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Elite: Dangerous Supercruise flight mode for SE
n0b0dyDate: Tuesday, 02.02.2016, 16:39 | Message # 1
Group: Users
Messages: 297
Status: Offline
As the title describes it would be cool if we could fly our spaceships using elite dangerous supercruise flight model. In Elite Dangerous (ED for short) you can fly in supercruise which is a kind of warp travel and when you approach a gravity source, the spaceship deccelerates. As you move away from a gravity source the ship accelerates. Decceleration and acceleration is somewhat exponential which means the closer you get to a gravity source, the higher the rate of decceleration and vice versa. Also the stronger the gravity source, the further away the effect on ship deccel/accel.

I know this is unrealistic and comes in contradiction to SEs purpose but it would be cool for planetarium flying. One thing I miss from ED is that you can not traverse 2 seperate star systems in supercruise as it only generates one system and you have to hyperjump to load the next. But in SE loading of systems is almost seamless and there is no need for 2000c speed limit that exists in ED. So you would accelerate to many thousand times the speed of light as you cross the interstellar void at geometric rate and when you hit the gravity neutral point (short of interstellar barycenter between two star systems) you would start to deccelerate. I have calculated (approximately) that you need about 4-5 hrs per light year at 2000c (2000 times the speed of light). But if you accelerate continously to the barycenter and then deccelerate you wil arrive faster. It's like the go-to command but only many times slower.
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