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MedievalMarsellusDate: Sunday, 01.04.2012, 22:56 | Message # 61
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
HarbingerDawn, it's a custom planet. Check this out newrus lol :


Planet    "Achird 1"    // Type of object ant it's name
      ParentBody      "Achird"    // The body, around wich this planet orbits
      Class           "Terra"     // Class of a planet

      Radius          5098.3      // Radius in km
      Mass            0.76        // Mass in Earth's masses
      Oblateness      0.0         // Oblataness

      Albedo          0.32                   // Albedo
      Color          (0.768, 0.898, 1.000 )  // Color of a particle

      RotationPeriod  26.0        // Rotation period in hours
      RotationOffset  3        // Rotation phase in degrees
      RotationEpoch   0   // Epoch of rotatoin elements, Julian date
      Obliquity       19       // Obliquity of rotation axis in degrees
      EqAscendNode    0       // Longitude of ascenging node of rotation axis in degrees
      Precession      12750       // Precession period in years
      Surface         // Surface tag
          // These parameters describes a texture pack stored on the disk.
          // I comment it out because this planet uses a procedural generation of surface.
          //DiffMap        "Icarus/Surface"   // Surface (color) texture
          //DiffTileSize    512               // Surface texture tile resolution
          //DiffTileBorder  1                 // Surface texture tile border width
          //BumpMap        "Icarus/Bump"      // Bump (heightmap) texture
          //BumpTileSize    512               // Bump texture tile resolution
          //BumpTileBorder  1                 // Bump texture tile border width

          BumpHeight      13.3     // Max height of landscape in km
          BumpOffset      0.3     // Offset of zero height level
          DiffMapAlpha   "Water"  // Mode of specular effect (flecks of sunlight)
          SpecularBright  20.0    // Brightness of specular spot
          SpecularPower   150.0   // Size of specular spot
          DayAmbient      0.1     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light
          Lommel          0.0     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio
          Exposure        2.0     // Global surface brighness
          Life            true    // true, if there is life on the planet

          // Next are parameters for procedural surface generation
    Style           0.1600855            // Default color scheme
    Randomize      (0.911, 0.373, 0.204) // Randomize vector
    colorDistMagn   0.09464233  // Magnitude of detail textures distortion
    colorDistFreq   945.9523    // Frequency of detail textures distortion
    detailScale     100000.58    // Scale of detail textures
    colorConversion true        // Perform textures color conversion
    seaLevel        0.2133697   // Sea level height (0...1)
    snowLevel       0.1   // Snow line level (0...1)
    tropicLatitude  0.4   // Latitude of tropics
    icecapLatitude  0.75   // Latitude of ice caps boundaries
    icecapHeight    0.5   // Height of ice caps
    climatePole     1.000       // Climate of poles   - index to color table (0...1)
    climateTropic   0.7       // Climate of tropics - index to color table (0...1)
    climateEquator  0.4       // Climate of equator - index to color table (0...1)
    tropicWidth     20        // Width of tropics
    mainFreq        0.9642751   // Main noise frequency (oceans/continents)
    venusFreq       0.2955331   // Venus-like global structures frequency
    venusMagn       0.1008256   // Venus-like global structures magnitude
    mareFreq        0   // Lunar mare frequency
    mareDensity     0  // Lunar mare density
    montesMagn      0.7209584   // Mountains magnitude (0...1)
    montesFreq      500.9121    // Mountains frequency
    montesDensity   0.508095    // Mountains density
    dunesMagn       0.04444444  // Dunes magnitude (0...1)
    dunesFreq       200.8876     // Dunes frequency
    dunesDensity    0.6669919   // Dunes density
    hillsMagn       0.3289276   // Hills magnitude (0...1)
    hillsFreq       250.3618    // Hills frequency
    hillsDensity    0.8554457   // Hills density
    canyonMagn      0.0341905   // Canyons magnitude (0...1)
    canyonFreq      16.7023    // Canyons frequency
    canyonDensity   0.4370083   // Canyons density
    cracksMagn      0.07983515  // Ice cracks magnitude (0...1)
    cracksFreq      0.6574386   // Ice cracks frequency
    cracksOctaves   0           // Number of ice cracks octaves
    craterMagn      0.9358109   // Craters magnitude
    craterFreq      1.14884    // Craters frequency
    craterDensity   1.05892152  // Craters density
    craterOctaves   3.606928    // Number of craters octaves
    craterRayedFactor 0           // Number of rayed craters relative to usual craters
    cycloneMagn     1    // Cyclones magnitude (0...1)
    cycloneFreq     0.8607107   // Cyclones frequency
    cycloneDensity  0.06127789  // Cyclones density
    colorSea       (0.040, 0.100, 0.200, 1.000) // Color of seas
    colorShelf     (0.150, 0.480, 0.460, 1.000) // Color of shelf areas
    colorBeach     (0.850, 0.740, 0.550, 0.000) // Color of beach lines
    colorDesert    (0.372, 0.367, 0.302, 0.400) // Color of deserts
    colorLowland   (0.440, 0.290, 0.170, 0.000) // Color of lower lands
    colorUpland    (0.640, 0.570, 0.470, 0.000) // Color of upper lands
    colorRock      (0.220, 0.200, 0.200, 0.000) // Color of rocks
    colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.016) // Color of snow
    colorLowPlants (0.100, 0.160, 0.070, 0.000) // Color of lower vegetation
    colorUpPlants  (0.090, 0.110, 0.040, 0.000) // Color of upper vegetation

