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Guidance on controlling ships in
ProteusDate: Monday, 18.01.2016, 20:08 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 173
Status: Offline
Some time ago, somebody (was it you, Harbinger?) created a video demonstrating how to orbit a body and how to manually dock, in, before certain things about ships were updated (such as the official docking feature and interstellar rendering). Since then, it seems many things have been updated and changed as to how ship travel works, and so, I find myself having significant trouble re-learning how it is supposed to work. I was wondering if somebody who knew more about how it is supposed to work at this point, could create a video demonstrating how to successfully travel from one planet in one system, to a planet in another and make orbit. Can it be demonstrated how the "Fly to" feature is supposed to work at this stage? I find myself having a great deal of trouble working with this, as it does not actually go TO the object and slow down to arrive and stop, but instead, simply goes in the direction of it, flies by it, and I have to reset the Fly To again, to make it swing back around, several times before it is close enough to be anywhere near the body - and then, it seems, the orbiting mechanics act very differently now, and so, I have not successfully been able to make orbit. Instead, the ship wants to attach itself to a different body in the system to attempt calculating orbit with it instead, even though, I'm right outside of the planet I'm trying to orbit and I have it as my target.

Any help with demonstration would be excellent, as I feel simply explaining it in words may not really be enough.

Edited by Proteus - Monday, 18.01.2016, 20:11
KuroodoDitoryDate: Saturday, 05.03.2016, 00:11 | Message # 2
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
I too am having issues with flying. Since I can't make my own thread, maybe someone can also answer my question.

Personally I want an arcade like fly style.
The flying in Space Engine seems a bit too serious and I'm in need of something where I can lay back and enjoy flying. Examples of the kind of flying I'm referring to is flying like in: Battlefield games, XPlane, Star Citizen, GTA, etc.
Is there a way I can acquire such control, or maybe with a mod?
Player1Date: Wednesday, 16.03.2016, 07:00 | Message # 3
Group: Users
Messages: 49
Status: Offline
There are manny things that could help you to create an orbit with a spaceship.

To make an idea how does it works, you must check the 1st and 2nd cosmic vel (go to Planet/Star wiki and check Physical properties). 1st cosmic vel indicates the top speed to enter to an orbit of the body, and it may vary from planet to planet, and stars. 2nd cosmic vel indicates the minimal speed to exit the orbit (you must check speed info at the yellow box) and that happens when orbit eccentricity value is 1 or higher (The red one). But if eccentricity is lower than 1, then you have created an orbit succesfully, and the lowest is the value, the orbit is more circular and stable.

Then there's the altitude and elevation, and you must watch over this value when you're going to make an orbit around a planet/star, because if you're flying too low you could go to the atmosphere and crash (check atmospheric properties for more info) and if you're flying too high your orbit could be influenced by dwarf moons, traslation speed (in the case of moons).

Check the apo and peri values (the closest and further is the orbit from the planet), here is in a purple box. If peri value is in red then you're about to crash with the surface. If peri value is yellow, then you're going to fly through the atmosphere (nothing good happens when you do that). And if apo value is in red and is a negative value, then you have reached 2nd comsic vel to escape from the planet's gravity. If both values are similar or equal, then you have reached a stable orbit.

Now, the spaceship will not maintain it's orbit values and as the time pass over it will go out of orbit by itself or crash with the planet or moons. To prevent this (if you want a static orbit while you do other things at SE) you must click over the "MODE" button until the text under the button says "Force Orbital Mode". That will make the orbit doesn't change, even using the engines. Do not click the button if you haven't entered into an stable orbit, you don't want to know why, really bro. And be careful with "Auto Orbital Mode". It says "Auto" but that will not take your ship to an stable orbit, it will just fit to the maneuvers you make and if you close the game with this mode enabled and re-open SE you will lose the orbit you made (it's a bug in 0.972). In "Force Simulation Mode" the ship will move freely being influenced by gravity and engines.

Attachments: 4826917.jpg (227.6 Kb)

"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars, now we just look down and worry about our place in the dirt"
-Joseph Cooper, "Interstellar"

Edited by Player1 - Wednesday, 16.03.2016, 07:03
ViktorDate: Thursday, 21.07.2016, 10:38 | Message # 4
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Czech Republic
Messages: 33
Status: Offline
Hi, i am trying to practice orbit with space ship as well and having big trouble with it as well. I am using version, but i can't see any "Mode" button in the ship's UI. By looking at your screenshot, your UI of the ship looks different. I have more options there and some icons looks different. So is there still the feature that keeps my stable orbit? If so, what button should i press? I uoloaded screenshot of how the ship UI looks in my version of SE. Someone help please smile
Attachments: 9025729.jpg (511.3 Kb)
MosfetDate: Thursday, 21.07.2016, 10:59 | Message # 5
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 754
Status: Offline
I've found this http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/14-3469-1 is well done and it's up-to-date with latest version, I hope it will help.

"Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
Douglas N. Adams
My mods
Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
ViktorDate: Thursday, 21.07.2016, 11:21 | Message # 6
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Czech Republic
Messages: 33
Status: Offline
Thanks, will study that smile So there is not any mod or some way to set the ship on orbit around planet/moon easy? It needs to be done manually?
FlyingSaucerDate: Saturday, 23.07.2016, 21:04 | Message # 7
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 1
Status: Offline
The orbital flight seems to be working without many problems for me, barring the lack of a maneuver planning system of any kind I have no real complaints and everything functions well enough to get where I want to go with bit of tedium.

The only real wall I hit is taking anything down onto a planet with an atmosphere. Airless bodies are perfectly fine. But anything with an atmosphere, regardless of reentry trajectory or speed, once I get about 2/3 of the way through the atmosphere, the ship just loses all attitude control and flops too and fro. I don't know if this is due to some aspect of the atmospheric flight model I am completely missing, or simply due to it being incomplete.
ViktorDate: Thursday, 16.02.2017, 11:42 | Message # 8
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Czech Republic
Messages: 33
Status: Offline
I made my own guide to getting ship into orbit and i tried to make it as simple as possible. So maybe it will be useful to someone.

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