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MOD - Importing space ships 0.980
quarior14Date: Tuesday, 06.09.2016, 15:46 | Message # 61
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
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Hello, this is the first time I import ships Space Engine, ships coming from Space Engineers game I exported and when I put in Space Engine, my spacecrafts appear black, I do not see what the problem, I even look at the solutions in this thread.

Here my spacecraft and texture, organized in such Space Engine, decompress in addons.
My se.log.

Attachments: 0799533.jpg (199.9 Kb) · 6761882.log (138.4 Kb)


Edited by quarior14 - Thursday, 08.09.2016, 18:32
MosfetDate: Tuesday, 06.09.2016, 22:49 | Message # 62
World Builder
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Messages: 754
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The problem seems to be the materials, they seems not applied or exported as completely black. SE does load them correctly, but they are black.
I don't know the game, how do you export from Space Engineers?

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
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DoctorOfSpaceDate: Tuesday, 06.09.2016, 23:23 | Message # 63
Galaxy Architect
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Messages: 3600
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Try changing the diffmap color, I recall that being one of the causes of that bug.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 07:26 | Message # 64
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Quote Mosfet ()
I don't know the game, how do you export from Space Engineers?

He has no option when exporting. As soon as one is in the game, a vessel must look then do Ctrl + Alt + E, then it is automatically saved to the desktop ("C:\Users\<YourName>\Desktop\SpaceEngineers_ExportedModels\<ShipName>\").
To get the <ShipName>.obj, <ShipName>.mtl and materials, open the zip <ShipName>_objFiles.zip.

Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
Try changing the diffmap color, I recall that being one of the causes of that bug.

Still does not work.

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 08:00 | Message # 65
Galaxy Architect
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Messages: 3600
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If you could share the obj and mtl that might be helpful as well.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
quarior14Date: Wednesday, 07.09.2016, 09:13 | Message # 66
World Builder
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Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
If you could share the obj and mtl that might be helpful as well.

See here for my configuration on Space Engine, else the original folder when exporting the spacecraft it is.
Also, if you can explain to me how it works for the establishment of propellants effects and "cameras," precisely the position.
//On sss file :
Camera { "Auto"  (0 0 0) (1 0 0 0) }
//On cfg file :
EngineEffect "Main top"
    Group    "Main"
    Type     "Fusion"
    Pos     (0 53.7 37.6)
    Rot     (0 0 180)
    Size    (7 7 300)
    Color   (0.05 0.25 0.6) //Color RGB

EngineEffect "Thruster top left"
    Group    "Thruster"
    Type     "Ion"
    Pos     (53 24 8)
    Rot     (45 -45 9.1764e-005)
    Size    (4 4 15)
    Color   (0.15 0.35 0.45) //Color RGB

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 01:02 | Message # 67
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
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quarior14, your ships show up black but if I adjust their exposure setting and then put ambient exposure in engine up slightly they show up.

You also have some settings as black still. When importing a ship it is best to keep the diffmap color settings to something like 0.999 and do color adjustments in the texture.

I haven't quite figured out how to fix the black ship color at default exposure settings but it shouldn't be too hard since the ships are rendering properly.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
ProteusDate: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 01:38 | Message # 68
Group: Users
United States
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Btw, does anyone know where we could possibly get (or easily design) a model of a certain kind of starship similar to this:

Basically, something long, something that really means business, with a somewhat blocky, primitive shape, dark color hull with the complicated hull plating, and various modules and antennas coming off of it that could be a used for long-distance (thinking intergalactic) exploration travels? I'm thinking something like from the movie Alien:

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 02:10 | Message # 69
Galaxy Architect
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Messages: 3600
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Quote Proteus ()
I'm thinking something like from the movie Alien:

I ported some Alien ships a few years ago, they were in one of HarbingerDawn's threads but they would need to be updated for 0.9.8.

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory
quarior14Date: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 10:53 | Message # 70
World Builder
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Messages: 649
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Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
quarior14, your ships show up black but if I adjust their exposure setting

What exposure value you have set ?

Quote DoctorOfSpace ()
You also have some settings as black still. When importing a ship it is best to keep the diffmap color settings to something like 0.999 and do color adjustments in the texture.

That is to say
DiffColor (0.999 0.999 0.999)

Edit : I tried and even removed the alpha channel of my pictures (materials), still not working.
Did you touch anything else ? Otherwise share your configuration.


Edited by quarior14 - Thursday, 08.09.2016, 11:16
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 13:44 | Message # 71
Author of Space Engine
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Russian Federation
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Tutorial updated, short manual for ships editor also added (after importing from obj).

quarior14Date: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 14:29 | Message # 72
World Builder
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Messages: 649
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Question : What software do you use to open the file sm. With Notepad ++, the file does not open correctly, unless to do a maneuver ?
Otherwise thank you, I did not know you could directly edit ships in Space Engine.
In all cases, however, my ship still appears black whereas before I even made the tutorial at the beginning, that's exactly what I did.

Ettore_bilboDate: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 17:32 | Message # 73
Space Pilot
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Quote Proteus ()
Btw, does anyone know where we could possibly get (or easily design) a model of a certain kind of starship similar to this:

my x3tc mod contains something similar... it is here:

at the moment i'm working on a massive mod with many of the ships of EVE online, also this will contain this kind of ships...
Ettore_bilboDate: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 17:37 | Message # 74
Space Pilot
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Quote quarior14 ()
Hello, this is the first time I import ships spaceengine, ships coming from Space Engineers game I exported and when I put in Space Engine, my spacecrafts appear black, I do not see what the problem, I even look at the solutions in this thread.

when you export your model remember to export also normal information of surfaces... usually i have this problem...
quarior14Date: Thursday, 08.09.2016, 18:11 | Message # 75
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 649
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Quote Ettore_bilbo ()
when you export your model remember to export also normal information of surfaces... usually i have this problem...

I don't have this option, I just materials and <ShipName>.mtl.
