Post some interesting canyons and mountains/mountain ranges you've found!
Here's one I just found while exploring the draco galaxy/cluster, tons of amazing canyons you can follow, with steep mountains that reach up to 6 KM high!
Location code:
Place "dracomountainrangecool" { Body "RSC 8419-0-3-184-0 B4" Parent "" Pos (-6.671246714773371e-011, -4.142679443572533e-011, -1.771325531998297e-010) Rot (-0.475600660708652, 0.7846873303582796, 0.1512780553529754, -0.3676747952706471) Date "2015.04.01 09:36:08.73" Vel 1.6389554e-013 Mode 2 }