Hi when i try to create this galaxy it turns of the light for a second then fades like this every 2 seconds. Hard bug.
Galaxy "Great Aurora/Great Aurora/NGC 5194/UGC 8493/MCG 8-25-12" // The name of the galaxy
Type "SBc" // Hubble classification type
RA 13.4978 // Right ascension in hours
Dec 47.1956 // Declination in degrees
Dist 8502452.78 // Distance in parsecs
Radius 50000.9958 // The radius of the galaxy in parsecs
AbsMagn -18.5 // Absolute magnitude, or
AppMagn 16.5 // visual magnitude
Yaw -157 // \
Pitch -47 // > Euler angles of orientation of the model
Roll -100 // /
Quat (116.2348, 0.7458, -0.6548, 0.1229) // orientation quaternion
SolFade false // suppression of star generation near the Sun
Galaxy "Great Elune/Great Elune/NGC 5194/UGC 8493/MCG 8-25-12" // The name of the galaxy
Type "Irr" // Hubble classification type
RA 13.4978 // Right ascension in hours
Dec 46.0956 // Declination in degrees
Dist 8322452.78 // Distance in parsecs
Radius 2500.9958 // The radius of the galaxy in parsecs
AbsMagn -20.5 // Absolute magnitude, or
AppMagn 10.5 // visual magnitude
SolFade false // suppression of star generation near the Sun
Galaxy "Great Laurana/Great Laurana/NGC 5194/UGC 8493/MCG 8-25-12" // The name of the galaxy
Type "S0" // Hubble classification type
RA 13.4978 // Right ascension in hours
Dec 45.1956 // Declination in degrees
Dist 8242452.78 // Distance in parsecs
Radius 5000.9958 // The radius of the galaxy in parsecs
AbsMagn -20.5 // Absolute magnitude, or
AppMagn 10.5 // visual magnitude
SolFade false // suppression of star generation near the Sun
Galaxy "Great Mononoke/Great Mononoke/NGC 5194/UGC 8493/MCG 8-25-12" // The name of the galaxy
Type "Sa" // Hubble classification type
RA 13.4978 // Right ascension in hours
Dec 45.1956 // Declination in degrees
Dist 8702452.78 // Distance in parsecs
Radius 850000.9958 // The radius of the galaxy in parsecs
AbsMagn -22.5 // Absolute magnitude, or
AppMagn 18.5 // visual magnitude
SolFade false // suppression of star generation near the Sun
Its the LAST one. The others work fine.
Maybe ist has something to do with this: blinking textures but i check the main post about trouble shooting change all what its to change (on recomended settings) and still the same.