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Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
SpaceEngineerDate: Saturday, 30.07.2016, 13:34 | Message # 1
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Before you post any bugs, please follow these steps:

  • First of all, make sure you updated your video card drivers. This may solve 99% of all issues.
  • Read the Fixing common issues section below. It is possible that your problem can be solved there.
  • Read the List of known issues section below and make sure that your bugs are not on in it. You can use your browser's word finder to help search the list.
  • If the bug is not on the list then please post it in this thread. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the se.log and is located in the SpaceEngine/system/ directory). Only the log file will help us to understand your problem and find a solution!

    Fixing graphics card-specific issues

    If you do not know which graphics card (chip) do you have, open the system/se.log file in the text editor and read the Vendor information in the beginning:

    [MT] Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.

    Then look for a solution for you:

    Nvidia: Major lag spikes

    Intel HD: Glitchy landscape and textures on planets

    Intel HD: Red clouds on Earth

    Intel HD: Black screen

    Fixing common issues

    1) Obsolete or incompatible drivers

    2) Weak system

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)

    4) Artifacts on procedural planets

    5) Frequent crashing while generating planetary surface

    6) Blurry textures on Solar system planets

    7) Problems with very high resolution displays

    List of known issues

    Green items have been fixed for the next release

    Not real bugs, but effects caused by limitations in the engine:

    Real bugs:

    Andune2709Date: Wednesday, 31.08.2016, 08:34 | Message # 181
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 3
    Status: Offline
    cry cry cry
    But thank you for the answer...

    „Kühn durchs Weltall steuern die Gedanken, fürchten nichts – als seine Schranken.“ ―Friedrich Schiller―
    The_BlazerDate: Wednesday, 31.08.2016, 16:22 | Message # 182
    Space Tourist
    Group: Users
    Messages: 34
    Status: Offline
    So there's a weird bug involving diffraction spikes, planets and auto-exposure.

    The bug: diffraction spikes from stars will disappear under certain conditions.

    How to reproduce: the following conditions must be met: camera low on planet surface - auto-exposure enabled - star must NOT be at sunset/sunrise (otherwise bug won't happen)

    This happens regardless of clouds, and even in atmosphere-less planets.


    Attachments: 4357925.log (518.2 Kb)

    Born too early to explore space... But just in time for Space Engine.

    PC Specs:
    GTX 770 (2GB VRAM) - i5 4570 - 8GB RAM

    Edited by The_Blazer - Wednesday, 31.08.2016, 16:28
    AeroWolfDate: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 12:32 | Message # 183
    Group: Users
    United Kingdom
    Messages: 13
    Status: Offline
    I'm using intel hd 4000 FYI. This game was working great until I traveled to stars to which the screen blacks out. When I quit and load it up again it is still black. I can hear the music but the screen is black and I cant see anything. I've tried deleting the log but it still wont work.
    Attachments: 0049136.log (508.6 Kb)

    Lenovo g500s Core I3 2.4ghz dual core, 4GB ram, Intel HD 4000 graphics :(
    luckyducker23Date: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 19:07 | Message # 184
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    When I try to run the game when it's loading it says there's a problem with the procedural planets and It just loads a black screen. I have the proper drivers card and ram.
    xbrain130Date: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 19:08 | Message # 185
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 6
    Status: Offline
    Okay, I had this issue for a long time and no update resolved it yet, and it's starting to really bother me.

    Basically, my game can't render correctly 3 out of the 4 Ice Giants added by me.

    With these two, the planet is simply invisible, except for the rings and a thin atmosphere.

    This one is arguably weirder: numerous circles of elevated surface/air appear on the planet, and under them there's no clouds.

    Attachments: 8170480.log (47.5 Kb)
    MosfetDate: Thursday, 01.09.2016, 22:39 | Message # 186
    World Builder
    Group: Users
    Messages: 754
    Status: Offline
    xbrain130, do you have original Microsoft drivers for your Nvidia? Try updating your drivers with the latest for your card from the Nvidia website.

    Quote luckyducker23 ()
    I have the proper drivers card and ram.

    Are you using a laptop with hybrid graphics?
    Please attach your se.log as explained in the topmost message.

    "Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
    Douglas N. Adams
    My mods
    Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
    SpaceHopperDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 00:24 | Message # 187
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 186
    Status: Offline
    xbrain130, perhaps you could also post your custom catalog file so we can see if there are any errors or something in your parameters.

    3.14% of all seafarers are PIrates.
    Got Mole Problems? Call Avogadro at 602-1023
    Google Search my picture to discover whom it depicteth.
    xbrain130Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 02:06 | Message # 188
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 6
    Status: Offline
    Quote Mosfet ()
    xbrain130, do you have original Microsoft drivers for your Nvidia? Try updating your drivers with the latest for your card from the Nvidia website.

