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Post your travels
NeonDate: Friday, 10.06.2011, 17:34 | Message # 1
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
I hope some of you will post your own travels among the stars and other interesting places you find. I thought it good to add some general guidelines about posting images here: When posting images of your celestial objects, please remember to keep images at a reasonable size at ~800 x 640. This is mainly to benefit those of us who have small monitors, and don't want to constantly use the scroll bar to scroll right to view the missing part of the big picture.

Here's a few tips for images:

I don't use the SE Screenshot (as it includes the menu in the capture). The best way is when you get the screen how you want it, then just hit [PrntScrn] key on keyboard, and it'll copy the screen to the clipboard, ready to be pasted into MS Paint. Then you can open it in that program and resize it there.

Also remember, the site only has a total of 500Mb of storage data, so it would really help the forum if you would use a file-sharing site to upload your images to, then link them back here using the IMG or HTTP when creating a new a thread.

I use Photobucket for my image sharing, which is quick and easy, and is no hassle to register with. Here's the link, it's free:


Looking forward to seeing some of your space travels pictures smile

Appended by SpaceEngineer:

You can share your discoveries with us on the forum. Save your nice location in SpaceEngine by using the locations dialog box. Press F6 key to open it, then click on the 'Add' button, then choose a short name for the location and save it. Then go to SE 'config' folder and open the 'places.cfg' file in notepad. Go to the last line of text file and find the new location name that you just saved in F6 box. Then Copy/paste its code from there and post here at the forum for other players to add to their own 'places.cfg' file. Example is shown here below:


Place    "Nice desert"
         Body    "RS 8404-1133-7-1480665-107 5"
         Parent    ""
         Pos  (-5.499040858979766e-011, 6.542405681193211e-011, -6.028409310184691e-011)
         Rot  (-0.004700984548818598, -0.2674292520678755, 0.919011746854572, -0.2896150980629232)
         Date    "2012.01.04 09:02:38.61"
         Vel  7.0930772e-015
         Mode    1

Then anybody can copy this text from the forum and paste it into their own 'journal.cfg,' then open F6 menu in SpaceEngine and select the exact same location. Try this out with the code that I posted here above. This is the desert planet in Scorpius smile

Another way is to do the same with the autopilot journal log (hit Tab key to open it). It's saved in the 'journal.cfg,' but it cannot save precise location of the camera, only the name of the object and the visit date.

SpaceEngineerDate: Saturday, 11.06.2011, 10:54 | Message # 2
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Why don't you use built-in screenshot saver? And the menu you talked about: Just press F11 key, then you have the screenshot in the screenshots/ folder. You can disable GUI before taking a screenshot by pressing ~ several times.

UPD: If you take screenshots by pressing item in the main menu, then menu gets drawn in to screenshot. Use F11 key instead of menu item.

UPD2: I forgot to make menu auto-close and then write the screenshot. You can use menu items to take shots, but menu can't be drawn into screenshot smile

* last paragraph needs rewording

NeonDate: Saturday, 11.06.2011, 19:50 | Message # 3
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
Yes but the problem with that is that you get the screenshot with the menu showing.
I'd prefer a screenshot without it smile

Hmmm welll everytime I've done it the menu shows?
TuskinDate: Saturday, 11.06.2011, 21:26 | Message # 4
Space Pilot
Group: Users
Messages: 94
Status: Offline
"f11" is the screenshot key, it places a screenshot in the screenshot folder. The "Main" config you can change the screenshot format. "~" disables the Writing on the screen.
SpaceEngineerDate: Sunday, 12.06.2011, 13:00 | Message # 5
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Quote (Neon)
Yes but the problem with that is that you get the screenshot with the menu showing. I'd prefer a screenshot without it

I wrote in my last post that I made menu auto hide then you click "save screenshot" item and then save a screenshot. But the better way is to use F11 hotkey to save screenshot. Don't you have an F11 key on your keyboard? smile


NeonDate: Sunday, 12.06.2011, 20:25 | Message # 6
Group: SE team
Messages: 208
Status: Offline
Ahhh good... thanks didn't know that smile lol
matty406Date: Monday, 26.09.2011, 19:10 | Message # 7
Group: Users
United Kingdom
Messages: 77
Status: Offline
Here's a warm terra I've just visited.

Also in original resolution here
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