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Dutch (Nederlands) localization for SE 0.97
FrostbreathDate: Wednesday, 22.05.2013, 17:21 | Message # 1
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Greetings! I haven't noticed any Dutch translation for SPace Engine so far, so I've decided to create one. It was quite the work to find out why it wouldn't load half of my translations until I found out I missed an " somewhere in the middle of the file... Anyway, without further ado, I proudly present to you V1.0 of the Dutch localization for Space Engine! Enjoy! Please note: a database file may or may not come later.

To install, simply drop both files from the zip into the locale folder.

Hey! Ik kon nergens een (volledig) Nederlands vertaalde versie van Space Engine vinden, dus heb ik er maar eentje gemaakt. Het was nogal wat werk om uit te vinden waar de fouten zaten, maar het is gelukt. Let op: de vertaling is naar mijn mening nog niet perfect, maar het is wel duidelijk. Hierbij dus V1.0 van de Nederlandse lokalisatie van Space Engine! Veel plezier en laat me weten als je denkt dat een bepaald woord anders kan! Er is nog geen database config aanwezig. Deze wordt misschien nog toegevoegd, maar is naar mijn mening niet nodig.

Plaats beide bestanden uit de zip in de locale map.

V1.3.1 (gui file only): https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/38421008/ned-gui.cfg

- Shortened a string that was too long.

- Updated for SE

- Updated for SE

- Fixed typo.
- Changed some translations so they fit a lot better.
Props go to Tim.

- Added missing translations

- Minor translation errors fixed.

- Initial release

Amateur astronomer. Owner of a Celestron C8 telescope and, of course, Space Engine. Translator for Dutch.

Edited by Frostbreath - Friday, 26.12.2014, 22:13
SpaceEngineerDate: Wednesday, 22.05.2013, 17:45 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Good one! Take a quick look and found something wierd:

"Galaxy" "Sterrenstelsel"
"galaxy" "melkweg"

Does this have a sense?

FrostbreathDate: Wednesday, 22.05.2013, 17:57 | Message # 3
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Uhh, yeah. Actually, it makes no sense at all. :P galaxy is also supposed to be sterrenstelsel. Will change it right away!

EDIT: V1.0.1 fixes this no-sense and another minor typo. Thanks!

Amateur astronomer. Owner of a Celestron C8 telescope and, of course, Space Engine. Translator for Dutch.

Edited by Frostbreath - Wednesday, 22.05.2013, 17:59
SpaceEngineerDate: Wednesday, 22.05.2013, 21:22 | Message # 4
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Few string are still missing:

WARNING: loc.GetLoc(): Translation not found for string(s):
"Pericenter epoch"
"Please select an option!"
"Objects exported"
"Objects imported"
"Creating planetary system"
"Real object"
"Only this object"
"Only my discoveries"
"All real objects"
"All procedural objects"

FrostbreathDate: Thursday, 23.05.2013, 07:04 | Message # 5
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Fixed and uploaded!

Amateur astronomer. Owner of a Celestron C8 telescope and, of course, Space Engine. Translator for Dutch.
TimDate: Thursday, 23.05.2013, 16:55 | Message # 6
Group: Users
Messages: 296
Status: Offline
Actually 'melkweg' is correct as well (or possibly 'melkwegstelsel'. I once started making a translation and explained this. It's quite confusing.
I guess dutch astronomers originally translated things wrong or different.

Quote (Tim)

Dutch term - Literal translation - correct translation
Zonnestelsel - Solar system - (the) Solar System
zonnestelsel - Solar system - star system
Melkweg(stelsel) - Milky Way - Milky way
melkwegstelsel - Milky Way - galaxy
sterrenstelsel - star system - galaxy

Edited by Tim - Thursday, 23.05.2013, 16:55
FrostbreathDate: Sunday, 26.05.2013, 21:16 | Message # 7
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Yeah, I prefer the term "sterrenstelsel" though, as "melkweg" refers too much to Milky Way. smile

Added (27.05.2013, 00:16)
Not sure if double posting to inform everyone about updates is allowed, but anyway...

