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Troubleshooting and bug reports - SpaceEngine
SpaceEngineerDate: Thursday, 26.12.2013, 00:29 | Message # 1
Author of Space Engine
Group: Administrators
Russian Federation
Messages: 4800
Status: Offline
Please post here all of your reports about bugs or crashes in SpaceEngine. Before you post any bugs, please follow these steps:

  • Read the Fixing common issues section below. It is possible that your problem can be solved there.
  • Read the List of known issues section below and make sure that your bugs are not on in it. You can use your browser's word finder to help search the list.
  • If the bug is not on the list then please post it in this thread. Attach to your message a screenshot (if possible) and a log file (it's called the se.log and is located in the SpaceEngine/system/ directory). Only the log file will help me to understand your problem and find a solution!

    Fixing common issues

    1) Obsolete or incompatible drivers
    These are the most frequent errors found in SE. You will get a popup window with one of these following messages:

    - "You have old OpenGL version (2.1.1). Update your graphics card driver or install compatible hardware"

    - "You have old GLSL version (1.2). Update your graphics card driver or install compatible hardware"

    - "Critical extensions missing: GL_ARB_vertex_program GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object"

    - "Error loading surface generator shaders. Press YES to run program with procedural planets disabled. Press NO to exit"

    Download and install latest drivers for your video card. If you still get this message, it could be that you have an incompatible video card (see next paragraph).

    [CRITICAL NOTE] Some recent NVidia drivers are incompatible with SE. Symptoms are flashing planet images on the screen when you open the F2 menu (see the spoiler), missing lens flares, grayed out options for HDR and FXAA in the Graphics settings menu, and other glitches. The errors in the se.log are look like this:

    If you have run into these problems, update to at least 344.65, or roll back to earlier than 337.xx.

    But you still can try and run SpaceEngine by disabling checking of critical errors at startup. Open main.cfg and change value of this parameter to 'true':

    IgnoreCriticalCheck true // ignore checking of OpenGL version and critical extensions supporting

    NOTE: I can give no guaranties that SpaceEngine will be stable and work correctly if you do make this change.

    If you have an "Error loading surface generator shaders" error and press Yes, SpaceEngine can run, but it will not be able to render procedural planetary landscapes.

    After updating or rollback of the drivers, you must delete the cache folder in the SpaceEngine directory.

    2) Weak system
    Most of the forum posts I receive are from users that report an inability to start SpaceEngine, This is because those users have inbuilt Intel graphics card, or some old GeForce 5700 series, or not a proper "gaming" laptop. There is no way but to update your hardware system. There are no plans to make a second version of the engine for weaker systems with simplified graphics, CPU texture generation, etc. It would be like coding another engine from scratch. Once again, I would remind everyone that the minimum system requirements can be found on the Home page, but I will mention it here as well:

    CPU 2.0 GHz
    RAM 2 Gb
    Video GeForce 8600, Radeon HD 2600
    vRAM 512 Mb

    I stress that the special role played by videocard onboard memory (vRAM). 512 MB is the absolute minimum. The engine uses a large amount of data that must be in video memory (textures, meshes, vbo, etc). If your system meets the recommended requirements, the engine will work, because its development is made for this hardware:

    CPU 3.0 GHz
    RAM 4 Gb
    Video GeForce 9800 GTX, ATI Mobility HD 5730
    vRAM 1024 Mb

    You can try to start the engine with some OpenGL extensions disabed, if your hardware does not support them: frame buffer objects (FBO), half floats, float textures and 3D textures. Information about this is written at the beginning of the log (SpaceEngine/system/se.log), after the list of extensions:

    Framebuffer objects supported
    Half floats suppoted
    Floating-point pixel format: GL_RGBA16F_ARB
    3D textures suppoted

    If the log reads 'unsupported, then the extension is not supported and the engine will disable itself. If it seems to support float and 3D textures, but the atmosphere of planets has some monstrous bottleneck, such as the GeForce 6200 and GeForce 6600, then it is best to disable those extensions forcibly. This is done in the file config/main.cfg:

