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LiveLife42Date: Friday, 02.11.2012, 01:52 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 272
Status: Offline
This is theoretical if Theia never hit Earth would this be what it would look like now.
Add this to your SolarSys.sc

Terra Theia

Planet    "Theia"
     ParentBody     "Sol"
     Class        "Terra"

     Mass            0.1163706
     Radius          3029.145
     RotationPeriod  16.35001
     RotationOffset  131.4184
     Obliquity       5.819481
     EqAscendNode    54.80159

     Albedo          0.3
     Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Life            true
      Style           0.3823931
      Randomize      (0.110, 0.067, 0.012)
      colorDistMagn   0.04584856
      colorDistFreq   621.3439
      detailScale     14553.44
      colorConversion true
      seaLevel        0.3338013
      snowLevel       0.9883471
      tropicLatitude  0
      icecapLatitude  0.6773279
      icecapHeight    0.352563
      climatePole     1
      climateTropic   0.45
      climateEquator  0.625
      tropicWidth     0.07
      mainFreq        1.018419
      venusFreq       1.035705
      venusMagn       0
      mareFreq        4.702502
      mareDensity     0.02115516
      erosion         0.1133365
      montesMagn      0.2470585
      montesFreq      330.6417
      montesFraction  -0.1605462
      dunesMagn       0.04057355
      dunesFreq       62.3842
      dunesFraction   0.4875073
      hillsMagn       0.1183157
      hillsFreq       528.5665
      hillsFraction   -0.1443281
      hills2Fraction  0.3299583
      canyonsMagn     0.03245596
      canyonsFreq     176.438
      canyonFraction  -0.1547024
      cracksMagn      0.1058104
      cracksFreq      0.506078
      cracksOctaves   0
      craterMagn      0.5961255
      craterFreq      16.02678
      craterDensity   0.05221992
      craterOctaves   3.910301
      craterRayedFactor 0
      twistZones      2.568592
      twistMagn       1.575135
      cycloneMagn     2.554139
      cycloneFreq     0.3780597
      cycloneDensity  0.04567914
      colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000)
      colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000)
      colorBeach     (0.820, 0.740, 0.570, 0.000)
      colorDesert    (0.810, 0.640, 0.450, 0.000)
      colorLowland   (0.770, 0.580, 0.400, 0.000)
      colorUpland    (0.620, 0.330, 0.170, 0.000)
      colorRock      (0.220, 0.200, 0.200, 0.000)
      colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016)
      colorLowPlants (0.100, 0.160, 0.070, 0.000)
      colorUpPlants  (0.090, 0.110, 0.040, 0.000)
      BumpHeight      20
      BumpOffset      4
      DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
      SpecularBright  20
      SpecularPower   150
      DayAmbient      0.07
      Lommel          0
      Exposure        2

      Height          12.12183
      DayAmbient      2
      Lommel          0.2
      Exposure        2
      Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
      mainFreq        2.277624
      mainOctaves     10
      Coverage        0.1
      twistZones      2.568592
      twistMagn       1.575135

      Height          10.676025
      DayAmbient      2
      Lommel          0
      Exposure        2
      Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Model          "Earth"
      Greenhouse  30
      Height          141.4572
      Density         169.4119
      Pressure        0.1052991
      Bright          5.599581
      Opacity         0.5599581
      SkyLight        1.866527
      EclipseBright   100
      EclipseColor   (0.700, 0.500, 0.200)

      Period         1.1         // years
      SemiMajorAxis  1.1000010178 // a.u.
      Eccentricity   0.0167086342
      Inclination    0.0          // degrees
      AscendingNode  348.739      // degrees
      LongOfPericen  102.93734808 // degrees
      MeanLongitude  100.46645683 // degrees


Desert Theia

Planet    "Theia"
     ParentBody     "Sol"
     Class        "Desert"

     Mass            0.1163706
     Radius          3029.145
     RotationPeriod  16.35001
     RotationOffset  131.4184
     Obliquity       5.819481
     EqAscendNode    54.80159

