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Procedural Planet Generation
EnkiDate: Thursday, 11.07.2013, 03:26 | Message # 1
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 67
Status: Offline
I'm trying to load a gas giant but I can't change the colors and the aurora doesn't show up. Perhaps I don't have an understanding of how colors are defined, but I kept changing the values and nothing happened. It stays a gray planet with a bit a red shading. Finally, I set the surface values to what SpaceEngineer had in his planet tutorial and it didn't look anything like the planet he got. It stayed exactly the same.

I cleared my cache everytime I tried this.

Also a sidenote: I want to change the temperature without the "greenhouse effect". What parameter do I add to atmosphere? I couldn't find it anywhere.



Planet    "Minerva"
  ParentBody     "Apollo"
  Class          "GasGiant"     // Class of a planet

  Radius          85790.4   // Radius in km
  Mass            572.04      // Mass in Earth's masses
  Oblateness      0.0785
  Albedo          .38        // Albedo
  AbsMagn         2.4
  Color         (200, 10, 10 ) //This one is different now because I tried Dec format.

  RotationPeriod  88        // Rotation period in hours
  RotationEpoch   2455400.5   // Epoch of rotatoin elements, Julian date - 2010-Jul-23
  Obliquity       3.1        // Obliquity of rotation axis in degrees

  EqAscendNode   -22.203
   BumpHeight      9.3     // Max height of landscape in km
         BumpOffset      0.3     // Offset of zero height level
   DiffMapAlpha   "Water"  // Mode of specular effect (flecks of sunlight)
         SpecularBright  20.0    // Brightness of specular spot
         SpecularPower   150.0   // Size of specular spot
         DayAmbient      3.0     // Brightness of fake daytime ambient light
         Lommel          0.0     // Lambert to Lommel-Seeliger lighting model ratio  
         Exposure        2.0     // Global surface brighness
         Life            false   // true, if there is life on the planet
   // Next are parameters for procedural surface generation
         Style           0.03865                 // Default color scheme
         Randomize      (0.669, 0.520, -0.672)   // Randomize vector
         mainFreq        0.0256  // Main noise frequency
         mainOctaves     8       // Number of octaves of main noise
         colorDistFreq   1.76344 // Color distorsion amplitude
         colorDistMagn   0.179   // Color distorsion frequency
   twistZones      12.095   // Number of Jupiter-like zones or strips
   twistMagn       0.752   // Strength of twist
   cycloneMagn     18.851  // Cyclones magnitude
   cycloneFreq     0.2897  // Cyclones frequency
   cycloneDensity  0.1037  // Cyclones density
   cycloneOctaves  1       // Number of cyclones octaves
      colorSea       (0.630000, 0.600000, 0.550000, 0.000000)
            colorShelf     (0.700000, 0.700000, 0.690000, 0.000000)
            colorBeach     (0.800000, 0.870000, 0.920000, 0.000000)
            colorDesert    (0.650000, 0.420000, 0.270000, 0.000000)
            colorLowland   (0.730000, 0.330000, 0.270000, 0.000000)
            colorUpland    (0.750000, 0.350000, 0.290000, 0.000000)
            colorLowPlants (0.730000, 0.330000, 0.270000, 0.000000)
            colorLowPlants (0.730000, 0.330000, 0.270000, 0.000000)
            colorRock      (0.900000, 0.550000, 0.290000, 0.000000)
            colorSnow      (0.950000, 0.590000, 0.220000, 0.000000)  

  // 9 cloud layers
  /*Clouds { }
  Clouds { }
  Clouds { }
  Clouds { }
  Clouds { }
  Clouds { }
  Clouds { }
  Clouds { }
  Clouds { } */

  /*Rings // Rings tag
   // Texture parameter is commented out, becuase this planet use procedural generation of texture
   //Texture         "Daedalus-rings.*"  // Rings texture
   InnerRadius      83000   // Inner raduis of rings system in km
   OuterRadius      165000  // Outer radius of rings system in km
   RotationPeriod   78    // Rings rotation period in hours
   RotationOffset   20.0    // Rings rotation phase in degrees
   FrontBright      1.0     // Direct lighting brightness
   BackBright       5.0     // Back lighting brightness (scattering)
   Density          1.0     // Density (opacity)
   Exposure         2.0     // Global brightness
  } */

