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Main » Files » Old versions

25.12.2013, 20:53
Download SpaceEngine

Executable Installer (automatic install)

Mirror 0 (SpaceEngine) 850 MB
Mirror 1 (Indie DB) 850 MB
Mirror 2 (mcsoftworks.net) 850 MB
Mirror 3 (softvrv.com) 850 MB
Mirror 4 (wuala.com) 850 MB
Mirror 5 (Google Drive) 850 MB
Mirror 6 (Yandex.Disk) 850 MB

Torrent Magnet URL

ZIP Archive (manual install)

Mirror 0 (SpaceEngine) 881 MB
Mirror 1 (mcsoftworks.net) 881 MB
Mirror 2 (softvrv.com) 881 MB
Mirror 3 (wuala.com) 881 MB
Mirror 4 (Google Drive) 881 MB
Mirror 5 (Yandex.Disk) 881 MB

System requirements

IMPORTANT!!! Make sure you using the latest driver for your graphics card! Otherwise SpaceEngine may not work or work poorly.

RAM2 Gb2 Gb
Video512 Mb1024 Mb
HDD space2 Gb10 Gb
OSWindows XPWindows 7


Automatic Install
1) Download the installer using the links above.
2) Run the installer and follow instructions. Do not merge this version with the old one!

Manual Install
1) Download the zip archive using the links above.
2) Extract the contents of the archive to the folder of your choice (e.g. C:\Program Files\SpaceEngine Do not merge this version with the old one!
3) If desired, add a shortcut to the SpaceEngine executable (SpaceEngine.exe, in the system subfolder) to your desktop or taskbar.

Copying to another PC

SpaceEngine is a portable application. You may simply copy all content of the SpaceEngine folder to another location and run SpaceEngine.exe, located in the system subfolder.


Read the docs/readme_eng.txt file, or click here for a user manual


Read the Troubleshooting forum and post there a reports about new bugs.


To improve quality and level of detail of our Solar System's planets and moons, download the official add-ons, that based on real NASA missions.

Major updates:
  • 3D water: animated water specular reflections, underwater fog
  • Improved procedural moon system generator
  • Debris rings around planets
  • New landforms: pseudo rivers, shield volcanoes
  • Music player with smooth mixing, context switching of soundtracks, repeat options and other capabilities
  • 25 original soundtracks made by many authors
  • Smart blending of terrain detail textures
  • Detail noise textures on the planetary surface
  • New types of worlds with life, improved lifeform classifications
  • Many improvements with space ships
  • Built-in avi video recorder
  • Fast multi-threaded Star Browser: it uses all CPU cores to generate systems and does not reduce FPS
  • Added Czech, Dutch, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Swedish and Turkish localizations
  • Installer for SpaceEngine distribution with automatic selection of localization

    Space ships:
  • Supporting of emission textures
  • Supporting of modular models
  • Updated Ships Manager: ability to build, rename and destroy spacecrafts, sorting tables by any column
  • Easy installing of ships addons: just copy files into SpaceEngine folder, and new ships become available in the Ships Manager's build menu
  • Some old ships models changed to modular models
  • New "SS Basic", "SS Cargo", "SS Science", "Fire Dragonfly" and "Skylone" ships
  • Computing the Keplerian orbital elements and rendering the Keplerian orbit of the ship
  • Atmospheric flight physics
  • Spaceship Control Panel with Autopilot buttons
  • Spaceship HUD (Head-Up Display) for atmospheric and space flight modes
  • Ships may have Main engines, Retro (Braking) engines, Hover engines and Correction engines that can be controlled separately
  • New ship control system: rotation with mouse, changing Main Engines and Hover Engines thrust with mouse wheel or by Control Panel, WASD keys controls correction engines only
  • Additional parameters in the spaceship config file (engine thrust, hyperdrive, aerodynamics)
  • Improved autopilot: orientation commands (Prograde, Retrograde etc), and automatic hyperjump to selected body
  • Simulation and Orbital physics modes for spaceships (unfinished, switch modes on the Spaceship Control panel)
  • Static Keplerian orbit mode for space stations artifical satellites
  • Improved warp bubble effect

  • Improved life classification: new types of lifeforms and biomes, various types of worlds to handle life, new script parameters
  • Reduced density of stellar remnants (black holes, neutron stars and white dwarves)
  • Updated exoplanets catalog
  • Improved star calculator (computing of required parameters based on some parameters given in the script)
  • New parameter Msini (M*sin(i)) in the planet script - used instead of Mass for exoplanets with only M*sin(i) known
  • Procedural generation of orbital inclination in the catalog system for planets with unknown inclination, based on planets with known inclination
  • Computing of actual mass of a planet based on given M*sin(i) and generated orbital inclination
  • New parameters in the planet script - discovery method, discovery date and date of last data update
  • New lines in the planet info table - discovery method, discovery date and M*sin(i)
  • Implemented "HH MM SS" or "DEG MM SS" format for RA and Dec for galaxies, star clusters and nebulae
  • New Vesta, Mercury and Saturn textures and landscape
  • New galaxy and nebula models
  • Increased turbulence on clouds of procedural gas giants

