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HD 112951
apenpaapDate: Tuesday, 19.06.2012, 13:57 | Message # 1
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 1063
Status: Offline
I found a very peculiar, funny object in the HD 112951 system: the system consists of a binary star, one of white is a bright white F0 and the other is a weak little T6 brown dwarf (which for some reason is actually 84 Jupiter masses, above the point where it would be a red dwarf in real life, but that is aside). They are in relatively close orbit around each other, a third of an AU apart. They share a bunch of planets, but the F0 also has three hot Selenas of its own, and the brown dwarf has a very close asteroid belt with a dwarf planet in it:

The brown dwarf itself looks very funny. The light of its partner is so powerful there's a big spot on the brown dwarf which is completely overexposed. The brown dwarf's own light is so weak the side turned away from its partner is entirely black; its weak glow only visible by massively turning up the exposure:

It looks even weirder with real sun brightness turned off:

The asteroids and the dwarf planet in the asteroid belt are funnily enough lit almost entirely by the F0 star which is not even their own sun. The official daylight from their own sun is too weak to actually illuminate them, leading to very weird lighting:

By massively increasing the exposure of the image, you can see the weak red light the brown dwarf sheds on its asteroids... While the light of the F0 makes half of the asteroid completely overexposed.

Because of their proximity to the F0 star, the brown dwarf's asteroids are very well lit and bright, making them easily visible from the F0's planets:

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I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.
SolarisDate: Tuesday, 19.06.2012, 22:30 | Message # 2
World Builder
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 731
Status: Offline
Very interresting system apenpaap, indeed very weird lighting !
Quote (apenpaap)
Because of their proximity to the F0 star, the brown dwarf's asteroids are very well lit and bright, making them easily visible from the F0's planets:
I especialy love that smile thanks for sharing
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