Hi i just created one Irr (250000 radius) - 22 Trillion stars.
And a sbc or sc 1 Million R - has like 12 Trillion stars.
I know that the bigger are the galaxies the more speard out are the stars. But how can a galaxy 1/4 have that brutal amount of stars. (Also i cant see any clusters in both and they have more than 10.000)
Here is the code:
Galaxy "Great Azshara/M 101/UGC 8493/MCG 8-25-12" // The name of the galaxy
Type "Sc" // Hubble classification type
RA 1.4978 // Right ascension in hours
Dec 1.1956 // Declination in degrees
Dist 10010000000.78 // Distance in parsecs (5)
Radius 1000000.9958 // The radius of the galaxy in parsecs
AbsMagn -6.5 // Absolute magnitude, or
AppMagn 4.5 // visual magnitude
SolFade false // suppression of star generation near the Sun
Galaxy "Great Arya/NGC 5194/UGC 8493/MCG 8-25-12" // The name of the galaxy
Type "Irr" // Hubble classification type
RA 1.4978 // Right ascension in hours
Dec 1.1956 // Declination in degrees
Dist 10013000000.78 // Distance in parsecs (4)
Radius 250000.9958 // The radius of the galaxy in parsecs
AbsMagn -6.5 // Absolute magnitude, or
AppMagn 4.5 // visual magnitude
SolFade false // suppression of star generation near the Sun
I have the visual magnitud of galaxies down to -10. And the others at 7. Other settings by delfault.