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Voekoevaka's galaxies and nebulas on demand
HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 17.02.2014, 17:02 | Message # 241
Cosmic Curator
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Quote DeathStar ()
almost perfectly centered

It should be more or less exact if you give them the same coordinates.

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neutronium76Date: Friday, 07.03.2014, 13:14 | Message # 242
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Is this
a)worth doing?
b)and if yes, is it doable?

PC1:Core i7 970@3.34GHz, 6 cores/12 threads, 12GB DDR3 RAM@1.34GHz, 2x(SLI) GTX-580 GPUs 3GB VRAM(GDDR5)@1GHz, OS:Win7x64SP1
PC2:Core2Quad X9770@3.2GHz, 2 cores/4 threads 4GB DDR2 RAM@1GHz, GTX-285 GPU 1GB VRAM(DDR3)@1.24GHz, OS:WinVistax64SP2
HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 07.03.2014, 14:59 | Message # 243
Cosmic Curator
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United States
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Quote neutronium76 ()
is it doable?

The spiral galaxy could just be a normal one (might want to use an existing model in this case), and the streams could be a custom irregular galaxy.

Quote neutronium76 ()
a)worth doing?

I would say no, but of course it's up to Voekoevaka.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
VoekoevakaDate: Sunday, 09.03.2014, 02:42 | Message # 244
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Quote neutronium76 ()
Is this
a)worth doing?
b)and if yes, is it doable?

I think this is doable.

Sorry, I've got a very few time now, I know I've got some models on my to-do list, I'll do them when time permits.

If you want me to add your model, just tell me it's name.

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

neutronium76Date: Sunday, 09.03.2014, 07:57 | Message # 245
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Quote Voekoevaka ()
Sorry, I've got a very few time now

Don't worry Voekoevaka. Do it whenever you can or don't do it at all - it's not a big deal.

Quote Voekoevaka ()
If you want me to add your model, just tell me it's name.

I think it's named ESO 137-001. Here is a 1920x1080 shot:

But this is a better one imo:

PC1:Core i7 970@3.34GHz, 6 cores/12 threads, 12GB DDR3 RAM@1.34GHz, 2x(SLI) GTX-580 GPUs 3GB VRAM(GDDR5)@1GHz, OS:Win7x64SP1
PC2:Core2Quad X9770@3.2GHz, 2 cores/4 threads 4GB DDR2 RAM@1GHz, GTX-285 GPU 1GB VRAM(DDR3)@1.24GHz, OS:WinVistax64SP2
Crashman1390Date: Sunday, 16.03.2014, 20:00 | Message # 246
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Anyone getting extreme framerate lag with the tarantula nebula?

[b]I was wrong, this forum still has a horrible community.[/b]
VoekoevakaDate: Sunday, 16.03.2014, 20:03 | Message # 247
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
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You can decrease the detail of the nebula in the model. I know this nebula could cause lag, as it have a lot of particles.

Don't forget to delete the cache model after.

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

BetelgeuzeDate: Sunday, 27.04.2014, 13:35 | Message # 248
Space Pilot
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Wow nice
SpaceHopperDate: Thursday, 12.06.2014, 18:27 | Message # 249
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Can you make a catalog file for NGC 6621 and NGC 6622? They're about 3.8 Mpc apart in the current catalog.

Also, when I went to IC 1623, I found that IC 1623A only has stars in its planetary nebulas, in its supernova remnants, and in its central cluster. This isn't true of IC 1623B, which has stars like a normal galaxy. Why is that?

Added (12.06.2014, 17:27)
Oh, and by the way, I have an idea for a nebula: NGC 2467
Image contains open clusters Haffner 18 and Haffner 19

snowballpudiDate: Saturday, 21.06.2014, 02:37 | Message # 250
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Can you please make the Cat's eye nebula.
VoekoevakaDate: Saturday, 21.06.2014, 04:40 | Message # 251
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
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Those two models added to my list.

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

snowballpudiDate: Saturday, 21.06.2014, 07:29 | Message # 252
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Voekoevaka, You do a great job, but can you tell me what removing the cache models do?
VoekoevakaDate: Saturday, 21.06.2014, 11:50 | Message # 253
World Builder
Group: SE team
Messages: 1016
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During first loading, the model is created from the files (textures and model script), and the position of the particles is stored in the cache. So, for next loading, the engine will just have to load the cache without creating the model. But if you modify the model, the same cache is loaded, so you will see no change : that's why you need to delete the cache to create new model.

Want some music of mine ? Please go here !

Halowraith1Date: Saturday, 21.06.2014, 14:45 | Message # 254
Space Tourist
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Nout sure if there's any point, but...

Why not UDFj-39546284?

You can barely make out the shape of it, but I'd really appreciate it nonetheless.

assuming direct control
DeathStarDate: Saturday, 21.06.2014, 15:55 | Message # 255
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Halowraith1, first, the light from the object has started travelling 10+billion years ago, so it is unlikely that it even exists anymore. Second, you can't really make out any shape from the picture, so it is kind of pointless making a model.