    IgnoreFBO false // disable framebuffer objects
    IgnoreHalfFloat false // disable half floats
    IgnoreFloatTextures false // disable float textures
    Ignore3DTextures false // disable 3D textures
    IgnoreShaderBinary false // disable binary shaders cache
    IgnoreCriticalCheck false // ignore checking of OpenGL version and critical extensions supporting

    - The Milky Way and other nearby galaxies and nebulae use FBO. HDR rendering mode also use FBO. Disabling it disables the 3D models of galaxies and nebulae, and disables HDR mode.
    - Atmospheres using float and 3D textures. Disabling any of them disables the atmosphere. HDR rendering mode uses a float textures, disabling them disables HDR.
    - Shader binary cache reduces lags on loading shaders. Works normally on NVidia, onr ATI and Intel it disabled automatically after first laubch of SpaceEngine.

    If you have a Intel HD graphics card, it is better to disable asynchronous loading in the main.cfg as well:

    LoaderMode 2 // loader mode: 0 = immediate, 1 = interleaved, 2 = asynchronous

    3) System with hybrid graphics (NVidia/ATI + Intel HD)
    If you're running SE on a laptop with dual graphics, make sure SE runs on NVidia or ATI chip instead of Intel HD. You may see it in the beginning of "SpaceEngine/system/se.log" file. If it says:

    Vendor: Intel
    Renderer: Intel® HD Graphics 4000

    then you should open NVidia Control Panel or ATI Catalyst and force SpaceEngine.exe run on NVidia/ATI graphics card. If you do not found SpaceEngine profile there, create a new one.

    4) Crashing in the interstellar or intergalactic space or after appearing of the nebula in the view field
    If you open the "SpaceEngine/system/se.log" file after a crash, and it ends up with line like this:

    Creating nebula model "cache/models/nebulae/M42.nm",

    then try to disable asynchronous loading of a resources. Open the file config/main.cfg with the Notepad and change this parameter to 1:

    LoaderMode 1 // loader mode: 0 = immediate, 1 = interleaved, 2 = asynchronous

    After that, delete the cache folder from the SpaceEngine directory. Performance will drop while flying between a stars and galaxies, but stability may be improved. After a while, all models of galaxies and nebulae a being be generated, and you may enable asynchronous loading back (set up LoaderMode 2).

    5) Spaceship disappear when far from a star
    It is not a bug. Current version have not yet completed spaceships rendering system - they cannot be rendered if there is no stars or planets in the renderlist. Just imagine that ship becomes invisible in interstellar flight smile

    6) Blurry textures on Solar system planets
    It is not a bug. Our Solar system planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and its satellites) have no procedural textures, only real ones with limited level-of-detail. You can download addons with high resolution textures to increase level of detail of real planets.

    7) Artifacts on procedural planets
    If you get missing landscape blocks, blurry or blinking textures, random spikes sticking out of surface, check out these recommendations here:

    a) If you have a laptop with hybrid graphics, read the paragraph 3.

    b) Make sure that you make a "clean" installation of SE. If you install a new version overwriting the old one, you may get many bugs and glitches. If you get some glitches after the patch is installed, remove the folder called cache from SpaceEngine's directory.

    c) If this does not help, read the paragraph 8.

    8) Frequent crashing while generating planetary surface
    If you have frequent crashes on planets, or get an "OUT OF MEMORY" message on screen, or "Unexpected deleting of child node" in the log file, try taking these steps first:

  • Close any other programs that can consume the video memory (games, video players, graphics editors, etc.). SpaceEngine is not a small flash type game, video memory is the most important resource for it. It may help to disable the Windows Aero theme too, as it consumes a lot of video memory.
  • Disable "3D water" in Graphics settings (Ctrl-F4)
  • Reduce "Landscape LOD" to -2 in Graphics settings (Ctrl+F4)
  • Set up the amount of video memory in the main.cfg file:

    VideoMemorySize 2048 // video card onboard memory (VRAM) in megabytes

    The value must not be less than 1024, but not more than the total amount of physical video memory plus amount of RAM. For example, if you have a graphics card with 1024 MB of video memory, and more than 2 GB of RAM, you can increase VideoMemorySize to 2048.