      Clouds      // Clouds layer tag
          // These parameters describes a texture pack stored on the disk.
          // I comment it out because this planet uses a procedural generation of surface.
          //DiffMap        "Icarus/Clouds"    // Color texture
          //DiffTileSize    512               // Color texture tile resolution
          //DiffTileBorder  1                 // Color texture tile border width
          //BumpMap        "Icarus/CloudsBump"// Bump (heightmap) texture
          //BumpTileSize    512               // Bump texture tile resolution
          //BumpTileBorder  1                 // Bump texture tile border width

          BumpHeight      0.5     // Max height of "cloud landscape" in km
          BumpOffset      0.0     // Offset of zero height level
          DayAmbient      2.0     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light
          Lommel          0.2     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio
          Exposure        1.5     // Global clouds brighness
          Height          14.3     // Height of cloud layer in km
          Velocity        75.0    // Velosity of clouds layer
          Color          (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)  // Global color of clouds layer

          // Next are parameters for procedural surface generation
          mainFreq        0.6     // Main noise frequency
          mainOctaves     8      // Number of octaves of main noise
          Coverage        0.06     // Clouds coverage (0...1)
          twistZones      1.28    // Number of Jupiter-like zones or strips
          twistMagn       1.93    // Strength of twist

    Height          5.609521
    DayAmbient      2.0
    Lommel          0.0
    Exposure        2.0
    Color          (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)

      Atmosphere      // Atmosphere tag
          Model          "Earth"  // Model of the atmosphere
          Height          65.0    // Height of the top boundary in km
          Pressure        1.2     // Surface pressure in bars
          Density         1.83    // Surface density in kg/m^3
          Greenhouse      18.0    // Greenhouse effect in degrees
          Bright          10.0    // Brightness (rendering parameter)
          Opacity         1.0     // Opacity (rendering parameter)
          SkyLight        1.0     // Brightness of skylight on terrain
          EclipseBright   250.0               // Brightness of solar eclipse shadow
          EclipseColor   (1.000 0.600 0.200)  // Color of solar eclipse shadow

      Rings       // Rings tag
          // Texture parameter is commented out, becuase
          // this planet use procrdural generation of texture
          //Texture         "Icarus-rings.*"  // Rings texture
          InnerRadius      6018.5  // Inner raduis of rings system in km
          OuterRadius      6090.3 // Outer radius of rings system in km
          RotationPeriod   43.3    // Rings rotation period in hours
          RotationOffset   60.0    // Rings rotation phase in degrees
          FrontBright      1.0     // Direct lighting brightness
          BackBright       5.0     // Back lighting brightness (scattering)
          Density          0.7     // Density (opacity)
          Exposure         2.0     // Global brightness

      Orbit       // Orbit tag
          //Type            "Static"  // This is for non-moving bodies like suns
          RefPlane        "Ecliptic"  // Orbit reference plane
          Epoch           2451545.0   // Orbital parameters epoch, Julian date
          Period          0.91458     // Orbital period in years
          Eccentricity    0.01265     // Eccentricity
          Inclination     0.51346     // Inclination in degrees
          AscendingNode   39.31601    // Longitude of ascending node in degrees

