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Challenge: finding Isaac Asimov's planets in the Milky Way.
pzampellaDate: Thursday, 16.10.2014, 14:51 | Message # 1
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 115
Status: Offline
I've just finished reading all Asimov's novels, from 'The Caves of Steel' to 'Foundation and Earth'. Now, I decided to start a little game for myself, and thought that some of you might enjoy playing it too: finding the and posting the planets that resemble the most to those named in any of the novels of Isaac Asimov. To have some kind of guide, and not having to read all the novels again, here there is a list of some planets:


If somebody remembers another one, I think he could edit the wiki article.

Now, to stablish some rules, the criteria to add a planet on that list is:
1- The location: some planets, like Aurona, has a perfectly known place referenced to Earth (3.7 parsecs); others like Trantor or Terminus have a relative know location (the center of the galaxy of the periphery); and the rest are just in "some plece" or referenced to another planet or system. So, it would be very important to consider this.
2- It must have a high ESI, since humans inhabited those worlds. Atmospheric and gravity pressure must be between 0.70-1.3, and temperature between 275K-320K. It should be a Terra, Oceania, or a Desert (if the characteristics indicate that). But, since humans terraformed planets, also Selenas and Titans can be temporaly include until a better candidat is found.
3- Finaly, some planets has their own characteristics like: it's a hot place, a cold placed, a desertic place, it have X number of moons or suns, its tidally locked or have a rotation or traslation period known.

I might add more criteria in the future if becomes necessary of if somebody suggets it.
Everybody can post any world they want, and if it accomplishes good enought the standarts, it would be publish in the first page. But, if another world that fits better is found, it would be replace.
To post a world, just add an image of the world (selected so we can see it characteristics) close and another from a galactic view (so we can see its location).

Let's begin!

Edited by pzampella - Thursday, 16.10.2014, 20:19
pzampellaDate: Thursday, 16.10.2014, 20:09 | Message # 2
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 115
Status: Offline

(For the first example, I "found" Terminus: the atmospheric pressure is a little high, but until somebody finds a better candidate, it's the best.)

TERMINUS: Atmospheric pressure too high. Credit: pzampella


TRANTOR: Atmospheric pressure too high. Credit: pzampella


Attachments: 1934070.png (393.5 Kb) · 3245025.jpg (90.0 Kb) · 9880131.png (321.2 Kb) · 8183260.png (271.8 Kb)

Edited by pzampella - Sunday, 26.10.2014, 15:01
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