In the spirit of a fair vote, I am spoilering my selection until the voting period ends. Don't look until you have voted for yourself or are abstaining!
1: Buddy McFlurry I have a soft spot for blue terras with rings, and Buddy's planet is beautiful and has great landforms. The fact that it has six moons, exists in a system with a white dwarf companion, which itself is in a global cluster, is icing on the cake.
2: Neutronium76 Very nice bright blue color on this one, and a spectacular view of its parent gas giant and other moons. The system is very rich and the other stellar component also has a terra with life. Nice find.
3: Voekoevaka What's this? A vote for a terra that isn't blue? Yes, I love this one because its so different yet no less photogenic. Check out the surface terrain on it; there is incredible variety and detail. It's almost like a beefed-up version of Mars, with oceans and a thicker atmosphere, but no apparent life to be found. Would be a cool place to visit.
Honorable Mention: For Talisman's first planet choice, because look at doze widdle wings it haz its sooo cuuuute! :senile:
Quote (HarbingerDawn)
Watsisname, on neither my vanilla nor custom installs does your world have life, so something weird must be going on there.
This has happened to me as well when I look at other people's planets that have life for them -- they do not always have life for me. (Indeed I noticed this when I looked at a few planets posted in this challenge.) I don't know what causes this; I have a vanilla installation. :confused:
Edited by Watsisname - Saturday, 30.03.2013, 02:33
The only thing I can think of that would cause a different distribution of life would be having not (properly) installed the patch, but I'm inclined to doubt that that's the case here...
Here are my votes, also spoilered
I vote for neutronium76, Talisman, and midtskogen.
All forum users, please read this! My SE mods and addons Phenom II X6 1090T 3.2 GHz, 16 GB DDR3 RAM, GTX 970 3584 MB VRAM
The only thing I can think of that would cause a different distribution of life would be having not (properly) installed the patch, but I'm inclined to doubt that that's the case here...
That's what it is! I'm on a relatively new computer and when I installed SE I completely forgot about the patch. I applied it right now to check and indeed the planet doesn't have life now. Dang. Ah well, at least everything else about it is identical, and it's cool to know that at least in some alternate universe it evolved into a lush world.
Very nice finds from all participants! Difficult to decide.. Here is my vote:
1. midtskogen. Given the time and circumstances you encountered, this is a remarkable find! 2. InterstellarOtter. Really nice find and welcome to the forum! 3. LiveLife42. Nice location and color variation!
I also liked Talisman's older find (The one with no location code included i a spoiler).
1. Watsisname - Perhaps a bit cliché kind of alien world, but I liked it. 2. Toty - nice balance of ocean and land, looks interesting, but no planet name? 3. Buddy McFlurry - good diversity.
Edited by midtskogen - Saturday, 30.03.2013, 20:14
Talisman - Lots of small islands which aren't just flat. They are mountainous and it looks beautiful.
LiveLife42 - Great colours, beautiful mountain regions and amazing nightsky.
Voekoevaka - I really didn't expect to see a planet like this in this challenge, but here it is and it's amazing. And that ring visible from the surface is a nice bonus.
So many awesome terras... even with three votes, it's hard to choose.
Voekoevaka - This one certainly stands out. I love the intense reddish-orange glow of the atmosphere, the colorful nearby nebula, the rings, the snow-capped mountains and how much of the rest of the system you can see from the surface.
neutronium76 - Stunning view of the parent gas giant, eclipse shadow from its inner moon and even the galactic disc itself from above! I also like the tint the night side takes on.
Buddy_McFlurry - Very interesting distribution of islands/continents, plenty of mountains around the equator. Great sense of scale also, as with the massive lake and snow-capped mountain range in your surface shot.
Edited by InterstellarOtter - Monday, 01.04.2013, 07:57