I've started a seperate version of the Dutch translation for SE 0.97.1. SpaceEngineer, consider it up to date until you add new lines. =)

Amateur astronomer. Owner of a Celestron C8 telescope and, of course, Space Engine. Translator for Dutch.
TimDate: Monday, 27.05.2013, 16:18 | Message # 8
Group: Users
Messages: 296
Status: Offline
I also have a few suggestions:

Barycenter could also be translated into 'zwaartepunt' or 'zwaartemiddelpunt', even though the english term could be correct.
If you keep it barycenter, then the plural form should be 'barycentra'. 'Centrums' is also correct, but less formal.
I'm also not sure is 'molmassa' if a word, I suggest 'molaire massa'.
I also saw you're using traditional numbers (which is proper for Dutch, million, milliard, etc...) Yet I believe you made a mistake at trillion, which should in that case be 'biljoen', not 'triljoen'.
I would've translated years and days, instead of shorten them to the first letter, but that's a matter of preference of course.
There is a typo in 'Textures Exportieren'.
'Universele kaart' means it can be read anywhere, I would keep it 'universumkaart' or 'kaart van universum'.
Clockwise and counterclockwise can simply be translated as 'wijzerszin' and 'tegenwijzerszin'.

There you go. I hope I didn't sound too cocky, I'm mainly trying to help you by giving some feedback wink
I like the initiative, so here's a thumbs up. :P

Edited by Tim - Monday, 27.05.2013, 16:18
FrostbreathDate: Monday, 27.05.2013, 18:52 | Message # 9
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Quote (Tim)
Barycenter could also be translated into 'zwaartepunt' or 'zwaartemiddelpunt', even though the english term could be correct.

That makes more sense, yeah. Changed!

Quote (Tim)
I'm also not sure is 'molmassa' if a word, I suggest 'molaire massa'.

'Molmassa' does actually exist, but it means the same as your suggestion. :P Left as it is.

Quote (Tim)
I also saw you're using traditional numbers (which is proper for Dutch, million, milliard, etc...) Yet I believe you made a mistake at trillion, which should in that case be 'biljoen', not 'triljoen'.

>_< Fixed.

Quote (Tim)
I would've translated years and days, instead of shorten them to the first letter, but that's a matter of preference of course.

Sounds like a plan. Changed.

Quote (Tim)
There is a typo in 'Textures Exportieren'.

That's what you get for using the German file as starting point. :P Fixed.

Quote (Tim)
'Universele kaart' means it can be read anywhere, I would keep it 'universumkaart' or 'kaart van universum'.

But but but it CAN be read anywhere! D: Changed.

Quote (Tim)
Clockwise and counterclockwise can simply be translated as 'wijzerszin' and 'tegenwijzerszin'.

I guess those two words are typical Flemish, as I never heard of them. :P Left as it is.

With these changes and fixes, V1.1.1 is now seeing the daylight. Thanks for your thorough feedback!

Amateur astronomer. Owner of a Celestron C8 telescope and, of course, Space Engine. Translator for Dutch.
BetelgeuzeDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 09:13 | Message # 10
Space Pilot
Group: Banned
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
when New Dutch words For Galaxies/Nebulae/Planets/Stars



English           Dutch

Earth              Aarde
Sol                 De Zon
Venus             Venus
Mars               Mars
Mercury          Mercurius
Jupiter            Jupiter
Saturn            Saturnus
Uranus           Uranus
Neptune         Neptunus
Pluto              Pluto
Betelgeuse     Betelgeuze
Vega              Wega



English           Dutch

Milky Way      Melkweg
Whirlpool       Draaikolk
Large Magellanic Cloud        Grote Magelhaense Wolk
Small Magellanic Cloud        Kleine Magelhaense Wolk
Andromeda    Andromeda
Triangulum     Driehoek
Tadpole          Kikkervisje
Antennae Galaxies     Antennes Melkwegen
Sombrero       Sombrerostelsel
Centaurus A    Centaurus A



English           Dutch

Ring Nebula    Ringnevel
Crab Nebula   Karbnevel
Hourglass Nebula  Zandlopernevel
Horse Nebula   Paardnevel
Horsehead Nebula  Paardekopnevel
Flame Nebula  Flamnevel
Boomerang Nebula  Boomerangnevel

Thanks You
i live in Belgium i speak dutch/english
RockoRocksDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 09:59 | Message # 11
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 674
Status: Offline
Do you really speak Dutch/English? Because that is not translated properly and contains many typos. And you don't need to wait for for this, just create a ned-db.cfg file, in which you translate the names. I might make one, though.

I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM
BetelgeuzeDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 10:15 | Message # 12
Space Pilot
Group: Banned
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
RockoRocks Yes i can speak dutch

i make dutch names words for planets/stars/galaxies/nebulae

Edited by Betelgeuze - Sunday, 18.05.2014, 10:17
FrostbreathDate: Friday, 26.12.2014, 22:15 | Message # 13
Space Pilot
Group: Translators
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
SE has just been released and I already have a very minor update for the Dutch translation. A string appeared too long and has been shortened. Download it from the OP (V1.3.1).

Amateur astronomer. Owner of a Celestron C8 telescope and, of course, Space Engine. Translator for Dutch.
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