          // Next two are interchangeable: SemiMajorAxis = PericenterDist / (1.0 - Eccentricity)
          SemiMajorAxis   0.958       // Semimajor axis in astronomical units
          PericenterDist  0.9458813   // Pericentric distanse in astronomical units

          // Next two are interchangeable: ArgOfPericen = LongOfPericen - AscendingNode
          ArgOfPericen    268.7741    // (or ArgOfPericenter) Argument of pericenter in degrees
          LongOfPericen   308.09011   // (or LongOfPericenter) Longitude of pericenter in degrees

          // Next two are interchangeable: MeanAnomaly = MeanLongitude - LongOfPericen
          MeanAnomaly     348.84963   // Mean anomaly in degrees
          MeanLongitude   296.93974   // Mean longitude in degrees

          AscNodePreces   131795.3    // Ascending node precession period in years
          ArgOfPeriPreces 26799.51    // Argument of pericenter precession period in years
CaptainImportantDate: Monday, 09.04.2012, 12:45 | Message # 62
Group: Newbies
Messages: 1
Status: Offline
Hello there, im new here and ive been creeping over this project (and the forum, naturally) for a week now. i have to say this is quite a (read: very) remarkable project. today however, i can no longer hold back my anonymity and decided to register to this forums, so here i am. i am myself is a space enthusiast. i've played from Orbiter to KSP, from Celestia to Universe sandbox, freelancer to Mass Effect and so forth. so yeah, i know a little bit about fictional and realistic Astronomy. This kind of post probably doesnt belong here so i present you my first screenshot:

Attachments: 3083920.jpg (200.5 Kb)

Edited by CaptainImportant - Monday, 09.04.2012, 12:46
HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 09.04.2012, 14:54 | Message # 63
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Thanks MedievalMarsellus, I'll check it out smile

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Buster89Date: Tuesday, 10.04.2012, 03:18 | Message # 64
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 73
Status: Offline
so more pics i took....

Attachments: 6451732.jpg (274.7 Kb) · 5502750.jpg (430.4 Kb) · 0280042.jpg (295.4 Kb)
Elbarto84Date: Tuesday, 10.04.2012, 13:55 | Message # 65
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 37
Status: Offline
The pictures in here absolutely amaze me! Makes me want to go exploring again.. could (and have) spend the whole night doing that!

Buster89, what are the details of that planet?
kagamisamaDate: Tuesday, 10.04.2012, 14:58 | Message # 66
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
Some of my better shots, will post more if you guys like them (some of the photos are from my old radeon, i upgraded probably just for battlefield and... SE smile

Edited by kagamisama - Tuesday, 10.04.2012, 14:59
j0KeRDate: Tuesday, 10.04.2012, 15:41 | Message # 67
Group: Users
Messages: 178
Status: Offline
kagamisama, Very nice shots , you know the trick with the black hole i think that i was the only one who thought it , probably not xD , anyway , keep 'em going ;p

How much FOV did you use on the first one and how much LOD at the last one ?

"Novus Ordo Seclorum"

Intel Core(E6850) 2 Duo 3.00 GHz \ Geforce GTX560 1024MB \ 4GB 667(MHz) 2 Channel RAM \ Windows 7 (32bit) \ Samsung SA700D 120hz (3D)

Edited by j0KeR - Wednesday, 11.04.2012, 06:08
Buster89Date: Tuesday, 10.04.2012, 23:58 | Message # 68
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 73
Status: Offline
Quote (Elbarto84)
Buster89, what are the details of that planet?

i edited some scripts and main config here's a link on how i did it

scroll down a bunch and you should see what this person edited in the main config and such
going to give you a warning though...it will screw with some planets making them huge balls of spikes mostly a bunch of the desert planets but a good amount of the desert planets should have that detail.
RobbieDate: Wednesday, 11.04.2012, 06:49 | Message # 69
Group: Global Moderators
United Kingdom
Messages: 590
Status: Offline
kagamisama, images don't have to be contained within a spoiler button anymore. There are various ways to openly display them. If you're interested, then see this post here.

