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Updated Catalog for SE
EnkiDate: Monday, 15.07.2013, 23:12 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 67
Status: Offline
At first I noticed that Gliese 581 F and G were removed in version 0.97 and if I'd stopped there, I'd've reused my old forum where I added them to 0.96.1 and then found out they were in 0.96.2. But, I didn't stop there. I upgraded several habitable systems(and added a few).

Here's how I did the scripts:
I added masses
I added radii
I added all available orbital parameters
I set life to true on up to two candidates in each system (Gliese 667 has three!)
I wrote in notes about ranges for certain "uncertain values," usually mass and radius, in case the user is not happy with provided ones.
I also included URLs for further information in the files and several other notes.
Each system has it's own file, just like ours. This may seem like clutter, but these are just the "notable" systems.
I created folders called original under the script and config directories with the originals of edited files.

I used Gliese and Kepler catalog names, but left the old ones as alternate names so if you know it by the other name you can still find it; I still think these names are easier to remember though. Also, I realize some of these already had all the planets in the system, but I upgraded them.
Systems added:
Gliese 71 (Tau Ceti)
Gliese 163
Gliese 370 (HD 85512)
Gliese 581
Gliese 667
Gliese 2046 (HD 40307)
Kepler-22 (I didn't set life to true on Kepler-22 b because it looked like it was a gas giant, but it was in the habitable zone so I left it for a possible habitable moon, or if you decide to scale it down.)
Kepler-61 (This star was not previously in SE.)

I don't add detailed surface parameters, the planet class, or anything ultra defining. This is a necessity for me because I am a scifi writer and will neither go to the work of creating two versions of each system nor handing out the "source code" of my novel. That being said, I look at this as a creative and visualization tool as well as a catalog update. Creative users will wish to add more detail based on their own personal tastes and purpose.

Let me know if there are any errors in my scripting. I tested all the systems and they show up in my copy of SE. I'm not experienced though, so if I overlooked anything tell me.

Copy the Catalogs and Config folders into your SE directory. There are originals folders with backups of the original files in both. (I know I'm 100% sure all the backups are there, but just in case make sure yourself that this is the case before copying over your old files.)
Run SE.

Attachments: Updated_Catalog.7z (85.6 Kb)

"If you arrive at a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand
"It may be that our purpose on Earth is not to find God, but to create him." - Arthur C. Clarke

Edited by Enki - Tuesday, 16.07.2013, 13:56
SpaceEngineerDate: Tuesday, 16.07.2013, 10:45 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Enki)
Delete your cache.

You have not to do this. The only files in the cache that may need update after installing addon or modifying existing scripts - is a galaxies and nebulae binary models. The only reason to delete the cache is changing a script of some existing galaxy/nebula model, or changing hardware or driver version to update the shader cache.

EnkiDate: Tuesday, 16.07.2013, 13:55 | Message # 3
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 67
Status: Offline
Quote (SpaceEngineer)
You have not to do this. The only files in the cache that may need update after installing addon or modifying existing scripts - is a galaxies and nebulae binary models. The only reason to delete the cache is changing a script of some existing galaxy/nebula model, or changing hardware or driver version to update the shader cache.

I wasn't sure. So that was my process every time I added a star system. I will update my first post now. Thanks. smile

"If you arrive at a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand
"It may be that our purpose on Earth is not to find God, but to create him." - Arthur C. Clarke

Edited by Enki - Tuesday, 16.07.2013, 13:55
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