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Please help how get moon binary or orbit
BetelgeuzeDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 12:24 | Message # 1
Space Pilot
Group: Banned
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
I Create a planet and two moons
and how make moon binary/orbit

please help?


Planet    "Minecraft"
  ParentBody     "Minecraft Sun"
  Class        "Terra"

  Mass            1.9292  
  Radius          15290.4
  InertiaMoment   89.764

  Obliquity       -0.92842
  EqAscendNode    127.721

  Albedo          0.26
  Color          (1.000 1.000 1.000)

   SurfStyle       0.6878343
   OceanStyle      0.6717247
   Randomize      (-0.626, 0.388, 0.887)
   colorDistMagn   0.04990955
   colorDistFreq   802.6904
   detailScale     50722.68
   colorConversion true
   seaLevel        0.5010779
   snowLevel       0.9916339
   tropicLatitude  0.16037
   icecapLatitude  1
   icecapHeight    0.5010779
   climatePole     0.9375
   climateTropic   0.5395925
   climateEquator  0.6875
   tropicWidth     0.4248086
   mainFreq        1.277373
   venusFreq       0.5107685
   venusMagn       0
   mareFreq        4.270162
   mareDensity     0.06049925
   terraceProb     0.6174443
   erosion         0.136358
   montesMagn      0.2318332
   montesFreq      275.3939
   montesFraction  -0.5842835
   dunesMagn       0.06737939
   dunesFreq       50.85921
   dunesFraction   0.2150938
   hillsMagn       0.138932
   hillsFreq       609.4535
   hillsFraction   0.05958909
   hills2Fraction  0.5123023
   riversMagn       50.2548
   riversFreq       3.414564
   riversSin        3.866811
   riversOctaves    2
   canyonsMagn     0.01214224
   canyonsFreq     157.4536
   canyonFraction  0.06296629
   cracksMagn      0.08991072
   cracksFreq      0.5848801
   cracksOctaves   0
   craterMagn      0.8427507
   craterFreq      18.88602
   craterDensity   0
   craterOctaves   0
   craterRayedFactor 0
   twistZones      5.116622
   twistMagn       1.896712
   cycloneMagn     1.970597
   cycloneFreq     0.3600709
   cycloneDensity  0.03628138
   colorSea       (0.040, 0.200, 0.200, 1.000)
   colorShelf     (0.150, 0.370, 0.370, 1.000)
   colorBeach     (0.690, 0.470, 0.320, 0.000)
   colorDesert    (0.610, 0.380, 0.270, 0.000)
   colorLowland   (0.510, 0.320, 0.230, 0.000)
   colorUpland    (0.730, 0.530, 0.370, 0.000)
   colorRock      (0.620, 0.330, 0.170, 0.000)
   colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 0.200)
   colorLowPlants (0.510, 0.320, 0.230, 0.000)
   colorUpPlants  (0.730, 0.530, 0.370, 0.000)
   BumpHeight      13.60707
   BumpOffset      6.818201
   DiffMapAlpha   "Water"
   SpecularBright  1.5
   SpecularPower   40
   DayAmbient      0.07
   Lommel          0
   Exposure        2

   Height          2.157227
   BumpHeight      5.294386
   DayAmbient      2
   Lommel          0.2
   Exposure        2
   Color          (1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000)
   mainFreq        1.59574
   mainOctaves     10
   Coverage        0.1
   twistZones      5.116622
   twistMagn       1.896712

   Height          4.31543
   BumpHeight      5.817061
   DayAmbient      2
   Lommel          0.2
   Exposure        2
   Color          (1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000)
   mainFreq        1.59574
   mainOctaves     10
   Coverage        0.1
   twistZones      5.116622
   twistMagn       1.896712

   Height          6.472656
   BumpHeight      6.967989
   DayAmbient      2
   Lommel          0.2
   Exposure        2
   Color          (1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000)
   mainFreq        1.59574
   mainOctaves     10
   Coverage        0.1
   twistZones      5.116622
   twistMagn       1.896712

   Height          6.818201
   DayAmbient      2
   Lommel          0
   Exposure        2
   Color          (1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000)

   Model          "Neptune"
   Height          78.18069
   Density         3.138034
   Pressure        2.845673
   Greenhouse      85.44908
   Bright          7.969409
   Opacity         0.7969409
   SkyLight        2.65647