    List of known issues

    Green items have been fixed for the next release

    Not real bugs, but effects caused by limitations in the engine:
    - Ships do not render in interstellar space
    - Star catalog has many errors in star classification, so there are many "giant dwarfs" and "dwarf giants"
    - Many real binary stars rendered as single, and many single rendered as binary - SE simply have incomplete catalog of binary stars
    - An unwanted star (sprite) is visible in the barycenter of a binary star from distance greater than 0.01 pc
    - Comet nucleus star-sprite will shine through planets [example].
    - Galaxy/nebula sprites will rotate when seen from certain angles
    - Auroras, comet tails and rings can be rendered in front of ships/moons sometimes
    - Lens flares are distorted by gravitational lensing (black holes and ship warp drive effect)
    - Text editor for Wiki descriptions is not working - it is not implemented yet
    - Solar system moons don't have extremely accurate orbits (requires implementation of custom orbit models, e.g. VSOP-87)
    - Sunspot distribution is not always realistic
    - Ocean tag not yet implemented in planet editor
    - Rounding errors (e.g. 30° in catalog rounds to 29°59'59.99" displayed on HUD)
    - Ship retro engines have not been implemented yet

    Real bugs:
    - Too many planets with life (panspermia issue)
    - Oceanias have landscapes above water
    - Several bugs with the planet editor
    - Changing "modes" between simulation and orbital when piloting ships can cause glitches
    - Few issues with asynchronous loading (stars don't always generate properly, especially when flying to new galaxies)
    - Holes in some giant stars when camera is directly above a very tall spot [example]
    - Flashing landscape LOD on a planet when Wiki for it is displayed
    - Star clusters not displayed in Wiki
    - GUI response issues with some users (interface items glitchy or not respond easily)
    - GUI toolbars may completely disappear when pressing pin button while half-hidden
    - Deep space objects (e.g. stars, galaxies) will shine through planets when HDR for DSO is off, but HDR is on and Bloom is on [example]
    - Some neutron stars can have very low temperatures [example]
    - Flickering flare color in close binary systems [example]
    - Auto-exposure does not react when a sun is blocked while diffraction spikes are set to normal or super
    - Planet rings have an unrealistic color palette
    - "Eclipse bug" on distant planets (weird dark shimmering on outer planet caused by inner planet crossing the sun or two suns eclipsing)
    - Cloud cyclones have cut edges sometimes
    - Level horizon command (End key) doesn't work properly on oblate objects
    - Problems when releasing Left + Right click
    - Lines or junctures are visible on planetary surface
    - Switching to fullscreen doesn't work sometimes
    - Weird behavior of movement keys in tracking mode (T) and after releasing it
    - Automatic reference object setting with spacecraft doesn't always choose the best object (for example, when near dwarf moons or debris asteroids close to a planet you are trying to orbit)
    - 3D water fog sometimes starts above the water surface
    - Problems with the skybox export interface, and with the planetarium after using it, for some users
    - Music player will unpause when SE window is minimized and restored, or when entering and exiting the main menu
    - If a galaxy model is selected, the camera is not following any object, and the program is in Edit Mode, closing and restarting the program will cause the WASDRF movement keys to behave incorrectly until the camera is set to follow an object
    - "Crop orbits" in the Map mode doesn't work
    - Spaceship and lens flare textures do not load when loader mode is set to "Immediate"
    - Visual atmosphere heights are inconsistently and unrealistically generated
    - Physical atmosphere properties are inconsistently and unrealistically generated, and are not tied to the visual models
    - Dwarf moons can be generated on colliding orbits
    - Moons are never generated with retrograde orbits
    - Bugs with the surfaces of carbon stars and zirconium stars
    - Cyclones are not generated in the southern hemispheres of gas giants
    - Sometimes, worlds which are too small are classed as "selena" when they should be classed as asteroid
    - Shimmering bloom splotch when very close to the surface of a planet [example]
    - CW/CCW rotation keys for ship in atmosphere are reversed
    - Mouse axis inversion settings for spaceship controls are not saved
    - Z faces are switched when exporting skyboxes (pos_Z is really neg_Z)
    BedantPDate: Monday, 15.09.2014, 14:59 | Message # 691
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 2
    Status: Offline
    Finally, tears are rolling on my eyes. My favorite game, SpaceEngine, was not compatible with any NVidia driver above 337.xx as listed above. I just signed up exclusively to say that guys, the 340.82 drivers work with it. The game does not experience any glitches other than HDR and other options grayed out. So it somewhat works. I will test further and inform you guys.

