-1392425784

A search for Cygnus X-1 would have given you the link.

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pzampellaDate: Tuesday, 15.07.2014, 17:01 | Message # 5
Space Pilot
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Messages: 115
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Yeah thanks! I just added it last night. I was searching for "Cyg X-1". It's really nice yur work by the way.
alessandroporcelli91Date: Tuesday, 03.02.2015, 14:18 | Message # 6
Group: Newbies
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1. I couldn't find HD 140283 (AKA the Methuselah star), and I think it would be nice to include it.

2. Wouldn't it be nice to have aphelion and perihelion as orbital parameters for the planets?

Edited by alessandroporcelli91 - Sunday, 08.02.2015, 12:39
HarbingerDawnDate: Saturday, 18.04.2015, 09:25 | Message # 7
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Alf Cen C:

Star catalog script
RemoveStar "HIP 70890"

StarBarycenter "Proxima system"
   RA      14 29 42.9487
   Dec    -62 40 46.141
   Dist    1.3009
   Class  "M5.5 V"
   AbsMagn 15.49

Planet catalog script
Star "Proxima/Proxima Cen/ALF Cen C/V645 Cen/Gliese 551"
   ParentBody     "Proxima system"
   Class          "M5.5 V"
   AbsMagn        15.49
   MassSol        0.123
   RadSol         0.141
   Age            4.85
   RotationPeriod 2004
    Type "Static"
    BumpHeight 4
    BumpOffset 2

Sol (in Catalogs0973.pak/stars/Stars.sc):

Change name line from
Star    "Sol/The Sun"

Star    "Sol"

English name is already given in the eng-db.cfg file, so it is redundant here.

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Edited by HarbingerDawn - Saturday, 18.04.2015, 09:33
sterrreDate: Sunday, 21.06.2015, 10:02 | Message # 8
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SpaceHopperDate: Monday, 22.06.2015, 22:23 | Message # 9
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What's wrong with Mintaka?

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HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 22.06.2015, 22:55 | Message # 10
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Quote sterrre ()

Quote SpaceHopper ()
What's wrong with Mintaka?


sterrre, it was not very courteous of you to make us go to Reddit just to find out what problem you were reporting. Also, those are not catalog errors, those are limitations/imperfections in procedural planet generation.

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My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
HarbingerDawnDate: Wednesday, 30.12.2015, 19:54 | Message # 11
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
HIP 93840

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JackDoleDate: Tuesday, 16.02.2016, 13:11 | Message # 12
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
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Strange error in the 'nebulae.sc' file with the Homunculus Nebula

The values of RA and Dec are given in decimal, but behind it are still minutes and seconds. Therefore the star Eta Carina is not in the center of the nebula.

Nebula    "Homunculus Nebula/Eta Carinae Nebula"
    Galaxy  "Milky Way"
    Type    "Diffuse"
    RA       10.751 41 03.591
    Dec     -59.6845 41 04.26
    Dist     2376
    Radius   0.245
    AppMagn  15.0

This must be so:

Nebula    "Homunculus Nebula/Eta Carinae Nebula"
    Galaxy  "Milky Way"
    Type    "Diffuse"
    RA       10.751
    Dec     -59.6845
    Dist     2376
    Radius   0.245
    AppMagn  15.0

To correct this error, extract the file 'nebulae.sc' from 'Catalogs0974.pak' in a folder 'catalogs\nebulae'. Create the folder if it does not exist.
Then correct the two faulty lines, in an editor. SpaceEngine will now use this corrected file.

This bug has been around since at least SE 0.971 dry

Don't forget to look here.

JackDoleDate: Friday, 08.04.2016, 10:44 | Message # 13
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
UY Scuti

In the catalog file 'stars.sc' is missing the distance information, so SE selects a random value and placed the star outside the Milky Way.
Here is a file containing the distance information and some other corrections.

// UYScuti.sc
// Data from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/UY_Scuti

RemoveStar "UY Sct"     // In SE 0.974 RC2 not necessary, but perhaps necessary in older version.

Star    "UY Sct"
    RA      18 27 36.5334
    Dec     -12 27 58.866
    Dist    2900        // is missing in the original stars.sc script, therfore SE uses random value.
    Class   "M4 Ia"
    AppMagn 9.0         // 8.9 - 11.20
    //Radius   582133500 // random median  - this is only  ~ 836.08037 RadSol, also to small
    RadSol  1708        // +- 192
    MassSol 10          // 7 - 10  - other source says 20 -40

In 'SE 0.974 RC2' put the file into 'addons\catalogs\stars'. If the folder does not exist, create it.

Attachments: UVScuti.sc (0.6 Kb)

Don't forget to look here.

Edited by JackDole - Friday, 08.04.2016, 10:46
JackDoleDate: Friday, 08.04.2016, 12:13 | Message # 14
Star Engineer
Group: Local Moderators
Messages: 1742
Status: Offline
Alnitak duplicate entry in SE 0.974 RC2

Copy the file 'stars.sc' from 'Catalogs 0974.pak' to 'data\catalogs\stars'.

Remove from 'stars.sc' this section:
Star    "Alnitak/ZET Ori/50 Ori/HD 37742"
     RA       05 40 45.5
     Dec     -01 56 34
     Dist     368.7 //387
     Class   "O9 1b"
     AppMagn  1.73

It does not work if 'stars.sc' is copied to 'addons\catalogs\stars'!

But in my opinion, the position of Alnitak is wrong.

To change that, copy alse the file 'stars-bin-2.sc' to 'data\catalogs\stars'.

Replace in this file:
StarBarycenter "Alnitak/ZET Ori/50 Ori"
    RA      05 40 45.5
    Dec     -07 56 34
    Dist    214.7239

StarBarycenter "Alnitak/ZET Ori/50 Ori/HD 37742"
     RA       05 40 45.52666
     Dec     -01 56 34.2649
     Dist    214.7239

The distances seem to be rather uncertain. There are many different information in the sources.

Don't forget to look here.

MosfetDate: Friday, 08.04.2016, 14:16 | Message # 15
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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I'm trying to change in 0974RC2 Alnitak position, a triple system, by correcting its declination value, without success.
now we have 2 Alnitak, a single star of the Orion belt, and a triple system some degrees below. Correct system, wrong position.

Jackdole, your post wasn't there before tongue

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Edited by Mosfet - Friday, 08.04.2016, 14:26