   Height      125.5332
   NorthLat    63.92662
   NorthLon    -111.3474
   NorthRadius 2813.281
   NorthWidth  1129.03
   NorthRings  3
   NorthBright 0.3
   NorthParticles 50000
   SouthLat    -56.42831
   SouthLon    57.89211
   SouthRadius 2868.416
   SouthWidth  1039.271
   SouthRings  3
   SouthBright 0.3
   SouthParticles 50000
   TopColor    (1.000 1.000 1.000)
   BottomColor (0.000 1.000 0.000)

  NoRings         true

  NoCometTail     true

   SemiMajorAxis   1.7
   Period          0.97101
   Eccentricity    0
   Inclination     0
   AscendingNode   127.721
   ArgOfPericenter 407.2129
   MeanAnomaly     171.7083
   RefPlane       "Equator"

Moon    "Nether"
  ParentBody     "Minecraft"
  Class        "Selena"

  Mass            0.00589491
  Radius          1373.751
  InertiaMoment   0.3854233

  Oblateness      0.001607155

  Obliquity       0.1489528
  EqAscendNode    207.0894

  Albedo          0.3
  Color          (1.000 1.000 1.000)

   SurfStyle       0.3470073
   OceanStyle      0.5969905
   Randomize      (-0.277, -0.969, -0.971)
   colorDistMagn   0.07668817
   colorDistFreq   562.2914
   detailScale     7066.729
   colorConversion true
   drivenDarkening 0
   seaLevel        0.1974685
   snowLevel       0.9926379
   tropicLatitude  0.03929121
   icecapLatitude  1
   icecapHeight    0.1974685
   climatePole     0.9375
   climateTropic   0.3125
   climateEquator  0.6875
   tropicWidth     0.07
   mainFreq        2.010482
   venusFreq       1.195857
   venusMagn       0
   mareFreq        1.728221
   mareDensity     0.113044
   terraceProb     0.320707
   erosion         0
   montesMagn      0.1608501
   montesFreq      261.0768
   montesFraction  0.6412356
   dunesMagn       0.02982904
   dunesFreq       7281.08
   dunesFraction   0.3379369
   hillsMagn       0.1127601
   hillsFreq       610.4973
   hillsFraction   0.353184
   hills2Fraction  -0.4095583
   riversMagn       68.96641
   riversFreq       1.884957
   riversSin        5.272023
   riversOctaves    0
   canyonsMagn     0.06612805
   canyonsFreq     139.46
   canyonFraction  0.01537937
   cracksMagn      0.03837179
   cracksFreq      1.93308
   cracksOctaves   0
   craterMagn      0.6548854
   craterFreq      20.92422
   craterDensity   0.7708353
   craterOctaves   11
   craterRayedFactor 0.202366
   colorSea       (0.450, 0.450, 0.450, 0.000)
   colorShelf     (0.480, 0.480, 0.480, 0.000)
   colorBeach     (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.000)
   colorDesert    (0.620, 0.600, 0.570, 0.200)
   colorLowland   (0.670, 0.640, 0.640, 0.500)
   colorUpland    (0.700, 0.670, 0.660, 0.800)
   colorRock      (0.650, 0.610, 0.620, 1.000)
   colorSnow      (1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)
   BumpHeight      20
   SpecularBright  0
   SpecularPower   40
   DayAmbient      0.07
   Lommel          0.8
   Exposure        3.5

  NoClouds        true

  NoOcean         true

  NoAtmosphere    true

  NoAurora        true

  NoRings         true

  NoCometTail     true

   SemiMajorAxis   4.833945e-006
   Period          0.005675266
   Eccentricity    0.04322477
   Inclination     0.849
   AscendingNode   207.0894
   ArgOfPericenter 245.0324
   MeanAnomaly     170.6478
   RefPlane       "Equator"

Moon    "The End"
  ParentBody     "Minecraft"
  Class        "Asteroid"

  Mass            3.21462e-011
  Radius          2.150086
  InertiaMoment   0.3978094

  Oblateness      0.1123746

  Obliquity       0.5406078
  EqAscendNode    286.2882

  Albedo          0.2
  Color          (1.000 1.000 1.000)