   Model          "Jupiter"// Model of the atmosphere
   Height          750.0   // Height of the top boundary in km
   Bright          6.0    // Brightness (rendering parameter)
   Opacity         1.0     // Opacity (rendering parameter)
   SkyLight        1.0     // Brightness of skylight on terrain
   EclipseBright   100.0               // Brightness of solar eclipse shadow
   EclipseColor   (1.000 0.600 0.200)  // Color of solar eclipse shadow  
   Greenhouse   6000    // degrees K

   Height       1000   // km
         TopColor    (0.0 0.0 1.5)
         BottomColor (1.0 0.8 0.0)

   NorthLat     90    // degrees
   NorthLon     0     // degrees
   NorthRadius  8000  // km
   NorthWidth   6000  // km
   NorthRings   3     // number of rings
   NorthBright  1.0

   SouthLat    -90    // degrees
   SouthLon     0     // degrees
   SouthRadius  8000  // km
   SouthWidth   6000  // km
   SouthRings   3     // number of rings
   SouthBright  1.0

   RefPlane        "Ecliptic"  // Orbit reference plane
   Epoch           2816787.5    // Orbital parameters epoch, Julian date - Jan 01, 3000
   Period          3600    // Orbital period in years
   Eccentricity    0.975     // Eccentricity
   Inclination     15.56    // Inclination in degrees
   AscendingNode   144.26     // Longitude of ascending node in degrees
   // Next two are interchangeable: SemiMajorAxis = PericenterDist / (1.0 - Eccentricity)
   SemiMajorAxis   235   // Semimajor axis in astronomical unit
   PericenterDist  3.525   // Pericentric distanse in astronomical units
   // Next two are interchangeable: ArgOfPericen = LongOfPericen - AscendingNode
   ArgOfPericen    311.02      // (or ArgOfPericenter) Argument of pericenter in degrees
   LongOfPericen   95.28     // (or LongOfPericenter) Longitude of pericenter in degrees - ??? 311.02 + 144.26 - 360
   // Next two are interchangeable: MeanAnomaly = MeanLongitude - LongOfPericen
   MeanAnomaly     358.01  // Mean anomaly in degrees
   MeanLongitude   93.29    // Mean longitude in degrees - ??? 95.28 + 358.01 - 360

"If you arrive at a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand
"It may be that our purpose on Earth is not to find God, but to create him." - Arthur C. Clarke
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 11.07.2013, 09:35 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Enki, you may found that planet tutorial is for SE 0.95. Many parameters are changed since. You may use planet editor instead of creating the new script. Just found a planet you like to change, open editor, change parameters and export the script.

Quote (Enki)
Also a sidenote: I want to change the temperature without the "greenhouse effect". What parameter do I add to atmosphere? I couldn't find it anywhere.

Only Greenhouse parameter affects temperature. If you do not satisfy with it, you may change albedo of the planet, change its distance to sun, and change sun's luminosity.

Also, you may need to read the forum rules and find appropriate thread to post your questions instead of making a new one.

EnkiDate: Thursday, 11.07.2013, 11:18 | Message # 3
Group: Users
United States
Messages: 67
Status: Offline
Sorry if I posted in the wrong forum and thanks for the advice.

I couldn't find any options to change the color in the planet editor, but when I exported the script, I found several options that look like they should be for small, solid planets but the gas giants must generically use anyway. Now most of my gas giant is red. I will continue to tweak this and see what I get.

Thanks. smile

"If you arrive at a contradiction, check your premises. You will find that one of them is wrong." - Ayn Rand
"It may be that our purpose on Earth is not to find God, but to create him." - Arthur C. Clarke

Edited by Enki - Thursday, 11.07.2013, 11:36
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 11.07.2013, 15:19 | Message # 4
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Gas giants just uses the same parameters for coloring the cloud layers. Just think of them as elevation (colorSea - bottom layer, colorSnow - topmost).

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