"Abiogenesis" means that life appeard and evolved on a planet/moon, while "panspaermia" means that life didn't appear on the planet/moon but came from another life-bearing world. So, there is what probably happenned :
A few billion years ago, life appeard on the second moon, then a large meteorite hit the moon, causing some bacterias to be launched at escape velocity, and eventually some of them landed in the (methane) oceans of the first moon, and spread arround the world.
The life on the gas giant came via panspermia either, but it has nothing to do with the life on the moons, since it is organic and the life of the moons is exotic, and i noticed that floating life seems to be able to do intherstellar panspermia, as some giants have life marked as "panspaermia" while they are the only life-bearing planet oh their solar system.Added (16.01.2015, 20:38)
"Abiogenesis" means that life appeard and evolved on a planet/moon, while "panspaermia" means that life didn't appear on the planet/moon but came from another life-bearing world. So, there is what probably happenned :
A few billion years ago, life appeard on the second moon, then a large meteorite hit the moon, causing some bacterias to be launched at escape velocity, and eventually some of them landed in the (methane) oceans of the first moon, and spread arround the world.
The life on the gas giant came via panspermia either, but it has nothing to do with the life on the moons, since it is organic and the life of the moons is exotic, and i noticed that floating life seems to be able to do intherstellar panspermia, as some giants have life marked as "panspaermia" while they are the only life-bearing planet oh their solar system.