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Post your favorite Terra
ElkarDate: Sunday, 15.02.2015, 15:04 | Message # 46
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I had a terra in 971, green vegetation, blue water, and rings. Sadly I deleted 971 cry

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DiscovererOfWorldsDate: Sunday, 15.02.2015, 22:38 | Message # 47
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then do not understand why the earth has a esi 980 instead of 1 as the earth can be less similar to itself?

the universe is made to be explored, but no one will ever visit it all

Edited by DiscovererOfWorlds - Sunday, 15.02.2015, 22:40
kham132Date: Saturday, 21.02.2015, 22:18 | Message # 48
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Quote TemperateTerraIsBest ()
I can live in a temperate terra

Bring a sweater!

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- Famous Person
mpyrtledcccDate: Sunday, 22.02.2015, 15:54 | Message # 49
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Recently found Terra with ESI of 0.974 (linked with planet). The moon is about 1/7 the size of the planet itself (also linked)


I might have this in my journal somewhere; unfortunately I am unsure of the ESI for the Terra I do know its moon had an atmosphere (green as pictured) and the Terra was colossal compared to it.

Also, I seem to enjoy taking pictures of incredible-looking planets from their respective moons smile
ElkarDate: Monday, 23.02.2015, 22:38 | Message # 50
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I just found a temperate terra, multicellular organic life marine, terrestrial, azure water and green vegetation, with snowy poles. biggrin

How do I take pictures in SE and I can see them in my files?

Added (23.02.2015, 21:38)
Quontex, What is the RS code for Ioth Mikiek. It looks really nice. biggrin

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
DodecahedronDate: Tuesday, 24.02.2015, 14:15 | Message # 51
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Elkar. To take pictures and find them, press F11 in game then go to your space engine folder (probably in "downloads") and find the folder "screenshots" and that is where they will be.

" What compromises in precision should scientists make in the name of tradition, sentiment, and good public relations?"
QuontexDate: Tuesday, 24.02.2015, 16:16 | Message # 52
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Ioth Mikiek is also in SDD, but here is the Rs code: RSC 0-7-1760765-842-2734-3-114-280 B8

It's day/night cycle is actually from the stars the parent is in orbit around.

Edited by Quontex - Tuesday, 24.02.2015, 16:17
IkeDate: Sunday, 01.03.2015, 22:30 | Message # 53
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I call it Teletubbia
Attachments: 2385873.jpg (184.4 Kb)
HimselfDate: Wednesday, 11.03.2015, 06:21 | Message # 54
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I stumbled across this one on my first or second day. A friend and I talked for quite a while about what sort of mythologies might develop on this tidally locked world with two suns.
Attachments: 0172252.jpg (257.5 Kb)
parameciumkidDate: Friday, 13.03.2015, 18:18 | Message # 55
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Wow, you guys are all really creative with these things. I just named mine "Base 2015" xD

I actually think it's pretty cool because it orbits a white dwarf. Correction: It orbits an F, but there are a few other planets nearby orbiting white dwarfs.

Intel HD Graphics 4000 ;P

Edited by parameciumkid - Monday, 30.03.2015, 22:07
NolDate: Monday, 16.03.2015, 16:35 | Message # 56
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Found a new One: Klei Monart.

Coordinates: RS 0-5-21650-966-7332-7-747353-234 4

Attachments: 5828464.jpg (169.7 Kb)

"Eins - Hier kommt die Sonne
Zwei - Hier kommt die Sonne
Drei - Sie ist der hellste Stern von allen
Vier - Hier kommt die Sonne"

-Rammstein, Sonne, Mutter, 2001
kham132Date: Saturday, 28.03.2015, 03:54 | Message # 57
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Long post, guys. Be prepared.
I've been using the "Filter" option on the F3 screen, and here are my results, and I'm quite pleased.
My first-my favorite

Blood Terra-:-)


I'm debating about this and the first-which one do you like most?

I call this "ChronoMars", which is kinda similar to Mars, and Mars id dead, so this planet will, too...
This got depressing

Okay, really, ESI=0.690? That's like, desert level there.

Hoped you like these!

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
WatsisnameDate: Saturday, 28.03.2015, 04:35 | Message # 58
Galaxy Architect
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Quote kham132 ()
Okay, really, ESI=0.690? That's like, desert level there.

Took a brief vacation here. Had to lose 250 pounds just to get back to my normal weight, all while gasping for breath and slowly being cooked alive. 6.9/10, would not go again.

I really like your ChronoMars world. smile

kham132Date: Saturday, 28.03.2015, 18:05 | Message # 59
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More terras! MOAR!!
Back to the ChronoMars, I found out that it has greenish-blue water, which I really like.

Found one orbiting a gas giant

Why do Venusian atms. make water look polluted? Or maybe an intelligent alien race did pollute it...

Another Mars-Terra

I found my new favorite, a tidally locked terra, orbiting a G-Type star. Is that normal?

Okay, THIS terra doesn't even have OCEANS!! ESI=0.63

ESI=0.943 :-O

The hunt shall continue!

"Fancy and inspirational quote."
- Famous Person
relox84Date: Saturday, 28.03.2015, 19:14 | Message # 60
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Quote kham132 ()
Is that normal?

Well, if you look closely at the star's characteristics, you will see that it has a luminosity of .0026, wich is way too weak for a G-type star, so the habitable zone is extreemely close to the star.