    [UPDATE] It's back. The problem was I could not see the Sun/Sol. But the last time I opened it, I swear I saw the sun. I am starting to hate NVIDIA. BTW, SpaceEngineer, can you please explain what's happening?

    Edited by BedantP - Monday, 15.09.2014, 15:12
    chromatic9Date: Friday, 19.09.2014, 23:24 | Message # 692
    Group: Users
    United Kingdom
    Messages: 166
    Status: Offline
    Quote BedantP ()
    SpaceEngineer, can you please explain what's happening?

    Yes, please can you explain SpaceEngineer

    nvidia have today released whql 344.11 but I get the same issues that was talked about by me and many users on the recent drivers like flashing planets, crashes when clicking on planetarium.

    People said to have contacted nvidia about opengl issues and space engine not working, they were supposed to be fixed with 344.11.

    I suspect Space Engine has to be updated. Wasn't there some major opengl changes recently?

    I can't use the older drivers anymore so I sadly can't use Space Engine.

    i7 930 3.8GHz, GTX 970, 6GB DDR3
    SpaceEngineerDate: Friday, 19.09.2014, 23:40 | Message # 693
    Author of Space Engine
    Group: Administrators
    Russian Federation
    Messages: 4800
    Status: Offline
    Latest drivers has introduced strange changes in the GLSL shading language syntax (not really syntax, but restriction on order of some preprocessor directives and settings commands). This result error in compilation of some shaders, including HDR, FXAA, sun lens flare and planet preview render. It is impossible to simply update the source code of these shaders, because SE generates some parts of code (version string and other) after they being loaded. So solution is rolling back to 337. By the way, even my current developing version (with fixed shaders) show weird behaviour with 339 and later drivers. The stars generation is extremely lag, delays up to 16 seconds! In some reason, and all loader threads that generated start are blocking each other and the renderer thread. So I rolling back to 337. NVidia made something very wrong in its drivers.

    erinetetenorioDate: Tuesday, 23.09.2014, 21:51 | Message # 694
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 2
    Status: Offline
    for me is pretty inconvenient roll back to older drivers because it affects other games I play.
    the only solution is to wait, as I am doing for more than a month cry cry
    n0b0dyDate: Wednesday, 24.09.2014, 10:49 | Message # 695
    Group: Users
    Messages: 297
    Status: Offline
    Quote SpaceEngineer ()
    - Automatic reference object setting with spacecraft doesn't always choose the best object (for example, when near dwarf moons or debris asteroids close to a planet you are trying to orbit)

    Is the above bug fixed for the next version?:

    quoted from the work progress thread:

    Quote SpaceEngineer ()
    Fixed automatic binding to a planet after controlling a spacecraft

    Sorry if this is wrong thread to post such question sad
    HarbingerDawnDate: Wednesday, 24.09.2014, 13:21 | Message # 696
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Quote n0b0dy ()
    Is the above bug fixed for the next version?