     Albedo          0.3
     Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Style           0.3502573
      Randomize      (-0.756, 0.449, -0.249)
      colorDistMagn   0.04946406
      colorDistFreq   707.3746
      detailScale     25229.06
      colorConversion true
      seaLevel        0.1355969
      snowLevel       0.9918516
      tropicLatitude  0
      icecapLatitude  0.5
      icecapHeight    0.148365
      climatePole     1
      climateTropic   0.45
      climateEquator  0.625
      tropicWidth     0.07
      mainFreq        0.5537045
      venusFreq       0.8857
      venusMagn       0.5197957
      mareFreq        1.747601
      mareDensity     0.202229
      erosion         0
      montesMagn      0.2272066
      montesFreq      10.5586
      montesFraction  0.8588024
      dunesMagn       0.04237601
      dunesFreq       80.21939
      dunesFraction   0.2622788
      hillsMagn       0.135365
      hillsFreq       10.9818
      hillsFraction   -0.2622788
      hills2Fraction  0
      canyonsMagn     0.0045998
      canyonsFreq     10.0388
      canyonFraction  0
      cracksMagn      0.07648642
      cracksFreq      0.4085253
      cracksOctaves   0
      craterMagn      0.5288172
      craterFreq      50.26862
      craterDensity   0.2016796
      craterOctaves   2.657285
      craterRayedFactor 0
      twistZones      2.866478
      twistMagn       0
      cycloneMagn     0.191399
      cycloneFreq     0.6262839
      cycloneDensity  0.05579935
      colorSea       (0.320, 0.240, 0.210, 0.000)
      colorShelf     (0.290, 0.220, 0.200, 0.000)
      colorBeach     (0.820, 0.740, 0.570, 0.000)
      colorDesert    (0.810, 0.640, 0.450, 0.000)
      colorLowland   (0.770, 0.580, 0.400, 0.000)
      colorUpland    (0.620, 0.330, 0.170, 0.000)
      colorRock      (0.810, 0.640, 0.450, 0.000)
      colorSnow      (0.810, 0.640, 0.450, 0.000)
      colorLowPlants (0.810, 0.640, 0.450, 0.000)
      colorUpPlants  (0.810, 0.640, 0.450, 0.000)
      BumpHeight      20
      BumpOffset      4
      DiffMapAlpha   "Ice"
      SpecularBright  0.3
      SpecularPower   150
      DayAmbient      0.07
      Lommel          0
      Exposure        2

     NoClouds    true

      Model          "Mars"
      Height          130.2226
      Density         137.1374
      Pressure        0.0243686
      Bright          2.408266
      Opacity         0.6408266
      SkyLight        1.136089
      EclipseBright   100
      EclipseColor   (0.700, 0.500, 0.200)

      Period         1.1         // years
      SemiMajorAxis  1.1000010178 // a.u.
      Eccentricity   0.0167086342
      Inclination    0.0          // degrees
      AscendingNode  348.739      // degrees
      LongOfPericen  102.93734808 // degrees
      MeanLongitude  100.46645683 // degrees


Oceania Theia

Planet    "Theia"
     ParentBody     "Sol"
     Class        "Oceania"

     Mass            0.1163706
     Radius          3029.145
     RotationPeriod  16.35001
     RotationOffset  131.4184
     Obliquity       5.819481
     EqAscendNode    54.80159

