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Adding new speed presets? And manually-typing speed values?
MolokexDate: Tuesday, 24.06.2014, 03:09 | Message # 1
Group: Newbies
Messages: 1
Status: Offline

I just registered, so I could ask this question. I would like to know if it is possible to create custom speed presets, and if so how. I am rather confused with the units used to determine speed when it starts to get to ' c '. I can understand 100,000 kilometers per second, but what is " 0.30 c " ? What is that speed in kilometers?

I'm asking this because I would like to have a "Speed of Light" preset which would literally be 300,000 kilometers per second, or at least the equivalent of it in " c ".

I opened the "user" configuration file and I see that part:

// Velocity presets:
// 1 km/s = 3.240776488385780515715e-14
// 1 c    = 9.715603492817815930547e-9
// 1 AU/s = 4.848136811095359935899e-6
// 1 pc/s = 1.0
Velocity00    3.240776488385780515715e-18 // 0.1 m/s
Velocity01    3.240776488385780515715e-17 // 1 m/s
Velocity02    3.240776488385780515715e-16 // 10 m/s
Velocity03    3.240776488385780515715e-15 // 100 m/s
Velocity04    3.240776488385780515715e-14 // 1 km/s
Velocity05    3.240776488385780515715e-13 // 10 km/s
Velocity06    3.240776488385780515715e-12 // 100 km/s
Velocity07    3.240776488385780515715e-11 // 1000 km/s
Velocity08    3.240776488385780515715e-10 // 10000 km/s
Velocity09    9.715603492817815930547e-9  // 1 c
Velocity10    9.715603492817815930547e-8  // 10 c
Velocity11    9.715603492817815930547e-7  // 100 c
Velocity12    4.848136811095359935899e-6  // 1 AU/s
Velocity13    4.848136811095359935899e-5  // 10 AU/s
Velocity14    4.848136811095359935899e-4  // 100 AU/s
Velocity15    4.848136811095359935899e-3  // 1000 AU/s
Velocity16    0.1                         // 0.1 pc/s
Velocity17    1.0                         // 1 pc/s
Velocity18    10.0                        // 10 pc/s
Velocity19    100.0                       // 100 pc/s
Velocity20    1000.0                      // 1 kpc/s
Velocity21    10000.0                     // 10 kpc/s
Velocity22    100000.0                    // 100 kpc/s
Velocity23    1000000.0                   // 1 Mpc/s
Velocity24    10000000.0                  // 10 Mpc/s
Velocity25    100000000.0                 // 100 Mpc/s

Is that where I would create a new preset?

I would like to do something like this (if possible?):

Velocity08    3.240776488385780515715e-10 // 10000 km/s
[b]Velocity08b [number] // 300000 km/s[/b]
Velocity09    9.715603492817815930547e-9  // 1 c

The bold part is what I'd like to do (or something similar to it).

Also, is it possible to manually enter any specific speed? Without having to press the " - " or " + " keys, which increases (or decreases) speed in an uncontrolled manner.

Thank you for your time, and your support.
FlopjackDate: Tuesday, 03.02.2015, 02:13 | Message # 2
Group: Newbies
United States
Messages: 3
Status: Offline
Not sure why no one answered your question, but c is the speed of light.

You can hold ctrl with - or + to change your speed in intervals of what looks like 10x.

Agreed on being able to put in a specific speed would be nice.
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