Hey guys me here, Now with a new challenge: The best mod/addon screenshot!
Basically, you must take a screenshot using a mod or addon, e.g: a picture of a custom system, a random planet with some shaders, or pictures of custom spaceship, or something else.
Submissions after early March 2017 will not be accepted. By that time, I will be taking poll results.
You cannot have a screenshot of the same mod as someone else is using, unless it is a shader. However, you can make screenshots of someone else's mod.
When you have your screenshot, you must include the location, and you must state the mod you are using. You can submit no more than 3 screenshots.
Prizes: 1st place: +1 positive award 2nd place +4 reputation 3rd place: +2 reputation
Example submission:
This is Ostarisk's Severn system mod.
Place "Isuos and parent" { Ver 980 Body "Isuos" Parent "Lokeis" Date "2016.11.10 13:22:16.62" Pos (+00000000000000957947FD13350B2485 -000000000000004E3F7775833199BE64 -0000000000000132A6A22A6BB24AF065) Rot (0.845319819100945 -0.07926362215370802 -0.06593168220083685 0.5242181749237502) Vel 4.4521786e-011 Mode 1 }