     Albedo          0.3
     Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Life            true
      Style           0.9579871
      Randomize      (0.715, -0.743, 0.420)
      colorDistMagn   0.07357058
      colorDistFreq   643.9042
      detailScale     70349.2
      colorConversion true
      seaLevel        0.8000005
      snowLevel       1
      tropicLatitude  0
      icecapLatitude  1
      icecapHeight    0.8144692
      climatePole     1
      climateTropic   0.45
      climateEquator  0.6040737
      tropicWidth     0.07
      mainFreq        0.7967058
      venusFreq       0.6990402
      venusMagn       0.5471133
      mareFreq        4.575467
      mareDensity     0.03016543
      erosion         0
      montesMagn      0.1579528
      montesFreq      217.9219
      montesFraction  -0.3546745
      dunesMagn       0.03893444
      dunesFreq       45.22982
      dunesFraction   0.683445
      hillsMagn       0.05854356
      hillsFreq       799.9926
      hillsFraction   -0.07179099
      hills2Fraction  0.0532276
      canyonsMagn     0.04277623
      canyonsFreq     139.5313
      canyonFraction  -0.2974255
      cracksMagn      0.1171352
      cracksFreq      0.7447674
      cracksOctaves   0
      craterMagn      0.01188383
      craterFreq      45.91765
      craterDensity   0
      craterOctaves   0
      craterRayedFactor 0
      twistZones      3.147506
      twistMagn       0
      cycloneMagn     1.468517
      cycloneFreq     0.6771572
      cycloneDensity  0.04307068
      colorSea       (0.170, 0.070, 0.040, 1.000)
      colorShelf     (0.320, 0.110, 0.000, 1.000)
      colorBeach     (0.950, 0.950, 0.950, 0.016)
      colorDesert    (0.770, 0.770, 0.470, 0.016)
      colorLowland   (0.880, 0.880, 0.880, 0.016)
      colorUpland    (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016)
      colorRock      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016)
      colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016)
      BumpHeight      173.5277
      DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
      SpecularBright  20
      SpecularPower   150
      DayAmbient      0.07
      Lommel          0
      Exposure        2

      Height          10.2686
      DayAmbient      2
      Lommel          0.2
      Exposure        2
      Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
      mainFreq        2.007588
      mainOctaves     10
      Coverage        0.1769313
      twistZones      3.147506
      twistMagn       0

      Height          20.8223
      DayAmbient      2
      Lommel          0
      Exposure        2
      Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Model          "Earth"
      Greenhouse  30
      Height          141.4572
      Density         169.4119
      Pressure        0.1052991
      Bright          5.599581
      Opacity         0.5599581
      SkyLight        1.866527
      EclipseBright   100
      EclipseColor   (0.700, 0.500, 0.200)

      Period         1.1         // years
      SemiMajorAxis  1.1000010178 // a.u.
      Eccentricity   0.0167086342
      Inclination    0.0          // degrees
      AscendingNode  348.739      // degrees
      LongOfPericen  102.93734808 // degrees
      MeanLongitude  100.46645683 // degrees

Pick a Moon

Asteroid Moon

DwarfMoon    "Y-12"
     ParentBody     "Theia"
     Class        "Asteroid"

     Mass            2.645369e-010
     Radius          4.340813
     Obliquity       5.7506e-009
     EqAscendNode    9.509253

     Albedo          0.3
     Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Style           0.4150356
      Randomize      (-0.112, 0.873, -0.451)
      colorDistMagn   0.30935
      colorDistFreq   5.526149
      detailScale     22.32963
      colorConversion true
      tropicLatitude  0
      icecapLatitude  0.5
      climatePole     1
      climateTropic   0.45
      climateEquator  0.625
      tropicWidth     0.07
      mainFreq        0.5057328
      erosion         0
      montesMagn      0.03197216
      montesFreq      1.01116
      montesFraction  0.2805312
      dunesFreq       -1e+038
      dunesFraction   0
      hillsMagn       1.010558
      hillsFreq       8.813916
      hillsFraction   0.6233585
      hills2Fraction  -0.6233585
      canyonsFreq     -1e+038
      canyonFraction  0
      cracksFreq      -1e+038
      craterMagn      0.243746
      craterFreq      0.2006074
      craterDensity   0.9013671
      craterOctaves   10
      colorSea       (0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400)
      colorShelf     (0.425, 0.425, 0.425, 0.425)
      colorBeach     (0.450, 0.450, 0.450, 0.450)
      colorDesert    (0.475, 0.475, 0.475, 0.475)
      colorLowland   (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
      colorUpland    (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
      colorRock      (0.550, 0.550, 0.550, 0.550)
      colorSnow      (0.575, 0.575, 0.575, 0.575)
      colorLowPlants (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
      colorUpPlants  (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
      BumpHeight      3.906731
      BumpOffset      0.7813463
      SpecularPower   150
      DayAmbient      0.07
      Lommel          0.8
      Exposure        2

