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[ Download from this server (19.2 Kb)
26.12.2014, 19:47
Download SpaceEngine
Executable Installer (automatic install)
Mirror 1 (SpaceEngine) 960 MB
Mirror 2 (SpaceEngine) 960 MB
Mirror 3 (Yandex.Disk) 960 MB
Mirror 4 (Google Drive) 960 MB
Mirror 5 (Indie DB) 960 MB
Mirror 6 (Wuala) 960 MB
Torrent file
Torrent magnet link
There is an upgrade patch available for this version. Download it here .
System requirements
Minimum Recommended
Dual-core 2 GHz
Quad-core 3 GHz
2 GB
4 GB
Nvidia or AMD/ATI 512 MB VRAM* OpenGL 3.3 support
Nvidia or AMD/ATI 1024 MB VRAM OpenGL 3.3 support
Windows XP
Windows 7
*Dedicated video memory
IMPORTANT!!! Make sure you using the latest driver for your graphics card! Otherwise SpaceEngine may not work or work poorly.
1) Download the installer using the links above.
2) Run the installer and follow instructions. Do not merge this version with the previous one!
Copying to another PC
SpaceEngine is a portable application. You may simply copy all content of the SpaceEngine folder to another location and run SpaceEngine.exe , located in the system subfolder. You may not copy the "cache" subfolder though - it being created automatically.
Read the docs/readme_eng.txt file, or click here for a user manual
Read the Troubleshooting forum and post there a reports about new bugs.
To improve quality and level of detail of our Solar System's planets and moons, download the official add-ons , that based on real data from interplanetary spacecraft.
▼ List of changes
Major updates:
Oculus Rift support
3D monitor and 3D TV support (anamorphic stereo pair mode, shutter glasses mode)
3D anaglyph glasses support
Full joystick and gamepads support, multiple devices allowed
Animated procedural stellar corona
New star rendering
Night textures on planets: city lights, lava
Thermal lighting of a planet and its clouds based on: tidal heating, solar heating, young age
Volcano with lava flows
Melted lava planets and moons
Updated soundtracks
Ability to change some measurement units: parsec to light year, kilometer to mile, Kelvin to Celsius and Fahrenheit
Hapke BDRF: opposition effect and zero-phase glare on dusty planets, planet script parameters to control the effect
Planetary system chart mode: compare size of planets, moons and stars in the system
Space ships:
Added option for multiple preset cameras for spacecraft
Enabled retro engines
New ship models
ESI value now uses average planet surface temperature and doesn't change with time
Improved solar spots
Updated textures for many Solar system objects
Added accurate rings to the asteroid/centaur Chariklo
New procedural clouds texture
Updated brown dwarf appearance
New pink atmosphere model for brown dwarves and some planets
New physical model of planetary atmospheres (2-layered: adiabatic troposphere and isothermal stratosphere)
Elevations on gas giants are counted from the atmosphere level with pressure of 1 atmosphere (~1 bar)
Procedural generation of orbital ascending node in the catalog system for planets with unknown ascending node, based on planets with known ascending node
Improved planet temperature calculation: it now takes into account the internal and tidal heating
Glowing hot planets illuminates neighbouring objects
More accurate probabilities for generation of white dwarves, neutron stars, and black holes
Red giants now have 100% probability of hot planets
Icy moons smaller than 400 km and rocky moons smaller than 600 km are classified as asteroids and dwarf moons
Improved ice specular on terras and deserts
Large scale albedo variations on planet surface
Computing snow altitude based on atmosphere model
Increased level of detail of asteroids
New planet script parameter "Panspermia", for specifying that life did not originate on that world
"Life origin" field in the Wiki describes how life originated on that world
Dwarf moon names are changed to a form like "3.D4"
More realistic generation of planets density
Improved quality of black hole and warp field distortion effect
Animated Selection pointer
Simple GUI editor (debug feature)
Atmospheric pressure and air temperature at the user's location is displayed in the object's info panel and in the Wiki
Wiki pages update automatically after changing the selected object
Wiki pages don't switch after changing the selected object or Wiki opened/closed
Wiki window is now more compact
Ability to select the screenshot image format in the Player settings menu
Main menu scales to any screen resolution
Filter by planet and star parameters in the Star browser
Updated interface texture
Updated toolbars appearance
Lock button on bottom toolbars now have 3 states: lock, half-hide, and hide
Added Display settings and Main Menu buttons to the left toolbar
Updated ship control panel
View direction altitude in the Fish Eye mode can be configured
Selection now work in the Fish Eye mode
New texture-based mouse cursors
Many visual improvements to the Map Mode
Expanded Display settings menu with controls for projection and 3D mode
Expanded Controls settings menu, with ability to customize all mouse and joysticks axes and all joysticks buttons
Brown dwarves size in a Solar system browser is in a planets size scale, not a stars one
Many optimizations in the engine core
Upgraded memory manager
Some shaders are rewritten to the GLSL 3.3 core profile
Reduced number of planet shaders
