I have the following issue:
"Venture" is a custom created planet but as you can see, it simply doesn't show up. There's nothing there. This screenshot was taken from as close as possible. If I zoom even a bit closer, the whole screen becomes completely black. If I zoom back again, I see this.
This problem seems to occur only with planets that have a comet-like tail, as you can see in the screenshot. Other planets display just fine.
Any idea what this could be? I suspect a graphical glitch of some kind, but I have no idea how to fix it. Twiddling with the graphics settings didn't help.
Oh and just to be sure, here's the planet's script:
Planet "Venture"
ParentBody "Kruger 60 A"
Class "Desert"
Radius 11000
Mass 4.4749
Albedo 1.05
icecapLatitude 0.33
RotationPeriod 3072 // Rotation period in hours
Obliquity 38 // Obliquity of rotation axis in degrees
Atmosphere // Atmosphere tag
Model "Earth" // Model of the atmosphere
Pressure 1.36 // Surface pressure in bars
Greenhouse 28 // Greenhouse effect in degrees
Orbit // Orbit tag
Period 0.3507 // Orbital period in years
SemiMajorAxis 0.3409 // Semimajor axis in astronomical units