      SemiMajorAxis   0.0001232544
      Period          0.00364252
      Eccentricity    0.03661687
      Inclination     -0.3157666
      AscendingNode   9.509253
      ArgOfPericenter 73.75497
      MeanAnomaly     353.1699
      RefPlane       "Equator"

Dwarf Moon

DwarfMoon    "Y-12"
     ParentBody     "Theia"
     Class        "Selena"

     Mass            0.0001476545
     Radius          356.4244
     Obliquity       -8.392552e-009
     EqAscendNode    10.26985

     Albedo          0.3
     Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Style           0.779239
      Randomize      (-0.140, -0.303, -0.007)
      colorDistMagn   0.04006771
      colorDistFreq   796.4543
      detailScale     1833.487
      colorConversion true
      drivenDarkening 0
      seaLevel        0.2757342
      snowLevel       0.9885066
      tropicLatitude  0
      icecapLatitude  0.5
      icecapHeight    0.3318726
      climatePole     1
      climateTropic   0.45
      climateEquator  0.625
      tropicWidth     0.07
      mainFreq        1.726762
      venusFreq       1.133857
      venusMagn       0
      mareFreq        2.093993
      mareDensity     0.1228826
      erosion         0
      montesMagn      0.170125
      montesFreq      226.4693
      montesFraction  -0.613672
      dunesMagn       0.024774
      dunesFreq       7534.87
      dunesFraction   0.00790913
      hillsMagn       0.1415346
      hillsFreq       753.3624
      hillsFraction   0.1728923
      hills2Fraction  0.5668073
      canyonsMagn     0.01781454
      canyonsFreq     142.349
      canyonFraction  -0.08270121
      cracksMagn      0.07810976
      cracksFreq      3.001631
      cracksOctaves   0
      craterMagn      1.45208
      craterFreq      80.60856
      craterDensity   0.8757256
      craterOctaves   8
      craterRayedFactor 0.4399448
      colorSea       (0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.400)
      colorShelf     (0.425, 0.425, 0.425, 0.425)
      colorBeach     (0.450, 0.450, 0.450, 0.450)
      colorDesert    (0.475, 0.475, 0.475, 0.475)
      colorLowland   (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
      colorUpland    (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
      colorRock      (0.550, 0.550, 0.550, 0.550)
      colorSnow      (0.575, 0.575, 0.575, 0.575)
      colorLowPlants (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.500)
      colorUpPlants  (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.525)
      BumpHeight      7.128488
      BumpOffset      4
      SpecularPower   150
      DayAmbient      0.07
      Lommel          0.8
      Exposure        2

      SemiMajorAxis   0.0006732544
      Period          0.0364252
      Eccentricity    0.03661687
      Inclination     -0.3157666
      AscendingNode   9.509253
      ArgOfPericenter 73.75497
      MeanAnomaly     353.1699
      RefPlane       "Equator"

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PC: Intel Core i7-3770K o/c 4.6 Ghz Quad Core, 16GB DDR3 o/c 1866 Mhz, EVGA GeForce 980Ti with 6GB VRAM

Edited by LiveLife42 - Friday, 02.11.2012, 02:21
migratingmynahDate: Saturday, 04.05.2013, 03:09 | Message # 2
Group: Users
Messages: 44
Status: Offline
Might also want to reduce the mass and diameter of the Earth biggrin

Joey_PenguinDate: Saturday, 04.05.2013, 03:25 | Message # 3
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 311
Status: Offline
And get rid of our moon.

Careful. The PLATT Collective has spurs.
migratingmynahDate: Saturday, 04.05.2013, 18:06 | Message # 4
Group: Users
Messages: 44
Status: Offline
And change up the land masses of the Earth


Edited by migratingmynah - Saturday, 04.05.2013, 18:08
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