Forced HDR mode and Bloom effect
Optimized lens flare code
More precise LOD setting for planets
Implemented the pak file system (zip archives)
Default texture packs and addons are now in pak files
New catalog update/addon system
Significantly improved catalog loading performance
Implemented separate texture sets for RGB and Alpha or higher and lower byte of elevation map for planets
Time stamps printed in the log
Settings for minimum distance for procedural stars and brown dwarves added to the config
Ability to edit a barycenter parameter in the Planet editor
Console variables to control the mouse cursor: "HardwareCursor" and "HideCursor"
Surface color parameters for gas giants and brown dwarves are renamed to colorLayer0 ... colorLayer7
Palettes for gas giants and ice giants are split into 7 ranges according to their temperature class
Palettes for brown dwarves are split into 3 ranges according to their spectral type (L, T, Y)
Swapped neg_z and pos_z faces in the Export Skybox function
Added the entire ship model rotation parameter in the config and in the editor
Improved life panspermia code, new probability parameters in the universe.cfg
GUI windows don't change their positions when SE window resized
Added "ModulateColor" parameter for planet scripts; can modify the color of planet textures and also modify opacity for cloud textures
Script "Exposure" parameters for surface, clouds and ocean are replaced with one global "Brightness" parameter
Script "Exposure" parameter for rings is replaced with the "Brightness" parameter
Added "stable" motion blur (blur length independent of framerate), can be adjusted in config/user.cfg or in the console
Solitary black holes particles are now invisible
Accelerated rendering of star-like particles of planets and ships
Removed error message if the local database file did not found
Added console variables for collision detection clamp and near plane clamp, log stamps, motion blur length, and many others (read docs/console.txt for reference)
Bug fixes:
Fixed bug with "islands" on oceanias
Fixed spacecraft and lens flare textures not loading in Immediate loading mode
Fixed a bug where catalog neutron stars could have very low temperatures
Fixed Roche limit calculations
Hacked fix of screen edge artifact of gravity lens effect
Fixed rounding errors in GUI sliders (sticking at certain points when using arrow buttons)
Fixed not saving of mouse axis settings
Fixed a bug with too high speed of clouds on tidally locked planets and moons
Fixed bug with clouds on catalog planets with low atmospheric pressure
Fixed problems with fullscreen if display resolution changed
Fixed a bug with procedural stars with infinite luminosity generated
Fixed mistake in FXAA implementation
Fixed some bugs in the planet editor
Fixed some bugs in the lens flares code
Fixed automatic binding to a planet after controlling a spacecraft
Fixed resetting of the mouse-controlled ailerons/elevator angles after using keyboard controls
Fixed atmosphere scattering models precomputing code
Fixed orbital paths cutting in the Map mode
Fixed "micro debris ring" and asteroids sharing the same orbits with moons
Fixed "square star" bug
Fixed "pink rings" bug
Fixed some bugs with eclipse shadows
Fixed mipmaps generation on planets and ships
Fixed bug with closing the Universe Map
Fixed sun lens flare rendering mode when ship is warping with autopilot
Fixed "negative lens flare" effect when close to a star
Fixed wrong orientation of the star's equator relative to the planetary system plane
Fixed some bugs in the planetary system generator
Fixed hole in red giant stars
Fixed a crash at first-time nebula model generation
Fixed a mistake in the procedural white dwarf class generation
Fixed smoothing of the font
Fixed "Interstellar" mode of ships in some star cluster's planetary systems
Fixed lags caused by ships physics updating
Fixed the "barycenter star in binary system" artifact
Fixed rendering of the Wiki preview for star clusters, galaxies, and nebulae
Fixed Wiki preview disappearing after selecting the barycenter
Fixed rotation parameters for moons
Fixed density of small planets
Fixed dwarf moons density and Roche limit check
Fixed bug with the number of aurora particles sliders in the Planet editor
Fixed bug with DXT1 textures loading and wrong rendering of the modular ships' trusses
Category: Old versions | Added by: SpaceEngineer
Views: 470641
| Comments: 71
| Rating: 4.6 /74
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oh yeah and also this.
"Who said I was dead... I'M IMMORTAL!!!"
heya kiddo, wanna hang out? i can tell you 100 puns in a second.
Like really. [size=22][color=gray]WHO THE
Downloads SpaceEngine. Tries to open. Reaction:
Redownloads. Tries to open again. Reaction:
Today is redownloading setup. Possible reaction 1:
, possible reaction 2:
Reaction if it will work in real life: [i]"ДААААААА!!!!!!!!!!!!"
ERROR (null) (2.1). (null). ???
true I cant either it might be the update or the creator has MAJOR BUGS TO FIX
Or my computer is too weak.
what it says is that Mac version is funded and planned, not done. It will be done in due time.
It says there's mac native support, but I cant find a mac download.
Why is it so difficult to download anything these days? Is there a tutorial on how to? I'd really like to get this program.
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