    No, at least not yet. He was referring to something different there.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    washburnclan1Date: Monday, 06.10.2014, 16:27 | Message # 697
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 3
    Status: Offline
    All my stars are quite dark. I see tons of pictures of them with lens flare and it doesnt seem to be like that on mine.

    I tried messing with the lens flare option but none of the options seem to have any effect.

    How do I do this?
    HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 06.10.2014, 16:41 | Message # 698
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Read the OP of this thread, especially the red text in item #1. You should have posted in that thread as well. Please read the forum rules before posting.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    washburnclan1Date: Monday, 06.10.2014, 18:44 | Message # 699
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 3
    Status: Offline
    So is this an issue that Space Engineer himself has to work on, or do we just need to wait for nvidia to fix stuff?
    HarbingerDawnDate: Monday, 06.10.2014, 18:55 | Message # 700
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Probably the former. But if Nvidia releases better drivers before the next version of SE comes out then that would be nice too.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    washburnclan1Date: Tuesday, 07.10.2014, 00:19 | Message # 701
    Group: Newbies
    Messages: 3
    Status: Offline
    I heard a bit of distressing info on the subreddit.

    > No, the developer no longer provides updates or support on it.

    Is this true?

    I dont want to sound entitled but I probably wouldnt have donated money yesterday if I knew that. :/

    I hope this isnt the case
    HarbingerDawnDate: Tuesday, 07.10.2014, 00:31 | Message # 702
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Of course that's not true, I have no idea why the guy said that. SE is just as much in development now as it has ever been, and there's no indication that that will change.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
    ZargabDate: Wednesday, 08.10.2014, 03:36 | Message # 703
    Group: Users
    Messages: 13
    Status: Offline
    Planets and moons sometimes switch to a plain grey color and back when approaching from or leaving the surface to space. It generally seems to happen when the body is just about filling the screen. Is this a know phenomenon?

    I reinstalled SE a couple of times now, so that should not be the issue.

    Quote FastFourierTransform ()

    1.- Increase the magnitude of Galaxies

    2.- Do an extremely tiny FOV

    3.- Profit biggrin

    Then you will see like Hubble Deep Field (because this steps are what Hubble's do to see all the far away galaxies toghether)

    This is a fast try I made for you. The FOV is like 9' (minutes of arc). You can apreciate the shape of at least 8 galaxies.

    I just wanted to update my story with recent experiences. I reinstalled SpaceEngine as it is unclear to me how to reset the software to default settings. Somehow this changed the behaviour of the galaxies too. Where before I needed get to get close to a galaxy before it would show more than a dot and stay like that, the transition is much more fluent now. Before they really only popped into existence when the camera came right next them, now galaxies seem to be a little more natural.

    This seems to indicate my experience before was indeed abnormal, and I am happy that things work a little better now. I am not sure what changed though.

    Updated: SpaceEngine just did something similar again, though this time simply restarting helped. Instead of actually seeing galaxy models close up, the stars dim as usual, but there is no galaxy model, just empty space. Alternatively, sometimes there is a fairly undefined point of light with a fuzzy glow around it instead of a galaxy.

    I am not sure what is going on there, but it appear something occasionally goes wrong with the model loading.

    Edited by Zargab - Wednesday, 08.10.2014, 06:26
    QuarkDate: Friday, 10.10.2014, 19:28 | Message # 704
    Group: Users
    Messages: 13
    Status: Offline
    Hello everyone.

    I wanted to ask.

    How come that when overflying the planet Jupiter, the program slows down heavily ....

    Mainboard ASUS ... Processor Intel i7 3Ghz ... RAM 16GB DDR3 Corsair Dominator ... Graphics Card Asus GeForce 780GTX Direct CU II .....
    HarbingerDawnDate: Friday, 10.10.2014, 19:54 | Message # 705
    Cosmic Curator
    Group: Administrators
    United States
    Messages: 8717
    Status: Offline
    Maybe because it's loading textures, though that should be the case on almost all planets.

    All forum users, please read this!
    My SE mods and addons
    Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM