Space Civilizations reborn
Zipp3r | Date: Tuesday, 27.08.2013, 20:42 | Message # 1 |
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
| Hey guys. I really liked Voekoevaka's idea of a forum RPG. Sadly, he has eh.. hardware problems it'd seem thus he postponed the "game". (Thread here -
And I got excited for this, obviously. I've played a fecesload of strategy games (My best picks - Civ5, Gal Civ, SoaSE, Endless Space, the whole Total War series)
So I decided to start my own game. Basics - The game is a 4X RTS in space, much like a Civ5 and SOSE would play. The tics will be real time hours (after an hour you'll recieve your incomes, more about that later.) When two armies meet in the battlefield, the tics are seconds (for damage per second, shield restore per second, rearm in second etc.) For battles, both commanders will have to be online of course.
I'll keep a separate log for every civilization there will be. You send me commands via PM and some of your work may be announced in the thread (more about that later).
First you'll need to establish your civilization.
Name of the species : *insert name* Name of the cilivization : *insert name* Home planet : *insert name* (*insert coordinates) Political regime : *insert your regime pick* Player colour : *pick a color representing your civ on the map* Flag : You may post your flag. This is not compulsory
So if you fill these out, you're in. For your home planet, go to the Galaxy "RG 0-9-16777215-596". This is our battleground. Now in this galaxy you must find Temperate Terra with life. Not an easy task I know, but I'm sure you're up for it seeing you play around the SE
Now the planet you pick will not directly effect your stats, it's just an eye candy and it locates you on the map. After the first player logged in, his home planet will serve as "The Northern Star", meaning I will rotate the map so he's topmost ("in the north"). Other players will be then marked on the map alligned like this.
The player's capital's coordinates will be visible to anyone but the rest (like population, tech advances and so on) is hidden. Players will know where they are , but can't communicate with each other or get any information about each other except for those posted here. Player to player communication is available after researching appropriate tech and building embassies in their homeworlds.
Now the regime pick. There are several regime choices which define your civilization. How your civilization came to be unified? The bonuses and planet stats will be explained later, but for the sake of RP, please choose blindly.
+ manpower increased from 15% of total population to 25% + military science increased +50%
- home planet's happiness starts at -25 - population on home planet 8billion instead of normal 10 billion - civic science -25%
Trade union
+ home planet's happiness starts at 25 + +50% consumer goods production + +100% credits from tax income + starts with 15bil total population instead of 10bil
- manpower decreased from 15% total population to 7,5% - military science -25% - credit prices for ship building doubled
Communist utopia
+ home planet's population growth increased from 5% to 7,5% + civic science +50% + mineral extraction +25% + industrial capacity +10%
- cost of colony buildings doubled - tax income -50% - cost of civic improvements doubled
Now these are just templates, you can create your own, which will be reviewed and if it doesn't give you an unfair advantage, you can use it. But you'll probably want to know these stats and all before we start, rigt?
Stay tuned
Name of the species : Turian Name of the cilivization : Turian Hierarchy Home planet : Palaven (RS 0-9-16777215-596-0-8-16553710-77 1) Political regime : Dictatorship Player colour : Green
Added (27.08.2013, 23:42) --------------------------------------------- Now onto the stats. Each planet has it's own. The main stats are
ToTAL POPULATION : current/growth per hour/total available/ total possible MANPOWER : current/percent of total pop. MINERALS : current/income per hour/total available on planet CREDITS : current/income per hour HAPPINESS : current INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY : total/allocated for consumer goods/allocated for infrastructure/allocated for construction/allocated for extraction of minerals
This is the most critical stat of all. You can
current - all civs (unless modified) start with 10billion population which is minimum. growth per hour - the percent which the population increases per hour. Unless modified all civs start with +5% pop. growth. total population available - the maximum number of population that can be on a planet. Once the population reaches this limit, it's growth will stop. - Determined by the amount of landmass on home planet total possible - total population the planet is capable of sustaining
This stat is used to create ground military units and workers.
current : number of available manpower currently percent of total population : the manpower is determined by your total population. All buildings, ships and infrastructure consume except credits and minerals manpower to build it and then maintain it.
This stat shows how many credits you have and get per hour. With credits you pay for labour to your manpower to build infrastructure, ships and other. Consumer goods and mineral extraction are free and require only a one-time consumption of manpower according to it's allocated Industrial Capacity (IC)
current : self explanatory income per hour : each citizen gives you 0,1 creds per hour
Current : each civ starts with 1000 tonnes of minerals income per hour : dependent on your allocated Industria Capacity to it's extraction. Total available : dependent on how much water there is on the planet (minerals are mined from under the water)
The contempt of your citizens. If this drops to -100 a coup will happen and you will flip a coin. If you survive, you lose half your colonies and half your ships. The Happiness rises to -50. Effected by global events and your actions, decisions.
Sheit, now comes the hard part.
Your industrial capacity (HoI players know this already) is the power of your factories, how many of them you have and so forth. At the beginning of the game you must choose how you split the available landmass between civic infrastructure and industrial capacity. In short, you divide the land to how many you can house and how much stuff you can produce. This makes you able to later customize and specialize the colonies.
Once per day, you may change the IC allocation between the four branches, the Civic-Industrial allocation is permanent.
total - amount of factories you have at disposal. allocated for consumer goods - amount of factories producing consumer goods, increasing population growth 1% for every 5000 allocated factories allocated for infrastructure - amount of factories working on infrastructure (lets you build science labs, build housing, increasing available pop. capacity or building planetary defences and terraforming tools allocated for construction - amount of factories building ships and military allocated for extraction of minerals - amount of extractors mining minerals
exhausting, isn't it?
Edited by Zipp3r - Tuesday, 27.08.2013, 21:38 |
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Tuesday, 27.08.2013, 21:20 | Message # 2 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| This looks awesome, it should be really fun to play! I also know a way to determine the exact percentage of a world that is covered by water, so that will be very easy to figure out for the stats.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Edited by HarbingerDawn - Tuesday, 27.08.2013, 21:25 |
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Zipp3r | Date: Tuesday, 27.08.2013, 21:57 | Message # 3 |
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
| *TEMPLATE* *not considering regime modifiers*
Landmass - 50% of the planet = 50 000 land slots Water - 50% of the planet = 500 000 minerals available
Civic - Industrial allocation = 30%-70% 1,5 trillion total population possible 50 billion population available 10 billion population currently
35 000 industrial capacity
industrial allocation - consumer goods - 10 000 = +2% population growth - 7% population growth per turn total infrastructure - 5 000 per hour (cost of 1 laboratory that povides one science per hour - 1000 IIC, 1000 manpower, 250 minerals , 10 000 credits ) (cost of a first tier technology - 500 science)
construction - 10 000 (cost of the smallest ship - frigate (ships will be discussed later, but I have plans for that as well) is 20 000IC, 5000 manpower, 300 minerals, 20 000 credits) minerals extraction - 10 000 = 100 per hour
happiness - 0
all stats will be effected by your actions and decisions, mainly the happiness
The objective of this game is to control the whole galaxy, either diplomatically at the galactic council (This needs some polish as to how win diplomatically) or militarily by defeating other players (combat also need huuge consideration how to execute it, but since it will take some time just to get your homeworld up and running and also to colonize.
I have some ideas about tech trees and ship classes and such. Might be I will shamelessly steal tech tree from SOSE or maybe someone can help me with this? Or the player could come up with his own tech he currently needs and I will put a price on it. What do you think? Also the fleet-to-fleet combat might be a bit difficult. What I really love about these 4X games is the development and management, not the combat itself really so any ideas are welcome here.
So, questions for you -
Fixed or improvised tech trees? How would you make fleet-to-fleet combat work? How to win diplo?
meanwhile, I'll post the ships (again, heavily inspired by SOSE. Damn, could we get total war in space? Management and building in turn based and combat real time? I'll fling my whole wallet to the studio who makes this game.)Added (28.08.2013, 00:57) ---------------------------------------------
Quote (HarbingerDawn) This looks awesome, it should be really fun to play! I also know a way to determine the exact percentage of a world that is covered by water, so that will be very easy to figure out for the stats.
Thanks, I thought about this the whole day how to combine Civ5, SOSE, Endless Space, HoI into a single forum RPG. Might get too complicated later on though.
Only I get really bummed how easy it was for me to take the best from all the strategy games out there and other companies can't.
Seriously, I want this to be an AAA game
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Disasterpiece | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 02:58 | Message # 4 |
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 640
Status: Offline
| Me join. I will go on SE right now and find a nice tactically placed temp. terra with life. Prepare yourself for my wrath!
I do wonder if the whole galaxy is a good idea. A galaxy in SE generally has 10 billion stars and up, so you could never truly defeat anyone. They could just hide in another solar system, rebuild themselves and then come back. Maybe just a cluster or a group of stars within 50 parsecs of the "center star".
I play teh spase engien
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 03:07 | Message # 5 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| Quote (Disasterpiece) I will go on SE right now and find a nice tactically placed temp. terra with life. Should probably wait until comes out to hunt for planets
Quote (Disasterpiece) I do wonder if the whole galaxy is a good idea. A galaxy in SE generally has 10 billion stars and up, so you could never truly defeat anyone. They could just hide in another solar system, rebuild themselves and then come back. Maybe just a cluster or a group of stars within 50 parsecs of the "center star". Yes, I think this is worth considering. Picking one reference point (perhaps a nebula or blue giant star) and confining the game area to within 100 parsecs of that. It might work better than using the entire galaxy.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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Disasterpiece | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 03:12 | Message # 6 |
World Builder
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 640
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| Quote (HarbingerDawn) Should probably wait until comes out to hunt for planets I just found one RSC 0-916777215-596-24-0-0-323 A8.3
Its in an open cluster and its beautiful. There are 3 evaporating planets and it has a thick atmosphere that makes me safe® from you guys.
As you can see, I have already developed emotional attachment to this moon and its home system.
I play teh spase engien
Edited by Disasterpiece - Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 03:13 |
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werdnaforever | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 04:39 | Message # 7 |
World Builder
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Messages: 897
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| Quote (Disasterpiece) Its in an open cluster and its beautiful. There are 3 evaporating planets and it has a thick atmosphere that makes me safe® from you guys.
Now, SpaceEngineer needs to make a post like
Quote (what Vladimir should say) Well then, I'm about to release so prepare to say GOODBYE to your precious planet!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! YES! YES! ALL THE OLD PLANETS WILL BE DESTROYED, AND NOTHING WILL BE LEFT: NOTHING! NOT EVEN ASHES OR DUST! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! ...only because this would mean that the new version's coming out imminently.
Now, for my actual suggestion, how about an option for a Venus-project type civilization- one that's mastered it's resources and culture on it's home planet and is ready to expand into space? This civilization wouldn't use money of any kind, and would be self sufficient, but they would still trade high technology if they wanted in exchange for rare resources. They wouldn't fight or anything since this is a peaceful kind of civilization. If I had the time for a forum RTS, I'd want to be these guys (really, it's cause I hate money).
Or you could have a robotic civilization that's controlled by a giant brain, with lots and lots of drones/expendable robots. It would be purely a resource management thing. Or you could have a hive-mind civilization.
Maybe this is all too hard to fit into the game...
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DeathStar | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 10:28 | Message # 8 |
Group: Users
Messages: 515
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| Id join, if I can. But as people said before me, we should wait for to come out first.
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Zipp3r | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 11:37 | Message # 9 |
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
| Ok, so we wait for then. What's the estimate? I too thought about the battleground size. The whole galaxy is too big I agree. What about this - each home planet can't be farther from other player's home planet than 100 parsecs? And you can't colonize farther than 50 parsecs from your homeworld. What do you think?
Also, if you have any ideas how to improve this, post them.
Currently, I have a dilemma about tech tree. Options
a) Tech tree will be fixed. All the techs will be sorted into tiers, with each tech in a tier costing the same. There's predetermined cost of techs and available techs b) no tech tree. Players choose what tech they need, they come up with them themselves. I only put a science price on it to keep it balanced.
Fleet to fleet.
If a star system is occupied by a fleet and another fleet attacks it, it can engage in a combat. Both commanders have to be online to maneuver and bark out orders. The outcome depends on players' fleet strength and strategy. Plus the defending player may have planetary defenses which provide additional firepower. These can be used during defense of said planetary system only.
Fleet to planet.
If the defender doesn't have a fleet nearby and all his planetary defenses are down, he can either bombard the planet or occupy it.
Bombardment - specialized class of ships - bombers have their strength in population per hour which means when they initiate bombardment, they slowly decrease the number of population per hour until there is no one left. The planet is bombed and it's environment is hostile. It can be settled again after heavy terraforming.
Occupation - Invade the planet with your ground forces to slowly gain control over the planet. Any defending ground forces have 3 times higher combat strength than the attacker. After the defenders are destroyed the attacker's ground forces have to negate defenders manpower in order to capture the planet. Each unit negates (not kills) 1 million of manpower per hour. After the whole manpower is negated, the attacker captures the planet with 2/3 of it's population and all the infrastructure intact.
If there is enemy fleet present in my system, I don't get credits, manpower, minerals per turn. I lose control over the planet until the enemy fleet is gone.
Ship classes
FIGHTERS - one man aircraft that has to be either on carrier or nearby friendly planet with hangars built (infrastructure) Fighter classes:
Fighter - anti-ship one man spacecraft Interceptor - anti-bomber one man spacecraft
COMBAT SHIPS - bulk of the fleet - ship to ship combat
Frigate - smallest, fastest ship in the game Cruiser - medium size, strength and speed Dreadnought - Huge, powerful ship of immense firepower Capital ship - only one per player - five times the dreadnought's firepower
SUPPORT SHIPS - Ships of various non-space combatant roles.
Carriers - light/medium/heavy - carry fighters and interceptors into battle and rearms, refuels and repairs them Bombers - antiplanetary artillery Repair ships - support ships that repair all friendly vehicles in the system engaged in combat. Ground forces carriers - carries ground forces that invade planets. Once a carrier is destroyed, all ground forces it carried are too
All ships have stats depending on the class they are.
Hull strength - fixed. Every ship in this class have the same stat Shields - modifiable Shields recharge per minute - fixed per class Damage per minute - modifiable Range - modifiable
*Class, model, number* Frigate London 12
Hull strength - 2 Shield recharge - 1 per minute Shields - 5 Strength - 10 Range - 20
30 points for frigates to be allocated between shields, strength and range. London model frigates are useful as stay back sniper support.
Frigate Shanghai 7
Hull - 2 Shield recharge - 1/m Shields - 20 Strenght - 5 Range - 5
Model Shanghai is a close range tank to draw enemy fire
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 17:34 | Message # 10 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| Quote (Zipp3r) Ok, so we wait for then. What's the estimate? Soon. Really, I don't know when it will be released, but it will probably not take more time than we will need to finish figuring out all of the details for this game and recruiting players (I hope).
Quote (Zipp3r) a) Tech tree will be fixed. All the techs will be sorted into tiers, with each tech in a tier costing the same. There's predetermined cost of techs and available techs b) no tech tree. Players choose what tech they need, they come up with them themselves. I only put a science price on it to keep it balanced. Perhaps these two ideas could be combined? Maybe there could be a basic tech tree that is fixed, but more specific techs could be invented by the players based on the basic techs they have.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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werdnaforever | Date: Wednesday, 28.08.2013, 17:55 | Message # 11 |
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 897
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| Quote (HarbingerDawn) Soon™. Isn't that the truth.
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Thursday, 29.08.2013, 01:36 | Message # 12 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| Zipp3r, should the size of a planet be a factor in some of the stats? For example, should a planet with 2 Earth radii be able to have a higher possible population than a planet with 0.5 Earth radii? Or should all planets have similar stats?
In other words, should planet-specific stats be per unit area of a planet's surface, or per fraction of the planet's surface?
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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Zipp3r | Date: Thursday, 29.08.2013, 01:40 | Message # 13 |
Group: Newbies
Messages: 6
Status: Offline
| Quote (HarbingerDawn) In other words, should planet-specific stats be per unit area of a planet's surface, or per fraction of the planet's surface? hmm... I think per fraction would be better so the size of the planet is virtually irrelevant. Wouldn't want players to chase after the huuugest superearth there to get bonuses, that'd be silly.
Also, should presence of a large enough moon be necessary? Life on Earth wouldn't be possible without it (well, at least not intelligent life as we know it)
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HarbingerDawn | Date: Thursday, 29.08.2013, 01:56 | Message # 14 |
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
| Quote (Zipp3r) Wouldn't want players to chase after the huuugest superearth there to get bonuses, that'd be silly. Unless there were penalties for having a large planet (higher costs, for example) But yeah, giving all planets the same stats would be much simpler.
Quote (Zipp3r) Also, should presence of a large enough moon be necessary? For a homeworld, maybe it would make sense (it would have to have a moon with at least 0.3% its mass, be part of a binary planet, or be a moon of a larger planet, or something like those). But for colonies it should not matter.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
Edited by HarbingerDawn - Thursday, 29.08.2013, 01:57 |
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Ignuus66 | Date: Thursday, 29.08.2013, 20:43 | Message # 15 |
Space Tourist
Group: Users
Messages: 28
Status: Offline
| I'm in! My only problem is that the civilization I have made for the previous failed space civilizations has a tiny population (couple hundred million) but live for hundreds of years, and can survive extreme cold and pressure (snowball earth creatures) I don't exactly know if they would fit in this, so should I revise?
What I'd imagine is that the populations would grow very slowly, but each pop would produce more.
Edited by Ignuus66 - Thursday, 29.08.2013, 20:45 |
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