   SurfStyle       0.03659229
   OceanStyle      0.01105549
   Randomize      (0.714, -0.118, -0.132)
   colorDistMagn   0.2305648
   colorDistFreq   3.47376
   detailScale     11.06028
   colorConversion true
   tropicLatitude  1.748456e-007
   icecapLatitude  1
   climatePole     0.9375
   climateTropic   0.3125
   climateEquator  0.6875
   tropicWidth     0.07
   mainFreq        0.5673737
   terraceProb     0.2309595
   erosion         0
   montesMagn      0.05932768
   montesFreq      0.9032184
   montesFraction  0.8462159
   dunesFraction   0
   hillsMagn       0.8041835
   hillsFreq       12.16015
   hillsFraction   0.6099574
   hills2Fraction  -0.6099574
   canyonFraction  0
   craterMagn      0.2306031
   craterFreq      0.2283847
   craterDensity   0.7822534
   craterOctaves   9
   colorSea       (0.400, 0.400, 0.400, 0.000)
   colorShelf     (0.425, 0.425, 0.425, 0.000)
   colorBeach     (0.450, 0.450, 0.450, 0.000)
   colorDesert    (0.475, 0.475, 0.475, 0.000)
   colorLowland   (0.500, 0.500, 0.500, 0.000)
   colorUpland    (0.525, 0.525, 0.525, 0.000)
   colorRock      (0.550, 0.550, 0.550, 0.000)
   colorSnow      (0.575, 0.575, 0.575, 0.000)
   BumpHeight      1.935077
   SpecularBright  0
   SpecularPower   40
   DayAmbient      0.07
   Lommel          0.8
   Exposure        3.5

  NoClouds        true

  NoOcean         true

  NoAtmosphere    true

  NoAurora        true

  NoRings         true

  NoCometTail     true

   SemiMajorAxis   5.779356e-005
   Period          0.000582448
   Eccentricity    0
   Inclination     0.5406078
   AscendingNode   286.2882
   ArgOfPericenter 243.0893
   MeanAnomaly     145.4658
   RefPlane       "Equator"
RockoRocksDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 12:41 | Message # 2
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 674
Status: Offline
If you mean making that planet and it's moon a binary planet, you first have to create a barycenter and make the two objects orbit that barycenter. Note that if you want to make it a binary planet, you'll need to make that moon (in this case 'Nether') bigger and heavier (otherwise it would be unrealistic)

Like so:

I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM

Edited by RockoRocks - Sunday, 18.05.2014, 12:43
BetelgeuzeDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 12:43 | Message # 3
Space Pilot
Group: Banned
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
RockoRocks in SpaceEngine 0.971\catalogs\planets/Minecraft Sun.sc? Notepad?

Edited by Betelgeuze - Sunday, 18.05.2014, 12:46
RockoRocksDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 12:44 | Message # 4
World Builder
Group: Users
Messages: 674
Status: Offline
Quote Betelgeuze ()
RockoRocks in SpaceEngine 0.971\catalogs\planets/Minecraft Sun.sc? Notepad?

Yes, you just copy and paste that code into your .sc catalog file (in this case 'Minecraft Sun.sc')

I will be inactive on this forum for the time being. Might come back eventually

AMD AR-3305M APU w/ Radeon HD 1.90 GHz 6,00 GB RAM
BetelgeuzeDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 13:49 | Message # 5
Space Pilot
Group: Banned
Messages: 118
Status: Offline
Thanks You biggrin

the moon light spike flare.

The a Minecraft Sun! Star

Added (18.05.2014, 16:41)
This planet now with life! & change atmosphere Venus To Earth model & Add better clouds!

Why Planet Life?: in Minecraft there Steve and people on servers! biggrin

i will soon this moon will color red <nether>

soon more 1 dwarf moon like The End with barycenter

Added (18.05.2014, 16:49)
This planet there rivers and oceans!


Edited by Betelgeuze - Sunday, 18.05.2014, 13:51
HarbingerDawnDate: Sunday, 18.05.2014, 13:51 | Message # 6
Cosmic Curator
Group: Administrators
United States
Messages: 8717
Status: Offline
Betelgeuze, there is a thread here for how to make planets: http://en.spaceengine.org/forum/17-73-1 You should ask questions about it there.

You have been told about this several times now.

All forum users, please read this!
My SE mods and addons
Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
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