BUT I can't find the moon in current version of SE!
The moon looks fantastic with the hazy atmosphere settling in the craters (I am not referring to the detail demonstrated which is what the thread was about).
In Elbarto's second post on the linked page, he has included the location in the link to full size image.
This is the location: RS 8420-5-9-38481150-13 It should be 4th moon of 4th planet, denoted by 4.4.
In version 9.7 that star is binary and the moon is an asteroid type with no atmosphere. Other moons & planets in that system do not match either.
Can anyone else find that moon?
Images below show Elbarto's screenshot of moon and location.
Unfortunately, with every update of Space Engine, all of the locations change because of the way the engine generates planets, moons and structures also changes. This moon only exists in v0.95.
Thanks, I thought that would be the case. But if there was one then there will be more!
And apologies, I think I posted in wrong section - not a troubleshoot.
Added (10.04.2014, 20:22) --------------------------------------------- If anyone has found a similar moon or planet in current version of SE, could you please post the llocation.