  • Updated GUI tables appearance
  • Updated Display Settings menu: options for toggle to fullscreen, choosing fullscreen and windowed mode resolution, VSync, anisotropy level
  • Variable column width in the Star Browser's table
  • Green text in the Solar System Browser indicates that an object has life or satellites with life
  • Updated localizations and added new ones
  • FPS counter is enabled or disabled via console command "FPS"
  • Changed color of orbits, markers and labels for dwarf planets and dwarf moons
  • Onscreen keyboard help info in the Edit mode
  • Some improvements in the Planet Editor

  • Capturing video with GUI by pressing [Ctrl]+[F9]
  • Sliders in the planet editor are not scrolled with mouse wheel
  • Close button on the Solar System Browser window
  • FOV is taken into account when choosing the camera position behind the ship in the Game mode
  • "Look around" by holding the middle mouse button; on release, camera returns to original view
  • Improved Controls settings menu: binding keys and mouse axis, independant bindings for planetarium and spaceship controls modes

  • Terrain detail texture atlases are merged into a single atlas
  • Configurable color palettes for procedural planets
  • Automatic calculation of the offset of the ship model to make it perfectly centered
  • SpaceEngine's window saves its size, position and fullscreen state in the config and restores them in the next launch
  • New magnitude function in the Map Mode: easy to find dim stellar objects
  • Supporting RGBA diffuse textures for ships with per-pixel specular power in the alpha channel
  • Supporting RGBA color specular textures for ships with per-pixel specular power in the alpha channel
  • Supporting RGB color emissive textures for ships
  • Experimental support of the logarithmic Z-buffer
  • Exit screen texture saved to the config folder
  • The stars120k.txt file is renamed to stars120k.cfg

    Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a "poor terrain textures" bug (incorrect indices of detail textures on procedural planets)
  • Fixed a bug with generating worlds with life only in multiple star systems
  • Fixed a bug with setting "StarProcBifurcation false" in the config disables procedural binary and multiple stars
  • Fixed a "boring planets" bug and "deserted terra with life" bug
  • Fixed too low and too high altitude of clouds on some planets
  • Fixed a bug with impossibility to disable the VSync
  • Fixed a bug with moons counter in the Wiki's General info tab
  • Fixed a bug with moons with life counter in the planet's info table
  • Fixed a bug with incorrect star multiplicity counter
  • Fixed a bugs with the nearest star searcher (in star clusters and galactic halo)
  • In the Map Mode, the Star Browser performs search around the map center, not around the current camera position
  • Removed double slash in the message "Saving screensots//scrxxxx.xxx"
  • Removed duplicate of Fomalhaut
  • Removed "Fomalhaut B" name of star TW PsA/Gliese 879
  • Fixed some other mistakes in catalogs
  • Fixed wrong luminosity (0.9) of the Sun in the info table and in the Wiki
  • Fixed artifacts when window is stretched on a bigger or a secondary monitor
  • Fixed bugs with fish eye projection
  • Fixed various bugs in the Star Browser
  • Fixed a rendering slow-down after using the Star Browser
  • Fixed a crash in Search By Name menu when entered a name of non existing star in a star cluster
  • Fixed wrong axial tilt info of Earth and other barycenter-orbiting planets
  • Fixed wrong obliquity parameter in exporting of the planetary system script
  • Fixed the absolute magnitude of the Halley's comet
  • Fixed a crash when turning on rendering of a spacecraft trajectory
  • Fixed a bug where "Warm ice world" was printed as "Warm ice giant"
  • Controls settings menu and right-click context menu changes localization properly
  • Fixed a typo on the coordinate grid labels
  • Fixed incorrect camera orientation on start if the last bound object was a spaceship
  • Fixed some VRAM cache issues (blinking stars, etc)
  • Fixed the music player
  • Fixed small blurriness of font and GUI
  • Fixed galaxy orientation problems
  • Restored clouds bump
  • Fixed a bug with no cyclones on gas giants
  • Fixed asynchronous loading of shaders
  • Fixed a bug with a black dot rendered above the star in the "Points" mode
  • Fixed a bug with bright blue stripes in evaporating planet tail
  • Fixed appearance of wrong textures on planets during loading/generation
  • Fixed a bug with wrong positioning of the camera relative the ship during hyperjump
  • Fixed inability to select a moons inside the planet's shadow
  • Fixed discontinuity in normal map lighting on a ship models
  • Category: Old versions | Added by: SpaceEngineer
    Views: 433439 | Comments: 25 | Rating: 4.5/29
    Total comments: 251 2 »
    23 rheysmertani  
    1 Spam
    SPACE ENGINE - My impressions and opinion

    OK, I think I never posted anything in here, so, it is time to do so.
    First of all, congratulations for this project, it is probably one of the most innovative and complex space simulation engine ever. It made possible to common people to simulate the entire space, something that before was possible only with complex calculations and supercomputers. SE brought to the common enthusiast of space adventure more than a tool for exploring fractal worlds, it brought to us a tool to take imagination to a brand new level. Instead of the limits of thousands or hundred of thousands, it brought to us an almost infinite universe astronomically plausible, with (generally) accurate data about known celestial bodies and a whole universe of possibilities beyond human knowledge.
    Now I'll comment about what I think about the SE based in my experience with it:

    1) Nice graphics
    2) Immensity
    3) Astronomical and astrophysical accuracy
    4) Seamless navigation
    5) Time control
    6) Spaceship mode
    7) Easiest navigation through a 3d universe since 3d was invented
    8) The pleasure of exploration and discovery

    1) Heavy video requirements
    2) Random crashes with no reason
    3) Anomalies (like overlapping stars)
    4) Buggy effects that doesn't work in many video cards (mine, for example, don't show evaporating planets or comet tails - and guess what? It is NVidia!)

    OK, now I'll do like they do in specialized websites and give you degrees for every aspect of this app:
    GRAPHICS - 10
    SOUND - 7
    CONTROLS - 10
    AVERAGE - 8,6






    FINAL WORDS: stop giving money to Limit Theory, it is the same crap we seen in the past with better graphics. They say that they have an endless universe, but it exists just to support the shooting and you cannot explore the planets freely. IF YOU WANT INFINITY, SUPORT SE, THEY ARE ASKING LESS MONEY AND OFFERRING YOU MUCH MORE.

    Ah, did I mention that they are asking 80 thousand dollars for a software that is being distributed for free to anyone- even those who hadn't contributed? THEY DESERVE COLLABORATION, SE CAN'T STOP, NOT NOW THAT THEY CAME SO FAR!

    24 T0RmenT0R  
    0 Spam
    Lucky you, I have GTX 760 with latest drivers, and it barely runs. Glitches are all over the screen, and it seems to be leaking memory a lot too. Sometimes freezes are so hard, I have to kill it hard from command line - blindfolded, as I can't see the screen. Remember this is not a game, and it has no game elements. It's basically a universe browser. Limit Theory is a game, so you can't compare it to SE.

    25 HarbingerDawn  
    I have a GTX 480 and it runs fine for me. There were issues with some Nvidia drivers, so make sure you have 344.65 or later.

    22 lukasblazevski  
    0 Spam
    Just to let people know, the "Yandex.disk" was the fastest .zip download route for me. biggrin

    21 AdamHamburglar  
    0 Spam
    I'm really hoping a Linux/Mac version comes sometime soon. I realize it's hard, but that doesn't mean I can't hope for one, right?

    20 T0RmenT0R  
    0 Spam
    Can somebody change the RED warning on this page, to read "This version of SpaceEngine is incompatible with the latest version of nvidia drivers", rather than the opposite please? It only makes sense taking into account the statement from nvidia about incorrect use of shader definitions by SE.
    Also, I noticed the donations have not increased for the past month or so. Don't you think it may have something to do with the fact people can't even try it now? New version is really really needed.

    16 T0RmenT0R  
    1 Spam
    The patch for the latest Nvidia drivers is really needed asap. I couldn't keep the old ones installed, as Elite Dangerous and WoT requires new ones, so I'm stuck with SE not working for the past month now.

    15 nliwilson  
    1 Spam
    I'll hang on for a *NIX (Linux/Mac/UNIX/BSD) compatible version rather than suffer Microsoft's shoddy OS's, you may have time to fritter away dealing with Windows nonsense but I don't. However it won't take long for me to completely forget this project exists.

    17 scavenger  
    -1 Spam
    byby then

    14 arximidis0  
    -1 Spam
    For those who ask about Linux and Mac, it needs money it ain't easy. Be patient until they reach much money, donate, for the project to continue.

    13 JC  
    1 Spam
    Mac Version Please biggrin angry2 rtfm

    12 TheAmazingFriendlyJonatha  
    0 Spam
    I'm not going to use my account but maybe I might create another account. It depends how it goes. sad
    Maybe...... Just maybe. I don't like my user name TheAmazingFriendlyJonatha.

    11 HarbingerDawn  
    You need to update your graphics drivers. Where you go to do this depends on what brand your graphics card is. And if you have a very old card, then it may be impossible for you to update to OGL 3.0.

    1-10 11-20
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