Quad Core i7 930 CPU o/c 3.8 GHz - 6GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM - ATI HD 5870 1024Mb - Intel SSD X25-M Gen 2 - Win 7 64-bit
Add Your PC Spec To Your Signature Or Post It Here
NoxinecroticDate: Sunday, 15.04.2012, 02:20 | Message # 70
Group: Newbies
United Kingdom
Messages: 1
Status: Offline
He guys, I just registered and thought I would share this pic with you all. Unfortunately I cannot remember where I took this. My pc is rather poor, so the image is not as great as it should be. i'm sure that on a better pc the render of the textures would of been much better.

Attachments: 6912832.jpg (341.8 Kb)

Edited by Noxinecrotic - Sunday, 15.04.2012, 02:33
neutronium76Date: Thursday, 26.04.2012, 20:54 | Message # 71
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 718
Status: Offline
Just lookin for earth-like planets in our galaxy and came across this one in the center of a globular cluster which, in turn, is at the edge of our galaxy - in fact its further out of the sagittarius duarf - a lonely cluster in the vastness of the cosmos. The night sky from that terra is breathtaking. Enjoy:

and the planet is:

A canditate for an earth twin but you woud feel a bit ''heavy" with 1.5 g's biggrin
The surface temperature however is just perfect: 25 C! cool

Attachments: 2264355.jpg (993.0 Kb) · 4820305.jpg (182.2 Kb) · 4176359.jpg (340.9 Kb) · 9629698.jpg (621.1 Kb)

PC1:Core i7 970@3.34GHz, 6 cores/12 threads, 12GB DDR3 RAM@1.34GHz, 2x(SLI) GTX-580 GPUs 3GB VRAM(GDDR5)@1GHz, OS:Win7x64SP1
PC2:Core2Quad X9770@3.2GHz, 2 cores/4 threads 4GB DDR2 RAM@1GHz, GTX-285 GPU 1GB VRAM(DDR3)@1.24GHz, OS:WinVistax64SP2

Edited by neutronium76 - Thursday, 26.04.2012, 21:02
KillallewoksDate: Thursday, 26.04.2012, 21:46 | Message # 72
Group: Newbies
United Kingdom
Messages: 2
Status: Offline
Hi im new here, I generally stick around Bridge Commander Central however after stumbling around the internet I found this and I thought i'l share these. biggrin

Attachments: 7492957.jpg (234.0 Kb) · 9361823.jpg (141.0 Kb) · 2554033.jpg (107.3 Kb) · 5393352.jpg (147.5 Kb) · 9940232.jpg (178.1 Kb)
apenpaapDate: Saturday, 28.04.2012, 22:21 | Message # 73
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 1063
Status: Offline
One of my favourite systems is RS 8404-141-9-121626421-343. It's a binary system of two red dwarves with two Oceanias and a Terra with life between them. The amusing bit is it's only half a parsec from Eta Carinae, and it routinely outshines one the planets' suns, while the other manages to be only a bit brighter in magnitude, but because of its far larger disk still appears much less impressive. You've got to wonder if these stars don't feel horribly inadequate and what a civilisation arising here would think. This is a screenshot from the life-bearing Terra, showing the twin suns rising along with their show-off neighbour; also this world is a moon to an Oceania and it's also in the sky. (one of the suns, ironically the closest and brightest one, is a bit difficult to discern because for some reason it doesn't get the lens flare and is roughly the same colour as the sky)

Attachments: 5075348.jpg (215.2 Kb)

I occasionally stream at http://www.twitch.tv/magistermystax. Sometimes SE, sometimes other games.

Edited by apenpaap - Saturday, 28.04.2012, 22:21
Elbarto84Date: Sunday, 29.04.2012, 03:51 | Message # 74
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 37
Status: Offline
Been out planet hunting today again and got some images to share as well =)

DoctorOfSpaceDate: Monday, 30.04.2012, 11:29 | Message # 75
Galaxy Architect
Group: Global Moderators
Messages: 3600
Status: Offline
Some custom terraformed Mars and Moon using their default textures and bumps just to see how they look but with some custom cloud tweaks for better looking clouds, at least in my opinion, and some water. I know SolarSys3000 has terraformed worlds but I wanted to give it a try on my own mostly.

Attachments: 8801035.jpg (86.8 Kb) · 2567752.jpg (88.1 Kb)

Intel Core i7-5820K 4.2GHz 6-Core Processor
G.Skill Ripjaws V Series 32GB (4 x 8GB) DDR4-2400 Memory