Quote sent808 (
it tells me in the info that my new galaxy has 80.000 Billion stars. Okey thats a lot i think. But if i increase or decrease does it have impact on the simulation?
Size of a galaxy don't affect FPS, unless model have no glitches (too small or too large models are the case). Galaxy 3D model itself may affect performance, if you make too many sprites in it.
Quote sent808 (
Also does it have impact if i turn TRUE or FALSE the SolFade ???
It affects on star generation speed, because each generated star is checked on visibility from Earth. If the galaxy is not a Milky Way satellite, this option have no sence.
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Sry and another question: How do i know when i click on a generated star to what galaxy it belongs? I ask this because i have or planing to have several galaxies really close and would like to know how condense its the galaxy.
The first half of the procedural name of a star is actually name of the galaxy.