    Not sure, I'm not very good with this kind of stuff. I tried to download a new fitting driver from the site, but for some reason every time I launch the setup it gives me "Error of Nvidia's installation program" and every component of the driver is labelled as "not installed". It may have to do with the fact that my device is a several-years-old home PC that still runs XP (I know, unforgivable in 2k16, but my family isn't in a good situation currently and even a single new component is out of our budget)

    Quote SpaceHopper ()
    xbrain130, perhaps you could also post your custom catalog file so we can see if there are any errors or something in your parameters.


    (from "E:\Programmi\SpaceEngine 0.98\addons\catalogs\planets\SolSys.sc")

    Planet    "Planet Nine"
        ParentBody    "Sol"
        Class  "IceGiant"
        Radius  23600
        Mass  10

      Period  17000
      SemiMajorAxis    665
      Eccentricity  0.6
      Inclination    30
      ArgOfPericenter    150
      AscendingNode  91
      MeanAnomaly    117.8
      RefPlane    "Ecliptic"

    (extract from "E:\Programmi\SpaceEngine 0.98\addons\catalogs\planets\DELPav.sc")

    Planet    "Teope/DEL Pav f"
        ParentBody    "DEL Pav"
        Class  "IceGiant"
        Radius  20925.4
        Mass  8.5367078437280305
        Albedo  0.46
        Obliquity    36
        RotationPeriod    14.68

      Period  2.5722295648376
      Eccentricity    0.092
      SemiMajorAxis    1.87168492
      Inclination    1.040
      AscendingNode    238
      ArgOfPericenter    200
      RefPlane    "Equator"

    Planet    "Neprotinea/DEL Pav e"
        ParentBody    "DEL Pav"
        Class  "IceGiant"
        Radius  21654.5
        Mass  6.3606842757189247
        Albedo  0.46
        Obliquity    33
        RotationPeriod    17.66

      Period  22.821519001071
      Eccentricity    0.01
      SemiMajorAxis    8.0215068
      Inclination    1.270
      AscendingNode    100
      ArgOfPericenter    128
      RefPlane    "Equator"
    MosfetDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 08:21 | Message # 189
    World Builder
    Group: Users
    Messages: 754
    Status: Offline
    Quote xbrain130 ()
    it gives me "Error of Nvidia's installation program"

    Just to be sure, this http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/105040/en-us is the driver for your card I'd download for XP.
    If it's the driver you had problems with, I'm afraid the issue could be related to your xp installation.

    "Time is illusion. Lunchtime doubly so."
    Douglas N. Adams
    My mods
    Asus x555ub: cpu i5-6200u - ram 4gb - gpu nvidia geforce 940m 2gb vram
    xbrain130Date: Friday, 02.09.2016, 08:35 | Message # 190
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 6
    Status: Offline
    Quote Mosfet ()
    Just to be sure, this http://www.nvidia.com/download/driverResults.aspx/105040/en-us is the driver for your card I'd download for XP.
    If it's the driver you had problems with, I'm afraid the issue could be related to your xp installation.

    Yep, that seems to be the one I tried. And it still doesn't work.

    Oh well, it was worth a shot.
    HetairosDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 12:18 | Message # 191
    Group: Users
    Messages: 18
    Status: Offline
    A bug from at least RC3 persists - water in shallow coastal areas disappears if zoomed in on.

    Attachments: 4962565.jpg (420.1 Kb)
    CaptainMaxwellDate: Friday, 02.09.2016, 21:25 | Message # 192
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 6
    Status: Offline
    Is this something to be concerned about?
    [MT] ERROR: seGalSpriteModel::Free(): Video memory leak detected ("M31")
    [MT] ERROR: seGalSpriteModel::Free(): Video memory leak detected ("NGC6217")
    SpaceHopperDate: Saturday, 03.09.2016, 01:46 | Message # 193
    Group: Users
    United States
    Messages: 186
    Status: Offline
    I think it is something bad, but sadly I'm not sure what you should do about it, other than that you should do something.

    3.14% of all seafarers are PIrates.
    Got Mole Problems? Call Avogadro at 602-1023
    Google Search my picture to discover whom it depicteth.

    Edited by SpaceHopper - Saturday, 03.09.2016, 01:47
    apcobeDate: Saturday, 03.09.2016, 15:18 | Message # 194
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 2
    Status: Offline
    So, I'm trying to use the spaceship and star finder menu and I cannot seem to access the filter bar or create ship bar anymore because everytime I put my cursor on t it only seems to push it off the screen, and I have no knowledge on how to retrieve it. angry
    cicamicaDate: Sunday, 04.09.2016, 15:36 | Message # 195
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 1
    Status: Offline
    Spitfire7, already reported this.
    At certain altitudes there is a visible line in the atmosphere of certain warmer planets. This disappears closer to the surface.

    Attachments: 4883109.log (50.3 Kb)

    Edited by cicamica - Sunday, 04.09.2016, 15:45